
Murasaki's Second Event Planner Application

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Steam Name + Profile link: ♡Omara the femboy♡

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st Commander Murasaki

Teamspeak Name: Murasaki

Playtime on the Server: 1mo 3w 1h 40m.

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:430304993

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No experience in full time staffing.

Current Age: 20

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: I do and it is understandable

Have you ever hosted an event before?: I have not no.

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: The responsibilities of a event planner is to host unique and fun events to keep the werewolf gaming community engaged when it comes to events and enjoying them and having fun.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I do understand that yes.


Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: After a quick battle on a CIS controlled planet against a small invasion force, the republic gain a swift and easy win against the CIS forces, however unknown to the Republic this was all part of the Separatist's Plot to start the spread of a new and dangerous disease that would prove to be very fatal to any living organisms and is now onboard a Venator. All clones that start to show deteriorating life signs with highly aggressive behaviour. The Venator is heading straight for Coruscant which if the virus was to spread there could cause massive casualties. In a daring decision the Admiral Aboard the venator ordered a crash landing on Vanqor. Soon after the crash a SOS signal is sent out by the group of clones who survived the crash saying they started research on the disease. However the survivors got split up and a group of DU members are now held up in a outpost near the crash site of the Venator. The Republic initiate a operation to go to Vanqor to tend to the wounded and aid in research of this newly discovered disease. The main republic forces land and along with medical and go to speak to the surviving DU members. There is only 1 clone a DU ARC MJR who is in fighting condition and the rest of the DU are highly injured and suffering greatly from the disease barely able to walk on their own. The DU ARC informs the republic he can try locating the position of research group, however due to the outdated equipment in the outpost it will take longer than expected to obtain a signal. While this is going on the already infected DU members start to stand up and open fire on the republic showing whatever disease this is, has taken a hold of them. The sound of blaster fire draws more mutated creatures emerging from the Venator. Until the location of the research group is found the Republic must hold their position at the outpost. When the location is found, the DU ARC succumbs to the disease and raises his gun towards the the rest of the clones and opens fire. When the DU ARC has been dealt with the republic must make there way over to bunker where the research team is located. There are strict orders from Battalion that no Troop Pickups or air born transportation are permitted to ensure this pathogen doesn't get off world, so the republic must transfer over to the bunker on foot. After fighting their way towards the bunker the republic forces encounter a ray shielded door. After clearing out the interior of the bunker they find out the research team has been killed, but luckily a lot of the research can be extracted from the terminals. It is now up to the remaining medical personnel to ensure that the research is being used to create a cure for the disease. The republic must hold out inside the bunker to ensure the infected do not interfere with the cure development. (Depending on how good the clones do defending the bunker, will depend on if it becomes last stand). When the cure is developed and all surviving clones have been given the Vaccine (Inhaled Bacta) against the disease it is now safe to get Air Transportation set up with the go ahead of Battalion to start extracting all surviving clones so that the cure can be dispensed across the planet via LAAT's. While the cure is being dispensed, all units will be flown to a Venator ready for extraction (Flew to LP's) to a New Republic Base.


Event Announcement for your story: A SOS has been received from a Venator that has crashed on Vanqor, the crew onboard have been infected by what we can assume is a new Separatist Bio Weapon. There is a small gathering of DU Clone troopers that have survived the crash landing and are attempting research on this new disease. All units are to get ready to be deployed to Vanqor to make sure that our brothers are brought back alive and that we ensure this new weapon does not take any more lives than it already has.


Choice of map: rp_vanqor_sbs


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Infected Clones With Guns (First Hold out Only), Melee Infected Clone, Brute Tank

Additional Characters: DU ARC MJR (Will work alongside Clones in fighting off infected until the republic gain the location of research team then will attack the clones, will only be a 1 life thing then will turn into a regular infected clone after.)

Republic's outline and execution: The republic are to have debrief at LP's then make their way over to the outpost near the crashed venator. Medical RP will have with the 4 infected DU Troopers. After some time the DU troopers will stand and open fire on all Clones. Hold out event at the outpost until a location of the research team has been found. When location has been found the republic is to move on foot over to the bunker where CE will be required to hack down the ray shielded door. When the door is down move into the bunker clearing out the infected and reaching the research room. Medical will work on creating a cure with the research that is already down there (RP). Clones will hold out at  the bunker defending the medical personnel (Depending on how well clones are defending will depend on Last Stand). When cure is developed medical spread the cure via gas (Bacta). When cure is spread transportation is to be set up and the remaining clones at the bunker are to be extracted back to LP's for debrief.

Event Character outline and execution:
There will be 4 infected starting out the outpost all modelled after DU Enlisted Troopers along with 1 DU ARC. With some brief RP regarding the mental and physical state of the ET's and how the diseases if affecting them. (I.e the 4 DU ET's are going to be saying random stuff or act a bit strange) Are to all at the same time open fire on clones showing the disease has took control of their mind. When this happens the Republic will have to hold down the outpost while infected will be spawned outside the outpost walls and jump in. Some will have guns and some will have melee to show they all have been infected at different times that some still have enough mental capacity to hold and fire a gun. After some time the republic will have gained the location of the bunker and will start moving on foot and the infected will be gradually attacking them whilst the republic are on the move until they arrive at bunker (Once republic starts to get on the move no more gun infected will be spawned to ensure you cannot just sit at range). When the republic are at the bunker infected spawns will change to be inside the bunker where they will wait for the ray shield to be opened. Wait until the republic funnel into the bunker then infected will attack. Once the republic get to bottom of bunker at research centre a hold out will take place. (Either being a Last stand or normal hold out depending on how well clones do.) The infected spawns will be not too far from research centre to ensure its not too easy for clones. After a hold out or last stand the infected spawns will be put outside the bunker, and the final goal as infected would be last life is to take as many clones as they can with them before the clones extract. One of the infected will be given different model and be made to have more HP.

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

                                                                                 CWRP Current Ranks: 501st Commander. Event Planner

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Huge +1 
- Has a lot of spare Time 
- Hardworking Guy
- Nice and welcoming Fella
- Would fit nicely into the Event Planner Team

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Officer Cadet
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Jedi Knight CG DD | Rancor Instructor
| Event Planner

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