Tootles - Thane

Thane's Staff Application

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In-game name(s): 
TK-3245 Thane, Thane Nkari
Steam Name: 

Steam ID: 

Age when applying: 

What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: 

Northern Ireland. BST.
Can you speak and type English fluently:

Yes. Might sound a bit inbred but all Northern Irish do.
Current total game-time on the server:

I believe this is not currently obtainable due to server status.

IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on IRP: 
68th Lieutenant, User.
Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: 

I own a working microphone and I speak for a majority of the time
When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:

I’ve played for a few months before IRP became IORP, then I took a 2 week break just before the start of august and I’ve been back since the 9th.
How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, IRP Discord and our forums:

TS and discord almost everyday and I check the forums every so often to see what’s new.

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns:
Currently unobtainable however I do not recall any warns or bans I have received.

State the role of staff on the server:
Staff are to ensure that players are following the server rules and that anyone breaking them is punished according to punishment guidelines as well as setting an example for other players as to how they should conduct themselves on the server. They are also to help players by fulfilling claims made in-game that are within their capabilities.

Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?
Yes and yes.

List of all previous server staff experience:

Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:

Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other Imperials:
I would check logs for the player that has been accused and see if it supports those claims. If it does I would bring the player to a sit and ask for their side of the story as well as any possible evidence to support it. Depending on their story and evidence provided I would warn or ban them appropriately to the severity of the situation or if they appeared to be innocent I would talk to the player that accused them and verbally warn them that purposefully wasting staff time again could result in a formal warning.

2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function:
I would ask in OOC if any NCOs needed their minimums and would like to take the cadet and failing that I would attempt to get the appropriate higher ranks to select someone to attend to the cadet. Failing all else I would TP the lowest JNCO rank to the cadet and ask them if they have time to take the cadet and I would work my way up until someone was able to.

3 ) During a debrief, a ST accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon:
If it was clearly an accident firing one or two shots I would let it be dealt with in-character however if it was clearly an attempt at RDM I would physgun the player away to avoid further harm to the RP situation and deal with them according to punishment guidelines.

4 ) A ST #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT:
I would first come to terms with 2nd LT not existing anymore and then I would remind the ST in character as it is not an OOC rule and should not be dealt with as such.

5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules:
I would explain to them that it is stated in server rules that not all instances of FailRP are written down however you should use common sense to understand what is and is not considered FailRP.

6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing:
I would do my best to help them understand what they did and possibly bring in another staff member if available to help them understand that it is not just myself being biased or unfair however if they continued to argue I would explain to them that staff decision is final and if they would like to appeal it they can take it to the forums

Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member:

I may not have been one of the OG Imperial roleplay players when the server released as at the time I had been more focused on maintaining my rank as Jedi Master on clone wars but since taking my leave from that server I have found that I have had much more fun in my time on IRP both pre and post IORP update due to the people I found myself playing with in both ST and 68th and while the server has suffered some issues with player count and activity I have done my best to stick by the playerbase to help bolster numbers and keep the IRP dream alive and now I would like the opportunity to take it a step further and support the T-RP community as a member of the staff team.

While I have no formal staff experience on Garry's mod I have had many mates during my four years as part of the Werwolf gaming community that have been either staff or event planner on both clone wars and NRP and during my time with them they have helped me understand the patience and knowledge required to fulfil the role of staff. Through this I also have attained some basic understanding of SAMS, ULX and BLogs that may not hold up to the knowledge of people that have previously been staff  but it may give me some slight benefit to learning these tools completely from scratch. 

Despite what I have said prior I believe that overall a combination of my ranks both past and present showing a solid level of trustworthiness, my strong desire to learn new systems instead of strongly relying on prior knowledge from different servers and my belief that T-RP could stand on its own feet rather than relying on formulas and structures set out by CWRP and pre-update IRP are the biggest reasons that I should stand out over other applicants and deserve to be on the staff team.


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Seems eger and keen to join the staff team. His Jedi master role on clonewars shows he is a solid part of the werwolf community.
havent had any bad interactions with him IC/during staff times

IRP Ranks




Purge commander



Purge Trooper(honorary role)


Staff Ranks

Irp event planner

Iorp snr. Mod

T-RP Senior Admin

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Make this man staff already
He's from Norn Iron
Chill guy and serious when needs be
All around good guy

Current Ranks : IRP Senior Administrator, ISB Member

Previous Ranks Fleet Warrant Officer, Sith Lord, ISB Agent, Trooper EP,
Sith EP, Jedi Warlock, JT Commando Medic Colonel, Purge Sergeant Major HMO 1402, Jedi Historian, 74th DMO, 501st VC, Jedi Lead Honour Guard [Master], Wolfpack EXO

Meme Thread - General Discussion - Werwolf


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+1 homosexual





-=Current Ranks Within Werwolf Gaming=-

-In Character-

{WW2 Berlin RP} Oberleutnant d. Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Kompanie 'Caesar'

{Half Life RP} CP:C24-UNION-06

{Half Life RP} Civil Medical Union Senior Doctor

-Out Of Character-

{HLRP} Moderator

Platinum VIP

Diamond VIP

PAC3 Access



-=Previous Ranks Within Werwolf Gaming=-

{WW2 Berlin RP} Hauptmann u. Kompaniechef der Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Kompanie 'Caesar'

{WW2 Berlin RP} Hauptfunker d. Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Kompanie 'Caesar'

