Guest Heavy Dakka Mech

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Your In-Game Name: Arthur Crunch

Your Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:172652814


Your Age: 14


Your In-Game Playtime: 2 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes.


Your amount of warnings (15 Warnings max): 1


Rate your roleplaying skills: 9

(If your wondering about the big text below and that big ass grey textbox, I copied one of them because they were the hardest one for me and took long to do, I accidently cut it so I copied it again from discord, I was in a call with somebody who wanted to know an example of applying, I didn't encourage or tell him to copy mine. And he didn't want to.)




What would you like your O5 Designation to be?:

O5-5 "Blackbird"

(300 to 350 words)

Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I am confident that I can decide decisions such as whether AOS's/KOS's should happen, approve and deny testing, and supervise the site in general, I know numerous foundation rules that SD also has to follow, I have been SD at least a dozen times, thus, knows what and what not to do in certain situations, I wouldn't say I'm a veteran but I could say I'm pretty good. I love the idea of being the most responsible and will try to the best of my abilities. I have loads of experience in being CL4, I know every uniform on the server (OOC). I have I believe enough playtime which (OOC) is shown above. I am not one of those people who do it just for the attention and to feel 'special' That's just plain fucking stupid and sad. This is a videogame. I really like the server, It's fun and I'm active roughly everyday, I play for hours on end, only having to go off when I need to do IRL stuff, but I will be even more active as schoolwork is at least an hour each day, and it's quarantine so yeah. The only times I am not active are if I need some sun in the back garden or if schoolwork needs to be completed online. Don't judge me. In short, I do really want the WL. Say if there was someone who gave away my O5 identity in game, I would get that someone wish they never did, I can handle most situations well, it's just the tricky ones that obviously get me. I believe I should be O5 because of my handling of certain situations. If there's something on the server that I hate, is fucking metagamers. As soon as someone does it and knows full well what they did, it's straight to a sit, unless I can't fucking be bothered because it happens a lot of times.



(100 to 150 words)

How many O5 Council Members are their in the SCP universe that are known but not on record?: Technically 12, but there is a 13th: O5-1 "The Founder", O5-2 "The Gardener", O5-3 "The Kid", O5-4 "The Ambassador", O5-5 "Blackbird", O5-6 "Cowboy". O5-7 "Green", O5-8 "The Newbie", O5-9 "The Outsider", O5-10 "The Archivist", O5-11 "The Mailman", O5-12 "The Accountant" And O5-13 "The Tiebreaker". O5-13 isn't proven to be existent but all the O5s are told he/she is. O5-13 only existed as a tiebreaker vote. In total, there are 13 but 1 is supposedly none existent. The O5s consist of 3 females and 9 males, O5-13 is still unknown. They know every secret about the Foundation and are generally feared by all personnel that know they exist. In short, 12 is the technical term. 


(300 words)

Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?: O5 is the highest possible rank of the Foundation who supervise for the foundation and make very huge decisions impacting the facilities all around the globe. Supervising is only one of the roles and O5 decides for the foundation in very specific scenarios. Each O5 has a different role however, it would be useless to have all 12 O5s to be assigned to the same roles. The SCP Foundation has enemies such as MC&D because they work against foundation, helping other hostile GOIs and doing work such as sabotage and also stealing precious anomalies. By far the worst enemy of the Foundation would be Chaos Insurgency, they are also the oldest enemy dating back to 1923. The O5 themselves differ from any other site Administration because they are the biggest of the big men, they are generally feared by even the Site Director and sometimes A-1. A-1 are the most loyal foundation personnel on the site as well. They also are CL5 personnel, the only other technical CL5 personnel is A-1, they have CL4 only but they are still classified as CL5. A-1 don't have authority though, unless there's no actual site Administration they can protect. They also make sure their foundation administration personnel are doing their jobs correctly, if they aren't then make them otherwise you can just sack them. The O5 take up many roles in general, but the word that explains his job the most is: Supervise. The O5 make sure the SCP Facilities are doing their roles correctly: Secure. Contain. Protect. O5s are secret, only CL3+ would have some knowledge about them, any CL4 and SD know about them, so does A-1, they are secret though for a reason, that they are the highest ranking personnel in the SCP Foundation and may lead to hostiles kidnapping him.


