
Unwarn Request By MR.MOON

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My In-Game name: Moon

STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:442929350

Steam Name: MR.MOON

What is the reason for your warn: RDM

How long were you warned for: Forever

Name of the staff member who warned you: hegol

Why do I believe that I should be unwarned: Context is obviously important, it was back when I was still learning about roleplay since this is the first roleplay server I've ever been on, it was late at night when there were like 6 people on and my friend was low on HP and he asked me to kill him. Like I said, I had no idea that it would be bad for me to kill him when he asked me to and there was barely anyone on the server so it's basically downtime hours. I killed him, he respawned and ran back to me and then the Admin appeared and said I'm not allowed to kill him even if he asks, I said that I understood and I personally think it should've been a verbal warning and not a written warning since there was no way of me knowing that it's not allowed. I would've understood if I just randomly killed someone, as that's actually RDM but because he asked me to I thought it was okay. I promise not to do it again, and while it's not the most devastating thing in the world it would be nice if I had no warnings instead of the one that is a bit misleading to anyone who has no context.

Thank you.

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Although I understand, it is still a fair warn so in my opinion the warn should stay.... 1 single RDM warn isn't the end of the world and won't effect you much, mistakes happen and you seemed to have learnt from it which is the main thing 😀

Current Ranks:

 GM Senior Commander camo

CWRP Executive Admin


Previous Ranks:

GM ARC Colonel camo

Ahsoka Vs Morgan.gif

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Rules apply at any time of the day. Once you decide to join the server we expect you to know the rules and follow them. Saying i did not know the rules is not a get out of jail free card. Warns are also here to learn from your mistakes but also for staff to see if you have done similar stuff in the past. 

Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
Past Rank's:
CE Senior Commander
CWRP Senior Administrator

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on one had i can understand that for someone new it can be a mistake and you didnt know,
on the other hand it is still a valid warn,
and like camo said, one warn wont have tragic effects if you now show that you know the rules and how to RP.

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21 hours ago, Henk - DutchDavin said:

Rules apply at any time of the day. Once you decide to join the server we expect you to know the rules and follow them. Saying i did not know the rules is not a get out of jail free card. Warns are also here to learn from your mistakes but also for staff to see if you have done similar stuff in the past. 

The problem I have with "For staff to see if you have done similar stuff in the past" is that it's highly misleading because what I did could hardly be considered random deathmatch. And while actual RDM is not something you can just say "I didn't know" because it's very obvious and common sense, what I did is not common sense at all and nowhere does it specify that I cannot do that, especially for a first time player like me.

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A warning is not the end of the world, they are there so you can learn from your past mistakes and improve, they do not restrict your access to apply for anything.

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