
Victor's Clone EP application

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: CEO of racism

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 212th LTCOL Victor

Teamspeak Name: Victor

Playtime on the Server: 5 months 4 days

SteamID (    STEAM_0:0:84944040
Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:  
Yes, i was an ep in this server

Current Age:  19

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):  image.png?ex=665f0109&is=665daf89&hm=309

for some reason the 2nd and last warnings were duped. 


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and yes


Have you ever hosted an event before?: Many times, yes.

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: An example of an event i hosted was a plantery on coruscant and it was executed amazingly.

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes i do, they are to be expected to host fun events for the player base and are granted ULX powers. They are trusted with those powers to create the fun enviornment and should not abuse their powers whatsoever, EPs are practically the backbone of the server and with them the server can feel fun with creative ideas being put as an attack.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes.

Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event:  An allied doctor was appointed by high command to head to snow facility to destruct the stationary inactive droids before they fall in the wrong hands.

Upon arriving, the doctor proceeds to work on the base's computer and while no one is around, the doctor straps himself in the bed and puts the wires and headgear ON himself to install his mind and consciousness into the computer, allowing him to take over the base controls and therefore turning in the in-active droids to attack the republic and try to push them off the planet so he can claim the planet to himself.

his second plan is to use the 3 radio towers around the map to call for the CIS arrival, this is to lure the droids in and use the planet signals to steal the CIS droids and create an army. 

The doctor has access to old CIS equipment in the base such as Wrist rocket droids, commando droids AND enemy tanks.

The event will end with the republic destroying the 3 radio towers to block the signals, and with the towers down that means the computer signals become weak, therefore allowing CE or RC to boot him off and return his consciousness back to his body... or fry his mind? up to the clones.


Event Announcement for your story: The republic forces are sent to the abondend snow facility to make sure the permiter is clear and allow Doctor (name) to ensure the destruction of the leftover CIS eq and droids. but the doctor has other plans to take the planet all for himself... join in the fight and eradicate the droid forces before its too late!


Choice of map: Snow facility


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Droids (enforces/B2 will depend on the amount of players on.)

(eg. Pirates, Reason, ) Makes sense since the the story is about a leftover CIS droids and EQ that get reactivated.

Additional Characters: The Doctor (physically) The Doctor (inside the computer after he installs himself.)
(eg. passive character)

Republic's outline and execution: The doctor will be present near the battalion and the batt will fill in the clones : "we will be sent to snow facility as a clean up crew, we are to ensure the destruction of the de-activated droids and be in and out clean. The doctor here, doctor (name) is the only person with the computer data and password to the base. We count on you doctor!
(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")

Event Character outline and execution: 
Once the doctor (EP) does the [RP] turns on the facility's power and droids. The droids will be TPed instead of the droid prop that will be already placed, and will be attacking the droids and will fall back once heavily pushed into the 1st radio tower base.
(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")


Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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- Been EP before, knows the ropes

- Solid and interesting plan

- I like the passive character being the reason for the operation and then the reason for the droids activating 


- Seems like theres not much room for error, not particularly a bad thing.

- I Believe snow facility is no more. Not a negative but just sad that its not here 


Overall big +1 Victor 

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+1, I feel would be a very good addition to the EP team.

                                                                                 CWRP Current Ranks: 501st Commander. Event Planner

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Big +1

Good guy ever since
Prior experience

Need I say more? Just a really good pick IMO.

Current Ranks:
GM 2nd LT Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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