
Jensen's Jedi EP Application

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Jensen

Roleplay Name: 212th 2nd LT Jensen / Jedi Elder Kit Fisto

Teamspeak Name: Jensen

Playtime on the Server: 1 month 2 weeks 4 days

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64215725

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Not in a long time

Current Age: 22

Warns/Bans: oUAAluC.png

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and yes

Have you ever hosted an event before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, the responsibilities of an EP is to host events for the player base as well not abusing any ULX powers they have been granted

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Jedi Event Plan:

Story for your event: The Jedi feel a disturbance in the force inside the city and go to investigate. When they get there they see a government official talking to an odd looking man, who claims to be seeking asylum from the war. The Jedi should talk with the man and the official as they can sense he is hiding something whilst the man charms the official. The man then requests a private conversation with the Jedi where he tries to manipulate them into trying to betray the Republic and it is revealed that his plan is to get the planet to side with the Separatists. The government official comes back and if there is a Warlock on, the Sith will corrupt the official. The Sith will then engage the Jedi as the Warlock's uncorrupt the official.

Event Announcement for your story: The Jedi feel a disturbance within the city of Vardos, but can they root out any lies and deception?

Choice of map: Vardos

Additional Characters: Sith Diplomat, Government Official

Jedi's outline and execution: The Jedi feel a disturbance in the force in the city, they go around looking for anything suspicious and see the government official talking to the man outside somewhere. The Jedi must decypher the Sith's lies and then battle the Sith when he turns hostile. They may need to uncorrupt the Government Official later in the event.

Jedi Event Character outline and execution:
Sith diplomat has been sent to persuade the planet into joining the Separatists, he is to do this by pretending to seek asylum from the war and then blaming it on the Republic.

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner


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this guy honestly +1

Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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+1 My Boy deserves a Shot! 

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Operator
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Jensen deserves a shot 

Current Ranks:
Community Developer 
Mace Windu

Ex IC Ranks:

Jedi Professor [19/04/2024 - 06/06/2024]

Plo Koon [06/06/2024 - 29/06/2024]


Kit Fisto [24/08/2020 - 30/01/2021]

Jedi Battle Master [11/04/20 - 24/08/2020]

Jedi Specialist [27/02/20 - 11/04/20]

Ex OOC Ranks:

Jr Developer
DarkRP Moderator

SWRP Senior Admin


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