
Sesh's Unwarn Request

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My In-Game name: Sesh

STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:61820121

Steam Name: Sesh

What is the reason for your warn: I missclicked whilst cycling through force powers and killed a CT with my sabers.

How long were you warned for: For my eternal existence.

Name of the staff member who warn you: Security Staff Jan

Why do I believe that I should be unearned: It was a genuine missclick that was seen by multiple people. Jan himself believes the warning should be removed and so does Defrexx. 

Evidence: Jan and Defrexx.

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Looked like a genuine missclick. Honestly an uncessary warn.
Janko's hand was forced because a claim was made. 

Should be unwarned imo

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Was clear as day it was a missclick, as he wasn't moving and tabbed back in to speak, which caused him to ignite the saber and attack. I warned him just so noone cried about it and so he doesn't have to spend 15 minutes in the brig for no reason. Hurt absolutely noone, I tped the CT back, was evident it was a missclick and Sesh explained and apologized so. 

Should be rescinded

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Saw it as well so can vouch

kinda dumb that u can attack while disignited anyway 

same as what jan and deferexx said, just an honest mistake which should be overlooked 

Current Ranks:
RC Auxiliary Security Staff Honour Guard

 Previous Ranks: 
RC Commander F71 CWRP Staff Manager Plo Koon

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