(150 words)

Explain what makes you special: I am good at sorting most situations out, I generally don't panic in situations but I may a bit if my own life is in grave danger. I am 9/10 in RP and have never broken a major rule on this server. I have no anomalous issues. I'm not hopeless, I am very experienced in many ways with the server and with the knowledge of the entire SCP Foundation lore. I know more things than a lot of people on the server. I am not like many people I know, who just want the O5 job to make themselves feel important and liked. That's actually again, sad. I may not be the best, there's always gonna be somebody better than you at something, but I'm not just like everybody else. I also really take RP seriously. If you don't like RP then just don't go on an RP server, it's as simple as that.


( No Word Requirement)

How do you initiate a nuke?: Only YOU can open the door to the warhead room. It's CL5 only, anybody who attempts to hack into the warhead room are to be KOS most of the time. You need A-1s with you to protect you and make sure you don't do anything bad. You only initiate it when necessary, such as mass breaches and not able to evacuate. It's then at the very front where you open that door and there's a big red button, there's also a button at the warhead. Big red buttons are obvious with a giant ass nuke in the same room. That's how.


( No Word Requirement)

What are the rules a O5 Council member has to follow?: The O5 Council member follows a lot of rules and needs to. O5 needs to be for example, professional, smart in situations, tough at times, NEVER have any actual relationships with other lower personnel, such as D-Class personnel. They can't take the risk. They also need to do things always necessary, such as whether to KOS or AOS the SD or demote him/warn. For example, if SD says something like: "Ay hello O5 man!" Their ass is grass, you need to have them detained on the spot, no warning him yourself or being soft on them.


( No Word Requirement)

Why would you like to role play as an O5?: I want to be able to command the entire facility in Oviscity, I like roleplay in general, and that's why I came to this server in the first place, I've learnt a shit ton about foundation ever since I came on. I think I am professional and smart enough to be the role, it sounds easier than people expect. Avoid metagamers, get SD detained sometimes, hear information from your lower ranking administration personnel such as SD. Make sure he's doing stuff right.

Edited by tzackary632
Endless criticism on O5's identity.
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-1 just no
1. youre not ready
2. I havent seen you enough on site administration
3. let me ask you, do you know what A-1 is and does, this is something an O5 should know
4. youre only 14 quite young for this

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O5s let people know that THEY'RE in charge,  that they're chosen themselves to be that rank

This isn't technically correct; members of the O5 council do not make it known that they are on site - not even the SD would be aware of an O5 being onsite unless said O5 makes him aware of it. They especially don't tell people they're O5. If it becomes public knowledge (at least within the Foundation) that O5 is on site said O5 is in danger because this information will surely be leaked to hostiles who would just love to assassinate or kidnap them.

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App looks like it has good effort but some things are incorrect and I have not seen you playing SD enough to make a call on whether or not you're competent enough or ready for O5 Council.

My overall opinion on this application is -1

Edit: ensure you have read all of this including everything on the reading tab.

Edited by Obsidial
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1 minute ago, Obsidial said:

This isn't technically correct; members of the O5 council do not make it known that they are on site - not even the SD would be aware of an O5 being onsite unless said O5 makes him aware of it. They especially don't tell people they're O5. If it becomes public knowledge (at least within the Foundation) that O5 is on site said O5 is in danger because this information will surely be leaked to hostiles who would just love to assassinate or kidnap them.


This is indeed true, CL3 barely know about O5s, CL4 knows they exist and CL3 might hear rumors but definitely dont know about them(why tf would an O5 make known they exist and are on site to CL3 or lower).

