
Stomady Ban Appeal

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My In-Game name: CT BEN


Steam Name: Stomady 

What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP | came back after a one month ban and got 2 warns

How long were you banned for: Perm 

Name of the staff member who banned you: Wanted 

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: It has been a long time since I was banned. Although not believing the ban is unreasonable and totally just I apologise for the damage I caused during the period in which I played. I believe now I can certainly add to the roleplay on the server and become a valuable member. my immense obsession to the star wars world will guarantee my good behaviour for the forseeable future 

As you may have noticed this is the same as my previous request. I have nothing more to add however, hopefully me coming back after 3 months to re-appeal shows you extra dedication and desire to get back at to the game.


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We have decided in the Senior Staff Meeting to give you a 2nd chance, if you minge around again you will be re-permabanned on the spot

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