SNARE's clone EP application

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Steam Name + Profile link: snare

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): SNARE

Teamspeak Name: SNARETY

Playtime on the Server:
5d 10h 48m.

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:641449114

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None.

Current Age: 19 (20 in august 17th

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, it is understandable.

Have you ever hosted an event before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: To create fun and interesting events that engage the players of the server, giving them all a chance for fun combat, unique stories, and interesting roleplay, while being able to adapt quickly if things go wrong with the plans for an event.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, in fact i would be very confused if that were not the case and you just tossed a player straight into this role.


Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: a strange signal is picked up by the main base on rishimoon, after CE head up to ATC and decode it, the message is heard by all (using the thing that lets batt and EP talk in comms everyone hears) "???: GREETINGS CLONES!!! You do not know me, YET, but i Know a lot about all of you... oh yes indeed. Inside and out you could say..." battalion will speak to this mysterious person to figure out what he wants, and the conversation would turn to him saying the following: "???: this is a riveting conversation, but i do believe some of your brothers are... Hungry..." and with that message, infected clones leap over the mountains and swarm the base! they quickly rush for the HQ, mindless enough to be rampaging monsters, yet controlled enough by this madman to target the GR! with the power off they rampage throughout the base once again, attacking anyone and everyone they can find. when power is back they move into ATC, the clones are gaining some ground against them and can finally make a true push! the infected now move from indoor spawn to indoor spawn, the medbay, AO, the training rooms, all around the base while the madman keeps mocking and taunting the clones.

after the medbay spawn, the medical units can start making a cure! while they do this the infected will keep trying to break into the medbay to stop them, so the clones will have to hold out there and defend it. watching all entrances and the vents for hostiles.

when the cure is made the madman controlling the infected gets... excited?! he orders his infected to fight until their last breath, as he makes his way towards the base. when all infected are dead, he arrives by the main gate. clones will NOT shoot him but will wait for high command to get there and talk to him. he finally introduces himself as "Doctor Genesis" and compliments the clones on their victory, claiming that he'll make their next foe even stronger! batt will tell the clones to kill him but he'll fly off out of range! it seems the GAR now has a fearsome new foe to take on in the future...


Event Announcement for your story: A strange signal has appeared on rishimoon! it seems to be some sort of communication, what could it be? a distress call? an advertisement? a threat? a warning? while CE decodes it, everyone should be highly alert, there have been reports of strange sightings and people going missing around this area, but surely that's nothing to do with this... right?


Choice of map: Rishimoon


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
Infected clones, for this storyline these are clones who have been kidnapped and horribly modified by doctor genesis, while making the cure medical units would report that "these are barely even clones anymore sir! this virus has completely altered their DNA!"

Additional Characters:
Doctor Genesis, played by myself, using this dupe of mine He would speak throughout the event to taunt clones and command infected, his messages will be heard by all so all the clones will quickly know where infected are coming from and what their goal is. the main idea is that he could be a recurring villain for this server, used in events by me or if other EP want him i would be happy to play him for those events too! he will never enter combat himself (as the dupe has no ways to attack) but would observe and be a fun character, the kind of classic super evil villain you love to hate.

Republic's outline and execution:
when doctor genesis starts talking to batt, clones will be put on defcon 4 or 3. scattering them all around the base so that when the zombies attack they are truly taken off guard and overwhelmed. after the initial attack it becomes more standard for them, zombies will spawn in an area, clones will push to try and take them down.

when the cure is being made it becomes more interesting to balance, the zombies are spawning in different locations but they're not just pushing out randomly, they are fully trying to target the medbay so batt will need to try and split up regiments to defend medbay and push the infected spawns.

there will be NO final stand for clones, while this attack was big, in the lore is was merely the first of doctor genesis's experiments. it will be seen as a major victory for the clones against a new foe.

Event Character outline and execution:
8 ECs, all infected clones with mid tier infected swep. to prevent HP rushing being a massive problem with this, ECs will only be given about 1250 HP, enough to be a threat but still easy for a group to take out. infected will need to work together and use ambush tactics and flanks to be effective. they can't just run past everyone to scrap with medics

in the infected's final life the co-host will turn into a final boss of sorts, gaining 10000 HP, an electrohammer, and being made extra large. all clones will have to target this boss to end the event, where i will finally reveal myself as doctor genesis at the gate, ending the event with a bit of larp and a set up for future events.



Anything else?:

as you can probably tell, the main goal of this event is to just be a simple infected base attack that sets up greater events down the line. i don't want to get insanly ambitious with my events (yet) but i don't want to go boring with it either. so this is hopefully striking the balance!

and like i said before, doctor genesis isn't exclusive to me! while i'll be the only one to larp as him, if someone else wants him for an event just ask me and i'll happy to bring him in! want him to just be there on a CIS ship doing a trade? want him to supe up some pykes for your planetary? as long as i feel like the idea fits him, and i've got the time availible, i'll be there for it!

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Senior EP team and Event Management have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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