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Applying for Normal EP

General Information:


Steam Name + Profile link: Thescrubs -

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): CG LCPL Danny

Teamspeak Name: Danny

Playtime on the Server: 3 Months 1D 23H

SteamID (

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I have been Staff Certified as EP Twice now and always been one of the people on late so i have had to deal with lots of people in staff situations yes.

Current Age: 19 Years Old turning 20 this friday.

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): I have 1 Warning for Metagaming that i got my first day on the server

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes i do and its understandable

Have you ever hosted an event before?: Yes Many times.

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: I have done both Planetarys and Base Attacks if you look in #event-feedback and search danny you will see that most of the feedbacks on the latest page are good.

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: I do The Resposebilitis of an EP is the Host Event's, Pme's and just make roleplay for the players.
But it can also be to Help out if no staff are on the server as any EP will get staff Certified

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes i do as i have went thru it twice already.


Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):
Im Gonna be using The First part of a Custom Storyline that i made and wanted to do before i Resigned and that i will do if i get EP Again.

Story for your event:
A Distress Signal has been Sent from the Civilians on Nar Shadar they have been Tyrannised by a Unknown people, who have Arrived and set up a Outpost where they bring all their stolen loot to or that is what the Civilians think.

In Reality the Unknown are working for the CIS, and is using they Outpost on Nar Shadar to smuggle Weapons without the Republic finding out.

The Unknown is known as Cruel People Who always travel in Groups but it is unusual that they work with others so working with the CIS is new the reason for this is the Unknown wants to be bigger.


Event Announcement for your story: A Distress Signal has been sent from Nar Shadar, the civilians are saying they are being killed in thousands and robbed of all their valubals, they say its creatures known as the Unknown doing it.
Find out what is going on Could there be more happening than what the Civilians know.


Choice of map: Nar Shadar - RP_Denon


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
I will Be doing the Unknown As Pyke for now they would be the pike model as i have not been able to find a better one in Models sadly i had hoped we might have a Dark Figure with a mask on that isent a Sith model but we dont, Because of this i see Pyke as the best model to use as its not the most used and they are masked people.

I am doing the Amount of EC's With Around 80+ Players in mind and 5 41st/OS on.

Pyke Soldier
Pyke Juggernaut 1x
Pyke Captain 1x
Pyke Sniper 1x
Pyke Guard 2x
Pyke Executioner 2x

The Reason i have so many diffrent is to get some diffrent Weaponery in to use.

Additional Characters:
I will have a Couple of Civs for the start of the event Running to The Republics Landing Platform Asking for help. This will most likely be Myself and a CO-Host or a Staff member who is willing to help out.

Republic's outline and execution:
So The Republic get a distress Signal from the Civilians on Nar shadar and gets told that there are a lot of civilians getting Slaughtered, Offcourse the Republic cant allow this so this means that theyt send their Forces to Nar Shadar.

When they arrive to Nar Shadar a couple of Civilians will be coming running to the Landing pad with this happening batt sends out their Scouts+ RC to see what is going on.

From Here Battalion gets to Choose how he leads.

When we get to around Half Way thru I will Come up as a Civilian to an RC Member Telling him that we have seen these Unknowns Moving Cargo Around so RC will Report back to Batt. *

And batt will Tell Arc and RC to go look into it.
Here Batt find out that These Unknowns are smuggling Weapons not just murdering Civilians.

Batt Will then slowely secure more ground towards the Unknown Outpost.

When we get to the End the Batt will get to the Crates with weapons going to the CIS and he will order it to be Confiscated and taken back to Anaxes. (This is for Part 2 of the Custom Storyline to happen)

Event Character outline and execution:
So to start the Event The EC's Will be told to Chase a couple of civs into the Landing zone but not enter landing zone offcourse as this is a clone spawn.

From here the EC's will go out of the tunnel and wait out there as they have seen the republic ships arriving and are ready for what to come.

Here the EC's will slowly fall back until we get to about halfway thru, where 1-2 EC's Will be spawned in a house with me where they will chase me out as a Civ and i will run to RC/Batt to tell them what i have seen.

When the republic has gotten this information the EC's will start to panic and make their way to their Outpost to make sure that the Republic dosent get hands on their weapons,

But as they slowly see that they are getting overwhelmed they will decide to fall back and put Tracking deviceses in their Weapon Crates

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

I Decidet to apply because a Couple of EP's and normal Players asked me to and i loved being part of the EP team before but my Health came in the way.

I would love to help out Kicker and Sandy with their EP team since they have always been very nice to me and Kicker has especially helped me out a lot before.

I thank everyone who took their time to read this application.
I hope you all have a great day.

Edited by Danny

Current Ranks
CG CO - Rancor Instructor - Event planner

Former Ranks

4x 212th SO - 212th Vice Commander - Junior Medic - CE SO - Rancor - 2x Event planner

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- Been an EP before!

- Strong Plan with knowledge of Republic regiments involved 

- Has a great mindset when it comes to being EP and EC

- Trust worthy individual 


Overall +1

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- Been EP before
- Great plan with extra things for regiments to do

- Always lends a hand going EC and when previously EP would give great advice to help others improve their events
- A trustworthy and all around great guy 
Overall +1

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Senior EP team and Event Management have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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