Nathan Dixon


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On 9/10/2023 at 5:23 PM, Nathan Dixon said:

wdym? If people want to play it they will. If it becomes boring, we will make it more interesting. Any job can be stood around for ages doing nothing, that applies to nearly every job, and sometimes they get work to do. Nu7 stand around pretty much most of the time until a breach happens or CI raid. Same applies to E-11. Do you think that the SD is always doing some RP?

If you only like combat RP, don't play ISD. There will ideally be a mixture of both kinds of RP. E.g. there is nothing stopping ISD from helping with arrests.

my earlier comment was based around previous experience of this job being on the server and always seeing people get bored of it being so dry constantly, from not knowing me at all and commenting about my combat RP you clearly don't know me and don't understand I have always loved Passive RP on SCP. To your comment on all other jobs Roleplaying constantly I agree no job will always have people roleplaying on it and some tom foolery will occur within any job, but ISD has always died out due to people preferring the more well known and more interesting GOI and foundation Roles.

If you are unhappy with my response, too bad its my opinion.

Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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3 hours ago, Mr Denny said:

my earlier comment was based around previous experience of this job being on the server and always seeing people get bored of it being so dry constantly, from not knowing me at all and commenting about my combat RP you clearly don't know me and don't understand I have always loved Passive RP on SCP. To your comment on all other jobs Roleplaying constantly I agree no job will always have people roleplaying on it and some tom foolery will occur within any job, but ISD has always died out due to people preferring the more well known and more interesting GOI and foundation Roles.

If you are unhappy with my response, too bad its my opinion.

I'm guessing you didn't play ISD? Most people who did agree it was pretty fun and want to see a return in any shape or form. I don't think it ever "died out" as such, when it was removed it was due to some drama between SMT and job management. It had always been enjoyable for those who played it and that's why I want to see a return of it in V7 to see how it runs and if it'll work the way I hope.

If you wanna play other jobs go ahead. ISD isn't everyone's thing, but it is for some people.

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I think that ISD has generally been more of a hinderance than a positive for the foundation. The idea sounds great to keep an eye on foundation staff to see if they are breaking the codex or are possible spies, but it is usually just people who disguise as a job, don't do their job, get into trouble with their department head for slacking, then the ISD to maintain their cover has to either amnesticate them or force them to sign an NDA, while they go back to "work" and act as if they are independent and don't need to conform to whatever their department head is instructing

I think that Department heads should just be responsible for their units, which often times they are and don't need these infiltrators causing further head aches for them, or have Omega 1 do their job which is at least a more reputable unit that behave a lot more by the book

(I accidentally posted on an older ISD suggestion so I am posting this comment here 😢 )

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People had fun with ISD, as someone who never played ISD, they had some pretty good uses, such as locating CI in the site, and just general watching of staff for any major (but sometimes minor) codex violations. While ISD could be very scuffed, if some rules were added, and they focused more on trying to blend in, I think it could work better than before. 


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On 9/23/2023 at 11:38 AM, Bob The Bo said:


I think that ISD has generally been more of a hinderance than a positive for the foundation. The idea sounds great to keep an eye on foundation staff to see if they are breaking the codex or are possible spies, but it is usually just people who disguise as a job, don't do their job, get into trouble with their department head for slacking, then the ISD to maintain their cover has to either amnesticate them or force them to sign an NDA, while they go back to "work" and act as if they are independent and don't need to conform to whatever their department head is instructing

I think that Department heads should just be responsible for their units, which often times they are and don't need these infiltrators causing further head aches for them, or have Omega 1 do their job which is at least a more reputable unit that behave a lot more by the book

(I accidentally posted on an older ISD suggestion so I am posting this comment here 😢 )

You raise some good points;

I understand you probably have PTSD from ISD SGs never attending security meetings.
If ISD gets accepted, there will be an emphasis on playing as the disguised job. There are probably 2 situations where people deviated from their normal jobs. 1 is where they decide to not go to the meeting because they were ISD or whatever. Hopefully this will be cut down on heavily. If anyone gets arrested due to this, they will be reprimanded within ISD. The other is where the agent has ISD duties to perform, in which case they will be forced to juggle their duties. If they get caught doing this, it will be up to RP to decide their punishment, whether they get out scot-free or not.

I get what you mean about the "independent" bit. ISD are somewhat independent, but I feel like you are mostly talking about in V6 ISD where agents would just not do any of their disguised duties and ignore their department heads. This will not be recommended if ISD gets accepted, and agents will be encouraged to do their disguised duties as well as ISD duties.

I get what you are saying about department heads/O1, but no one will commit any crimes in front of uniformed officers. I feel like having unsuspicious agents who are also able to bend the rules slightly will be much more effective in helping to arrest infiltrators and rogue staff.

I will try to make sure ISD is a lot more serious and doesn't go around NDA'ing and amnesticating for the sake of it. You still probably won't agree with ISD being on the server, but hopefully I can assure it won't be that bad.

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