CT 1035 jacko

wtaf did i get banned

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My In-Game name:CT 1035 jacko

STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) 

Steam Name:jackplaistow

What is the reason for your ban:it doesnt say

How long were you banned for:2 days

Name of the staff member who banned you:idk

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:i dont even know why is was banned, i was jailed and then my little brother tripped over my wifi extender, and then when i fixed it and logged back on, some guy waved at me then i got banned

Evidence: i dont really have evidence apart from you being able to check ban logs (if that exists)

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Well in that case because of what you said and because its 2 days you were banned for LTAP

Edited by Aleks

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Admins should check logs before they ban for LTARP, which is clearly what you were banned for. And in logs it tells them whether you manually disconnected or for example, your wifi extender was cut out. So if the staff member did his job properly then your story must not be true. However there is a chance they did not, we will have to wait for the person who banned you to reply here.



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You are a huge minge that should have been perma banned weeks ago relating to player pulling. Each day when you come online you go out of your way to annoy other players. You get arrested everytime you come online and you don't respect anyone. 

Imo should be perma banned rn


The Boys


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1 hour ago, Silent said:

You are a huge minge that should have been perma banned weeks ago relating to player pulling. Each day when you come online you go out of your way to annoy other players. You get arrested everytime you come online and you don't respect anyone. 

Imo should be perma banned rn

Just as he said, you are minging in other VIP+ Job too.

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-No one cares




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That steamid is not banned. Either you were banned on a differrent id or the staff member in question made a mistake and you were unbanned shortly after.

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