{WW2 Berlin RP} Zugführer d. Ehrenwache

{WW2 Berlin RP} NSDAP Hauptamt Amtsleiter

{WW2 Berlin RP} Leutnant der Ordnungspolizei

{WW2 Berlin RP} Kapitan der Verkehrspolizei

{WW2 Berlin RP} Hauptmann u. Chef d. Heeresverwaltung

{WW2 Berlin RP} Justiz Richter

{WW2 Berlin RP} Sturm-Abteilung Sturmführer

{WW2 Berlin RP} Consortium Enforcer / Chaplain

{WW2 Berlin RP} Honorary Member/Operative of the S.J.B.O | KPD

{WW2 Berlin RP} Amt-Rosenberg Staatsbeamte u. Hauptbereitschaftsleiter

{WW2 Berlin RP} Jagdgeschwader III Unterfeldwebel der Luftwaffe

{Clone Wars RP} Clone Guards Temporary Commander

{Clone Wars RP} Clone Guards Vice Commander (2020)

{Clone Wars RP} Clone Guards Vice Commander (2nd Time) (2022)

{Clone Wars RP} Professional Standards Department Lead Officer

{Clone Wars RP} Galactic Marines Lieutenant Colonel

{Clone Wars RP}  Detainment Droid

{Clone Wars RP} Temple Guard

{Clone Wars RP} Jedi Warden

{Clone Wars RP} CT Vice Commander (Geovani Era)

{Clone Wars RP} CT Drill Sergeant

{Clone Wars RP} 74th Advanced Medic

{Clone Wars RP} Green Company Captain

{Clone Wars RP} CE Flight Trained Drill Sergeant Major

{Imperial RP} Storm Trooper

{Imperial RP} Shock Troopers 2nd Lieutenant

{Imperial RP} Rebel Alliance Clone Force 99 Wrecker

{Imperial RP} Rebel Alliance Clone Force 99 Echo

{Imperial RP} Rebel Alliance Clone Force 99 Tech

{Imperial RP} Rebel Alliance Clone Force 99 Hunter

{Imperial RP} Imperial Security Bureau Agent

{Imperial RP} Imperial Times Editor

{Imperial RP} Tatooine Security Master Sergeant

{Imperial RP} Imperial Government Planetary Analyst

{Imperial RP} Tatooine Security Riot Control Enforcer

{WW2 Berlin RP} Stv. Hauptamtsleiter u. Stv. Gaupropagandaleiter des NSDAP

{WW2 Berlin RP} Consortium Operator

{WW2 Berlin RP} 7.SS Oberscharführer

{WW2 Berlin RP} Amt für Finanz Obereinzsatsleiter

{WW2 Berlin RP} SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt Untersturmführer

{WW2 Berlin RP} 2.SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich' Unterscharführer

{WW2 Berlin RP} Feldwebel des Feldgendarmerie Trupp-Großdeutchland "Kompanie Richard"

{WW2 Berlin RP} Honorary Underground Operative of the SPD / Iron Front

{WW2 Berlin RP}Honorary Leadership and Ambassador of the SPD / Iron Front

{WW2 Berlin RP}Scaletta Crime Family Associate

{WW2 Berlin RP} Bulgarian Embassy Member

{WW2 Berlin RP} Swiss Embassy Buero Ha Operative

{WW2 Berlin RP} Moderator

{WW2 Berlin RP} Night Staff

{WW2 Berlin RP} Senior Event Planner

{WW2 Berlin RP} Discord Moderator

{Clone Wars RP} Event Planner




Rittenhouse my beloved.

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8 hours ago, Panzer - Dājirin said:

Hey Tootles buddy could you remind us what happened to that?

I resigned on strike (got arrested for saying "No problem big teeth" to GA Lewis) with permission from Solaire who was Yoda at that time as I knew I was going to get a second strike for messing around too much during a debrief.

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On 9/4/2022 at 10:24 PM, Tootles said:

I resigned on strike (got arrested for saying "No problem big teeth" to GA Lewis) with permission from Solaire who was Yoda at that time as I knew I was going to get a second strike for messing around too much during a debrief.

Odd, i could swear force push was involved.

Anyway, +1.


can be incredibly annoying and take things too far sometimes though 

Edited by Panzer - Dājirin
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On 9/3/2022 at 10:47 PM, Tootles said:

Yes. Might sound a bit inbred but all Northern Irish do.


Massive +1 Make this man staff already


Vice Admiral Jay Murphy
Senior Administrator 


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Thanes is active and kind and deserves a shot

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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I dont know Thane that well, but i have only seen good things from him. And based of the all the other +1s i reckon he would make a great addition to the staff team.

Current ranks


ISF Sec. Sup. Lt. COL

Vice Manager

Previous ranks


DU Commander | Battalion Warrant Officer

IRP v1 - ICRP (3 yrs)

Super Admin | Lead Mentor

IRP v1/2

T Shock Commander | Rebel General | Fleet Commodore & Temp Rear Admiral 


Shock Captain | Moff | Rebel Major 


 CFU Deputy Director | Moderator | Gamemaster | Discord moderator | Vegilantes Lead Agent

" om/watch?v=oy0TUwGba9Q"


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Congratulations, you have been accepted! Please contact myself on discord.

Past T-RP/ICRP/IRP Ranks: Admiral, Army Vice Commander, 501st Lieutenant, SF Commander, Vice Manager

Past IORP/IRP Ranks: IC SQ40 Commando, IC Temp Vice Commander, DT Vice Commander, Shock Vice Commander

Past CWRP Ranks: 212th Colonel, 41st Sergeant, 501st Lieutenant Colonel, CG Executive Officer, 212th T Executive Officer



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