O5s also decide themselves if they make their presence know, to CL4 that is.

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State your current Steam Username: Erik


Provide your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:211143866


State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made): My in game level is 50.


State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.): I'm a Platinum VIP.


State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made): 5 days and 2 hours.


How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT: I have 3 warns.image.thumb.png.8f9e7edc60e061c06f01f68f4dd72cec.png

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.): Yes, I do understand all the rules of SCP-RP, like NLR, Metagaming, Non-RP Fear, RDM etc. I have read the rules multiple times and I am very sure that I understand them.

Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): I have read the basics about SCP-1048 on the forum and on the SCP Wikipedia, also I have played SCP Containment Breach so yes, of course I understand the basics of SCP-1048. I'm just a little bear that roams around the facility, but I can be a dangerous SCP too.

Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?: I surely understand that PassiveRP is important. SCP-1048 is not about collecing ears and killing people, if you want to kill people go play SCP-096 or 173. Sometimes it is more fun to roam around the facility and just roleplay with people and interact with everybody,  than killing people. PassiveRP is very important and should exists, otherwise the server would be a continuously breach.

Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer): I've read the rules of this SCP more than one time and I'm sure that I understand all of the rules and that I will follow them at all times, no exceptions. I know that I can't leave the facility whenever I want, I know that I have to roleplay fear if someone threats that they will contain me etc.

Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: SCP-1048 should be docile and nice with the Foundation Personnel, the bear would hug their legs or communicate with them through gestures or with the help of a drawing so it can gain the foundation personnel's trust.

Describe what SCP-1048 does: SCP-1048 is trying to gain foundation personnel's trust so it can take their ears. With their ears he can build SCP-1048-A, a teddy bear similar to its creator but entirely made out of human ears, also he can build SCP-1048-B and -C, so the bear could try and build those versions of himself too.  

A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?: I can't leave the facility without senior administrator or higher, permission so I would tell GOI on the OOC chat that I have to wait for the administrator permission. If I get the permission, I would follow and breach but if I don't get the permission I would tell GOI that I can't breach and I would return to the facility.

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Give This Man Server Manager Already For God Sake. Take Notes @Xunt

Edited by MasterFusions

Head of External Affairs - Ewan Miles

Unusual Incidents Unit - Special Agent Prophet


Adytum's Gate Sarkic Cultist - Volutaar Ewan Miles


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OOC Section

RP Name: Nick Rochefort (doe I have used plenty of other nicks before)

Steam Name: RAMEN

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31671762

Playtime and Level (5 days and level 50 minimum): 1 week and 5 days in total.

Warns: I currently have 4 warnings on my record that are inactive. I should honestly have 5 warnings overall instead 4 as shown below, but I believe Blizzard forgot to register his warning to me before he decided to resign. 


IC Section

What is the Department of External Affairs?: The Department of External Affairs, which stands for DEA for short - is one of the vital departments under administrative control of the SCP Foundation. Like all separate branches/departments, the DEA's primary functionality and tasks lies with matters regarding off-site operations such as establishing appropriate connection with general GOI contacts on behalf of the SCP Foundation and erasing possibly classified material that may or may not be suspected of being leaked outside of any site facilities. If such information should be leaked however, the DEA is responsible for covering up the incidents by planting false information as a means of distracting the public further and eliminating the source afterwards. This department also specializes in handling with anomalous entities found within the surface-levels and interrogations involving captured GOIs.

Who is the Head of External Affairs?: An individual who is the main Head of the DEA - meaning that they possess greater experience than regular departmental agents and carry the important obligation to manage & control all activities within the Department of External Affairs. In other words, a HoEA is as self-explanatory as it gets; a person who is respectfully designated with assigning fitting directives to all Field Agents and DEAAs, even sometimes to the MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" during certain events. 

