
Ban Appeal

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Your In-game name: Teo Cleaner

Your Steam ID:7856234


Reason of the ban: I used to use the facility server for somethings that was happening right now like events or SCP breach I used to have 5 warned if i rember well and last but not least I didn't read the rules correctly.

Date you were banned on:  June 18 2020 at  09 : 09 57 seconds pm Greece (time zone).

Duration of ban: Permanently.

Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): To be honest I dont know the last time that I play today before the ban is when I wright something on the Facility Server.


Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: First of all , bravo to admins They know what They doing .  So  to begin with I am in server 2 days so I didn't read the rules correctly I was knew at the RP community so I didn't now what to do correctly. the past of the hours I closely understand the RP logic so before that I was wrighting on the Server Facility  with no an Admin or Site Director Permission to wright on the server facility. So thats why I banned  because i did not read the rules correctly. Last but not least I used to have 5 warnings. Thats the reason that I banned.

Do you think your ban was justified: After some hours I was so angry with my self so I though that I do very wrong actions to the RP server I am felt so sad for that.  I  learn about my mistake so I have to say thank you that you banned me . You teach me a lesson to learn my mistakes and to read the rules correctly.

Why should you be unbanned: So this question is trap question . So as I said before from your ban you help me and you teach me a very important lesson to hear the rules do not break the rules and the most important you Teach me to learn from my mistake so  I will say again thank you.


Any kind of evidence:  I am sorry but no . Because I am telling you all my mistakes and the issue that I make . I will repeat I am so sad and angry with my self that do so many issues problems.

Additional information: To be honest . I do not have something else to tell you about my ban thats it .

Take Care Teo
Edited by TeoVlahos1
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Moved to SCP.

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1 hour ago, [WW2] Auster Schumacher said:

Moved to SCP.

Thank you Nazi Man, Seek Hiel!


anyways to do with your permaban.

your lack of English and common sense kinda makes it hard to understand - surely you weren't perma banned for Using Comms, Typing in the foundation server as Engineer or even not knowing the rules?

will need a senior mod/admin to check the menu's to see why you were banned exactly.

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11 hours ago, [WW2] Auster Schumacher said:

Moved to SCP.

Oi Nazi cunt if I say -1 fucking nigger are you gonna forum ban me again? Go back to your forums not SCP-RP one yeah? Ok goodbye


For the UB Request so it's not a shitpost:
I'll wait untill someone checks why were you banned 

MassRDM - Stay banned morron -1

Edited by Shadow
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If I remember correctly you were banned for MRDM or Mass random deathmatch which results in a permament ban. Because I saw your RP name which is "Joe Cleaner" show up in the chat with a permaban and MRDM. I even think it was Max Livio who banned you but not certain about it.



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7 hours ago, Matt Feeney said:

Thank you Nazi Man, Seek Hiel!


anyways to do with your permaban.

your lack of English and common sense kinda makes it hard to understand - surely you weren't perma banned for Using Comms, Typing in the foundation server as Engineer or even not knowing the rules?

will need a senior mod/admin to check the menu's to see why you were banned exactly.

Look  First of all I know very good English when I am righting i am little bit bad . Yes I only do this 5 warnings and  maybe sometimes I was killing some class d with out countdown 

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I mean I saw u do it, u were in D Block, killed a few new people with the knife, u stabbed me once, u then killed some people in the airlock among the chaos. When d class breached u proceeded to stab a few more d boys resulting in killing them I believe from 17 ( 2nd time I saw u kill) u went to 23 kills

You switched to engineer then 5 minutes after you were banned. You clearly knew what you were doing


-1 tbh

Edited by [ Twinkles ]
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-All the evidence is there to show that you basically committed genocide on your fellow Class - D (including me)

-Also try to not appeal to a ban that happened literally hours ago


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4 hours ago, [ Twinkles ] said:

I mean I saw u do it, u were in D Block, killed a few new people with the knife, u stabbed me once, u then killed some people in the airlock among the chaos. When d class breached u proceeded to stab a few more d boys resulting in killing them I believe from 17 ( 2nd time I saw u kill) u went to 23 kills

You switched to engineer then 5 minutes after you were banned. You clearly knew what you were doing


-1 tbh

I don't know that was illegal when you Class D I only know about MTF and Guards


Edited by TeoVlahos1
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4 hours ago, [ Twinkles ] said:

I mean I saw u do it, u were in D Block, killed a few new people with the knife, u stabbed me once, u then killed some people in the airlock among the chaos. When d class breached u proceeded to stab a few more d boys resulting in killing them I believe from 17 ( 2nd time I saw u kill) u went to 23 kills

You switched to engineer then 5 minutes after you were banned. You clearly knew what you were doing


-1 tbh

Dude I only know that MTF and  guards are illegal to kill class D. I did not know for the class D 

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Essentially the story goes with you finding a knife, and logically you think to yourself "Now I can MRDM by shanking all my teammates!", I seriously don't understand the argument where you thought that D-Class could fight and kill each other, D-Block isn't an arena (Although most of the time it is) and why being able to kill your teammates would be allowed is confusing. 

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