
Recon's Event Planner Application

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General Information

Steam Name + Profile link: lanky

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): CG Medic Colonel Recon II

Teamspeak Name: Recon

Playtime on the Server: 3w 5d 5h 39m.

SteamID ( 

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: About 2 years ago I was staff on a PoliceRP Server. I am not currently staff on any servers.

Current Age: 15

Warns/Bans: 1 Warning for FailRP on 09/07/23qsnWQpa.png

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, the responsibilities of an Event Planner is to begin / end an event on time, keep the event enjoyable for everyone playing and make sure their EC's are in line. ( This can mean not HP Rushing and listening to what the EP is saying. ) They must also help other EP's when they can, whether it is a question or building etc.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, I understand.

Clone Event Plan:

Create an event plan for clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):


Story for your event: Nala Se, a Kaminoan  Scientist who is vital for the continuation of the Cloning operation has been taken hostage by the CIS. The Grand Army Of The Republic must rescue Nala Se at once!


Event Announcement for your story: 

Planetary Event Announcement
                                                             @everyone Map: Kamino                                                                               

Approximate Length: 35+ min                                                                            

                                                                 Clone Event Outline:                                                                                                                   Nala Se has been captured by Separatist Forces!                                                             The Republic must stop them in their tracks, We  are being sent into Kamino to rescue Nala Se.                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                                 Join using this link: steam://connect/                                         

Choice of map: Kamino

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: CIS, because the CIS are known to try and invade Kamino.
(eg. Pirates, Reason, )

Additional Characters: Asajj Ventress (could work)
(eg. passive character)

Republic's outline and execution: A distress signal has come from Nala Se's Office back on Kamino.
(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")

Event Character outline and execution: The Droids will ambush the Republic as soon as they leave the LAAT's on the Landing Pads, if the droids get pushed back they will hold off each building & Facility one by one protecting Nala Se's office at all costs. Once the Republic gets to Nala Se's office (event time is up) we will strap detonators to Nala Se, but Special Forces, (RC & CF-99) flank into the Office and extract the Kaminoan Scientist. Special Forces will be the heroes of the day!
(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")

Jedi Event Plan:

Create a jedi event BASED upon one of the following P-EC scenario below 

- Grey Jedi Teidowan who prevented the Jedi order from stopping the genocide of a village. The Grey Jedi now must be redeemed by the jedi order. Write an event plan on how the Grey Jedi would be redeemed

- Sith Apprentice who seeks to resurrect its master with a dark ritual after he was slain by the jedi. The ritual required sacrifices of multiple lifeforms. Write a event plan on how the Sith could perform said ritual

- Mercenary Guerilla wanted by the republic for multiple murderers has been hired by a wealthy client. After a high ranking jedi within the order captured the wealthy client previously, now he is hungry for revenge. Write an event plan so that the Mercenary can kidnap the high ranking Jedi

Story for your event BASED on the option: Two Mercenaries named Guerilla & Gorolla will fly a ship and land at the Jedi Temple, They ask to see the High Ranking Jedi but are denied. This is where the Mercenaries turn hostile, They will ignite their Light Sabers that they stole from Jedi they killed. They fight anyone near them while attempting to get inside the Temple. Once they struggle to get inside, they call in reinforcements (3 EC's) who are reprogrammed droids.

Event Announcement for your story: 
Jedi Event Announcement                                                                               
                                                               @Jedi Event Ping                                                                                         
                                                                   Map: Rishi Moon                                                                                              
Approximate Length: 10-15 mins                                                                                
                                                                Event Outline:                                                                                               
A Mercenary named Guerilla & Gorolla have landed outside the Jedi Temple, they asks to see a High Ranking Jedi...   What are the the Mercenaries intentions?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Join using this link:                                                                                        

Additional Characters: A second Mercenary, named Gorolla (Brother of Guerilla)
(eg. passive char or burner EC)

Jedi's outline and execution: The Jedi will greet the Mercenaries at first, then they will be suspicious after they ask to see the High Ranking Jedi, The Mercenaries initaite combat after being Denied, then they call in reinforcements who are reprogrammed droids.
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

Jedi Event Character outline and execution: Once the two Mercenaries have initiated combat and can't get past the Jedi, they call in reinforcements, you will charge into the Temple and kill the Jedi.
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the jedi into an ambush")

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

All feedback is appreciated, Thanks for reading!


