
Shotz JR Dev Application

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Is this a Junior Developer or Developer Application?:

 Junior Developer Application

Server(s) within WG you have played/currently play:(include your highest IG rank for each/any and estimated time played)

 CWRP / Was 104th Commander now Chief Alchemist / IG Time: 1mo 2w 4d 1h 13m

Discord Username:


Steam Name:


Steam ID: (


Age when applying:


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:

 England (BST)

What is your coding knowledge?: (i.e do you know LUA, have been a dev previously on gmod, work in a job in real life that involves coding, self taught etc. Please be as detailed as you can be.)

 I know quite a bit of GLUA (Still learning), I know GML for game development. I done games development as a college course but before then I was teaching myself how to code in GML, I have been doing this for roughly 8 years now .As of currently I am trying to teach myself some GLUA with some help from others, I am always willing to get out my comfort zone to learn as much as I can.
 Here are some examples of my work:
 1. Item Vendor

2. Drugs Addon

3. Tendrils Forcepower

4. "Grenade" addon

5. Cadet Training NPC

6. Event Menu (WIP)

    - Event Overview (Completed, All Players the done !ejoin, Selected players to manage loadout)

    - Loadout Manager (WIP)

7. Basic Hud

8. Basic Cadet Training Board (Faces)

9. SAM Command: Sudo (forces players to say something you want)

Most of my projects can be found here on my portfolio:

Why do you want to Dev for Werewolf Gaming?:

 I want to Dev for Werewolf Gaming because I have been within the community for some time now (4 years) and want to be able to help out the community to my full extent. I am always willing to go above and beyond for this server.

I tend to get hyper focused on Coding which allows me to learn much more. I want to be able to show my skills and put them to use
 Developing for the server will allow me to learn and make an impact for the community which is what I am striving for.

What server would you like to be Junior Developer for?: (If applying for full developer type N/A)


If Accepted, Is there a developer you would prefer to learn from?:(Only relevant for Junior Dev apps, remove if applying for full developer)

 Lars, I do think I could learn from Archer and Duck too 🙂

Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:

I do in fact own a microphone and always communicate with that.

Edited by Shotz

[OOC Ranks]


[In-game Ranks]

Jedi Chief Alchemist

[Previous In-game Ranks]

Clone - 104th Commander

Jedi - Teacher

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I am very much biased to Shotz, He has shown good progress to both learning GLUA and has a friendly nature, more than willing to work with others aswell.
Not sure on where the placement will be but I am sure he will succeed anyway. 

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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The Junior Development team is currently full, we will rereview your application when there is space. I will leave the application open so people can continue to leave feedback and so you can add anymore work you create.


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