What is a GOI?: A particular group of people (GOI = Group of Interest) who might associate themselves with supernatural entities, otherwise known anomalies, and carries the desire to conceivably interfere with the Foundation's affairs and whatnot in any way including both a friendly and hostile aspect.

Who does the HoEA anwser to?: The HoEA answers directly to the O5 Council but does not have any authority over any Site Directors while present inside the site facility, though if there is an ongoing occurrence that clearly falls under the jurisdiction/assignments of the Department of External affairs, then the HoEA does technically have the discretion to signature the final word unless a Council Member is on-site of course.

What are the duties of a HoEA?: To conduct interrogations on high-valued targets, decide the appropriate way to handle any humanoid anomalies and captured GOIs, give out the necessary tasks in accordance with protocol to any on-site Field Agents and DEAAs - such as gathering intelligence on GOIs, and lastly describe the purpose of any raiding/assault/rescue operations to all available MTF units along with their commander(s) before having them commence the mission(s).

What is MTF Sigma-66 and Omega-12? Two sub- or secondary MTFs under the surveillance and supervision of the HoEA that consists only of captured GOIs and anomalous beings. Sigma-66 is the taskforce with conscripted GOI members within it as its units while Omega-12 is the taskforce with sentient anomalous entities. 

Describe the SCP Foundation as a GOI: A vastly powerful and secretive corporation that dominates the GOI world of gathering and securing entities listed as unnatural and abnormal in nature. The SCP Foundation is easily recognizable by others as specific GOI with its essential focus lying entirely on keeping anomalous from being exposed to public and anything relatable. 

Edited by Klitoras
broken as thread


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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accidentally messed up the app & thread a lil sorry lol


but going to the next page shows yall the rest of the app


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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State your current/most common RP Name:  Kevin Oreily


State your current Steam Username:  Menu


Provide your SteamID:  STEAM_1:0:169757416 


State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made):  Level 41


State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.)  Currently a User


State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made):  2 Days and a few hours as of writing this


How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT:  unknown.png


Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.):  I do understand how to properly role play for e.g Dont randomly arrest anyone or randomly kill anyone dont break nlr etc. (Edit) i have played several scp rps and i have played a lot of other rps with over 2.5k gmod hours


Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.):  I understand how to properly rp as the 1048 as i have read that rules 1. as 1048 i would not be allowed to leave the facilities unless a senior or higher admin has been notified and permission has been given and if i am captured by a group of interests. 2.I can only communicate through gestures and drawing i cant use Voice chat or Text chat. 3. I cant antagonist any other spc's into attacking me 4.My swept allows me to steal peoples ears for creation,I can only take someones ear if they're crouched down in my direction and interacting with me. 6. I'm not allowed to use props to construct duplication of myself as it breaks the PME. 7. When i get cuffed I CANT break out of the. 8 Because of the player model size being quite short i am not allowed to use buttons and operate doors however i can use doors like apartment doors 9. The job highly follows the fearRP so if 1048 gets threatened by any job that can contain scps i must follow exactly what they say 10. Scp1048 isnt just about creating 1048 A-B-C passiveRP is the core of scp1048. 11. If i am re contained using containment cuffs  I must allow them to cuff me and not break out 12.I understand i am not to spam admit chat with how many ears i have collected. 13. I have to avoid anomalies.


Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?:  PassiveRp is extremely important because its part of how 1048 acts by not communicating in nothing but gestures and drawings and not doing something different You must act you job and follow all the rules


Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer):  I understand how 1048 is suppose to work and how to follow his rules to make the RP proper for you and everyone else involved hes suppose to act very passive and calm yet curious and communicate threw gestures 


Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: 1048 Should act very calm and a little timid towards foundation personnel however curious.


Describe what SCP-1048 does:  1048 collects ear to build scp 1048 A-B-C-D and help participate in experiments involving D class Personnel


A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?:  I Must come with them after asking a senior admin or higher if i can leave.


Edited by Menu
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