Edited by CG Recon
Promoted in Medic.

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic | 104th CPL

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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- The app is decent however: Kamino is a banned map so your event plan wouldn't work for clones secondly, using named characters is really risky especially when they are in the centre of the event as they cannot die or be imprisoned until they need to in lore 
- if im correct your event plan means the clones will be on the defence Making them actually do this is hard with most people just not listening turning the event into a game of cat and mouse however if you can succeed in this I think you it could work well as long as they are entertained enough 

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5 hours ago, Tay said:

- The app is decent however: Kamino is a banned map so your event plan wouldn't work for clones secondly, using named characters is really risky especially when they are in the centre of the event as they cannot die or be imprisoned until they need to in lore 
- if im correct your event plan means the clones will be on the defence Making them actually do this is hard with most people just not listening turning the event into a game of cat and mouse however if you can succeed in this I think you it could work well as long as they are entertained enough 

Thank you for the feedback and thank you for informing me of the Kamino map ban as I was not aware (makes me sad as I think that map is underrated)

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic | 104th CPL

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Neutral/+1 (Leaning more towards +1)

- Kamino is banned as Tay already pointed out and using named characters out side of MSL can be risky cause if they die it wouldn't make sense. It'd also be unfair to give them stupid amounts of HP.
- The effort put into the application is great and it looks good with a few minor mistakes.

- Recon has been maturing alot more lately and being extremely active. Giving him a shot to prove himself as an EP wouldn't cause any damage.

As long are you're ready for the responsibility to be an event planner and meet the minimums I think you'll do great.

Good luck.

Current Ranks:

Battalion Major | Senior Event Planner

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG T Vice Commander Exotic Weapon Specialist | Peacekeeper Battalion 2nd Lieutenant Event Planner


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1 hour ago, Matthew said:

Neutral/+1 (Leaning more towards +1)

- Kamino is banned as Tay already pointed out and using named characters out side of MSL can be risky cause if they die it wouldn't make sense. It'd also be unfair to give them stupid amounts of HP.
- The effort put into the application is great and it looks good with a few minor mistakes.

- Recon has been maturing alot more lately and being extremely active. Giving him a shot to prove himself as an EP wouldn't cause any damage.

As long are you're ready for the responsibility to be an event planner and meet the minimums I think you'll do great.

Good luck.

Thank you for the feedback and kind words!

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic | 104th CPL

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Neutral/ leaning to +1

still see you do questionable shit but decent event plan

also nice person


edit: into neutral/+1: has shown initiative to improve himself 

Edited by Taurus Tremani

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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- Pretty good app and interesting idea despite the map he wants being blacklisted, this could be overcome by simply picking a different map as it makes sense for the CIS to move the prisoner elsewhere so they are better protected

- Very active guy who I see on the server, Discord and TeamSpeak daily

- Extremely nice guy on top of everything

- Somewhat recent warn but you have certainly matured since

- As iterated by others having this real character imprisoned could be problematic, however this could be overcome by changing their name as the Kaminoans fielded many high-value scientists

Good luck Recon!

Edited by Kicker
miswrote something
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14 hours ago, Kicker said:


- Pretty good app and interesting idea despite the map he wants being blacklisted, this could be overcome by simply picking a different map as it makes sense for the CIS to move the prisoner elsewhere so they are better protected

- Very active guy who I see on the server, Discord and TeamSpeak daily

- Extremely nice guy on top of everything

- Somewhat recent warn but you have certainly matured since

- As iterated by others having this real character imprisoned could be problematic, however this could be overcome by changing their name as the Kaminoans fielded many high-value scientists

Good luck Recon!

Thank you! Like I said, disappointed about Kamino… But that is a great idea!

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic | 104th CPL

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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I think Recon could end up being a really good EP

Really Nice guy

Good event plan, like the setup of the plan on the appliacation.

Only thing is the Kamino being banned

Current Ranks
CG CO - Rancor Instructor - Event planner

Former Ranks

4x 212th SO - 212th Vice Commander - Junior Medic - CE SO - Rancor - 2x Event planner

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