
Jensen's GM Application

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Basic Information:
Steam Name + Profile link: Jensen

Roleplay Name(s): Jensen

Teamspeak Name: Jensen

Playtime on the Server: Not sure

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64215725

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server (Not Essential): Not in a long time

Current Age: 21

Warns/Bans: N/A

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, and yes

Have you ever done an Event/PME Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, the responsibilities of a GM is to host PMEs by influencing players to create their own RP as well as not abusing any ULX powers they have been granted

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes


Army/Civilian PME Plan:

A rebel cell has been blowing up unattended military vehicles during patrols. The ISB are tasked with investigating a local who has been reportedly acting suspicious recently.

Characters, HP, Amount: Rebel, 500, 4

Passive, HP, Amount: N/A

Your Execution: I will send a message to someone in ISF Command informing them about a lead on a potential rebel cell in the city that has been destroying military vehicles. I will then go to some of the civilians in the city and give them information on the identities/location of the rebels that they are free to use however they want, should they be questioned by ISF.

Event Character Execution: 3 of the rebels will be hunkered down in their hideout, ready for a fight. They may fight to protect their base, or choose to escape. If they manage to outrun the Empire then they can flee off world. 1 of the rebels will be within the city acting as an ordinary civilian. They will not give the ISF an information about the rebels as they "do not know anything" but the ISF may gain information form other civilians that this EC is actually a part of the rebel cell, in which case the EC can choose to surrender or try to flee but they will only have a pistol on them.

Sith PME Plan:

2 force sensitive brothers decide that hiding under the noses of the empire may be their smartest decision, but they make a mistake when they witness a goods crate fall off of a nearby building over a crowd of people and use their connection to the force to stop it from hurting anyone. They get lost in the crowd perhaps too late, as an imperial loyalist notices their suspicious behaviour and reports it in. It is up to the inquisitors how they want to deal with these men.

Characters, HP, Amount: Force sensitive, not sure, 2

Passive, HP, Amount: Imperial Loyalist (civilian that snitches), 100, 1


Your Execution: I will be the Imperial Loyalist and show up asking to speak with whoever is in charge of hunting down traitorous Jedi. Once I meet with an Inquisitor I will let them know of the incident, and take my leave, needing no reward as I am pleased by being of help to the Empire.

Event Character Execution: The ECs will be hiding in the city, and can seek out shelter with civilians or blend into crowds if they wish. The first EC will be traditionally light-side and want to hide away unseen, but will protect any civilians if needed by sacrificing himself as he does not seek combat. The second EC will be very aggressive and once discovered will try to flee or fight the Inquisitors. The second EC could be either killed by the Inquisitors, recruited or escape off world.


Event Information: Word on the street is that a local smuggler is looking to make some fast credits and willing to sell a collection of Imperial weaponry.

PME Plan:

Character/s: Smuggler, 1

Background Information (if applicable): The smuggler has been stealing weapons from Stormtroopers in the bar and is looking to get rid of them fast for some credits to get off world.

Who is the PME target: Crime syndicates

How will the PME Start and what will the rewards/ repercussions be at the end: Crime syndicates will receive intel of the smugglers goods and location and can go to try and make a deal with him. If multiple syndicates show up then the smuggler will try to get the highest price and they will get to keep the guns. If the syndicates begin combat with one another then the smuggler will cowardly run and forget to take the guns with him. Whichever syndicate wins the fight gets to claim the guns for free.


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With consideration of me and the SEPs we have decided to accept you.

Contact me on Discord or I will get in contact with you to discuss the next steps!

The One and Only Community SEP
F37 > F77


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