
Un warn request Jax

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My In-Game name: Jax

STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:207479169

Steam Name: funkyfinga

What is the reason for your warn: I metagamed but it was minor

How long were you warned for: Forever

Name of the staff member who warn you: Security Staff Jan

Why do I believe that I should be unearned: the reason i got warned was i was looking around to find the ce who was kidnapped and then the batt said go look at scav camp there i saw that one of the building was block off by a 1 one wall i was never going to find him then i saw the builnding block off i called it in and then we raided him and he took it too staff then he chose to get us both a warning we could have just walked away peacefully and we was being a dick about it he just wanted to be rude to get me and him a warning and for the most he said he only plays on half life for the most

Evidence: Jan

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So there was a pre-existing building there, and a portion of the building was cut off with a wall a player put there? Was it like a fading wall or something?

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
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After hearing from the Staff Member who dealt with the situation, we have decided to accept your unwarn request.

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