
Unwarn request

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My in-game name: Mort

Steam ID:

Steam Name: mort700

What is the reason for your warn: Disobeying staff

Name of the staff member who warned you: Hash

Why do i believe i should be unbanned: First im going to explain what happened, so i was going around and i see this initiate riding a speeder (something they are not allowed to do), so i tell him to get off but he doesnt, so after a while he gets off and i cuff him, i proceed to take him to the brig and when i try to handcuff him he starts disrespecting me "imagine being a fucking little kid who takes a game seriously" "you probably are a virgin with no gf irl" etc... So i make a staff claim and hash tps, he proceeds to say that since i have no proof of what happened he will give me a verbal warning for lying to staff and to the initiate for DTP, so i proceed to move on with the arrest, but he starts jumping when i try to handcuff him, so i advert that i need a CG to brig, so CG SGTM Pyro arrives to the brig and proceeds to taze him, so i take a look at the PK guideline and i put him in brig for 15 min (Misconduct (the speeder thing), disrespect and resisting arrest) so when i put him in i do the advert and he realizes that i putted him in brig for dis, so he calls hash which proceeds to tp me away with the initiate, so the initiate says that he wasnt resisting arrest and that i should have not gave him 5 extra min for dis since hash said that i didnt had any proof, then i proceed to tell hash that i have a witness of him resisting arrest (CG Pyro, which i barely know of anything) so he tps pyro who confirms what i said, but hash says that its invalid for some reason, and about dis, its my duty to put him in brig for 5 min for dis, we dont need a recording of him doing it each time we need to put someone in brig for that, so long story short hash warned me for putting the initiate in brig for dis when i had no recordings of it since he "already dealt with the dis giving him a verbal warning".

Edit: I had to edit because the app had some big fucking gramatical errors.

Edited by Mort


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+1 I can see Hash's POV but also yours... Personally I think the warn isn't valid. Witnesses like CG are very helpful for evidence towards your point so with back up from both yourself and Pyro, I think the additional arrest reason for resisting arrest is valid. With attitude like he has (Disrespecting) I wouldn't be surprised if he resisted arrest as he is clearly angry.

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You should remove that warn.

GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

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GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

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DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21

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Considering as, over the past few days, I've seen Haz for just some dude who used his "friends in higher places" to get out of trouble, I can see where I went wrong and I do regret giving that warn. You should be unwarned and I can see it from your side this time a lot more clearly compared to my side. My apologies. 

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4 hours ago, Blaster said:

Do we know who was the initiate at the time? 



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47 minutes ago, Hash said:


Considering as, over the past few days, I've seen Haz for just some dude who used his "friends in higher places" to get out of trouble, I can see where I went wrong and I do regret giving that warn. You should be unwarned and I can see it from your side this time a lot more clearly compared to my side. My apologies. 

You dont need to apologize, you were doing your job.


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Pyro here!

Soo, I was only a witness inside the brig. What happened after I'm not to sure, because he got warned a while after I was told I could leave the sit.

But Haz has been a bit of a trouble-maker and has threatened staff to get Saffrus to demote them if they don't help him so I believe Hash might have been in one of those situations. I got to witness one of the "I'm in Discord with Saffrus" kinda situations with two other staff (Palmer and Kids) and not to be rude but he got one of them "Karen" vibes.

Edit: As a CG I know we don't need recordings to put someone in for disrespect

Edited by Green [Delta]
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Haz has caused issues and the warn has essentially become invalidated, it will be removed.

had to remove signature because of romanian censorship






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