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My In-Game name:104th SGTM RipperByte

STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:156359942

Steam Name: RipperByte 

What is the reason for your ban: rude link in ooc

How long were you banned for: 2 weeks 

Name of the staff member who banned you: Shepher

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i was tricked in to doing it i had no clue what the link would send you two it is my fault for not checking it and i am sorry for being so Dum i have 104th MAximus to vouch for me that it all happened pleas unban me give me a second chance pleas .its the only good fling going for me at the moment my grandad has cancer I'm felling my GCSE because Im struggling in school all i am asking for is one more chance it will never happen agene this sever is my escape from reality pleas.                i am very sorry pleas for give me it would mean the world if i could have a second chance 😭


Edited by RipperByte
i got a screen shot of the chat added text
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Ive had a talk with both you and some of the people who did it. FOR CONTEXT ITS NOT ME! This was Vlad, the one who was comm banned. I think you made a really stupid mistake, but I can see how you would trust it after we had a talk earlier today. I recommend you get unbanned, but be careful of who you speak too. People will try and trick you. Trust no one.

I was informed by someone who wishes to remain secret that it was Vlad. Hes a cunt, so give this guy a break alittle.

-Connor / Breatoking

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To me at least, it appears that he made a silly mistake. 
There was no malicious intent behind the messages. 
Vlad on the other hand is seemingly a malicious character aiming to attack the integrity of this soldier and the community he wishes to indulge in.
I believe it is of great importance to hunt down and ensure this scourge doesn't bring chaos to WG again.
A second chance is more than warranted! 

Though I do wonder what "Breatoking Tesco Toilet" means! 

It may be some sort of dog whistle or warning. We should definitely look into it. 
If anyone knows what it means, please help!

Edited by chef
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@chef I believe 'breatoking tesco toilet' is referring to a time long ago when he admitted to being prolapsed in a Tesco toilet.. You didn't hear this from me though

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6 minutes ago, Navas said:

@chef I believe 'breatoking tesco toilet' is referring to a time long ago when he admitted to being prolapsed in a Tesco toilet.. You didn't hear this from me though

best 15 minutes of my life


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1 hour ago, Gorilla - Hydras said:



But if your failing GCSE's shouldnt you focus on that and not GMOD in the first place?

I have ADHD and dislceax and tourette so I struggle in school in all aspects. GMOD is my get away from realty free of stress and anxiety 😔

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it was indeed a stupid mistake and could have been prevented, but i know you wouldn't have meant it if you know what the link was. 
if you get unbanned i would say focus on the GCSE's first and afterwards come back but that is for you to decide


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I hadn't interacted with Ripper much before so I was unaware of what he was like. Before he put the gif in OOC he made a couple claims stating "Breatoking Tesco Toilets" and so I thought he was just another minge who managed to get to SGTM. After reading the context and confirming vlad is a cunt, I think it's fair he gets unbanned.

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19 hours ago, Breatoking said:


Ive had a talk with both you and some of the people who did it. FOR CONTEXT ITS NOT ME! This was Vlad, the one who was comm banned. I think you made a really stupid mistake, but I can see how you would trust it after we had a talk earlier today. I recommend you get unbanned, but be careful of who you speak too. People will try and trick you. Trust no one.

I was informed by someone who wishes to remain secret that it was Vlad. Hes a cunt, so give this guy a break alittle.

-Connor / Breatoking


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19 hours ago, Breatoking said:


Ive had a talk with both you and some of the people who did it. FOR CONTEXT ITS NOT ME! This was Vlad, the one who was comm banned. I think you made a really stupid mistake, but I can see how you would trust it after we had a talk earlier today. I recommend you get unbanned, but be careful of who you speak too. People will try and trick you. Trust no one.

I was informed by someone who wishes to remain secret that it was Vlad. Hes a cunt, so give this guy a break alittle.

-Connor / Breatoking


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Compelling Argument, Ban Franchesco Franko not coqonforums2 he's just a poor soul trapped in a criminals body.

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