
Ryans Unban request July 2024

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My In-Game name: Ryan

STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:229206570

Steam Name: Nathan Unorthodox 

What is the reason for your ban: Broke my 1 warn basis

How long were you banned for: Perma

Name of the staff member who banned you: Wanted

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:  I believe i should be unbanned for the reason being it happened about over a year ago by now, And i didn't intend to get any warns even though like i have said before with having been playing the server for a year after getting the 1 warn basis and me getting to the rank of CT COL and CT Temp EXO I believed my warn was not in effect anymore due to good behaviour and the rank i had achieved as that is what happened with my friends on other servers, Now in my previous unban request i had stated that the warns i had received weren't from anything like MRDM or LTAP or anything on those lines, But since that app was denied i was informed that the warns were actually for RDM, ARDM & ERP, Now at the time of me making that last appeal i genuinely thought my warns were nothing serious and something minor like breaking PTS but it seems that wasn't the case, Although i still can not remember getting these certain warns especially the ERP one they must be true if an admins telling me that's the 3 warns that got me banned, when i came back about over a year ago now or so i never wanted to ruin peoples fun on the server and never intended to, I apologise for any inconvenience i may have caused during the time of me getting my warns, As I've also said before i had grew to love the server by playing as scav and ranking up in different regiments, And im just wanting one last chance on a 1 warn basis as this time i know no matter how long i play for or what high rank i achieve I'll know it still applies, As before i had gotten the warns that week i had went a year without getting any warns while i grinded the ranks in CT and overtime i thought the basis would have disappeared as I've said that has happened with some of my mates on other Gmod server's but that's my fault to thinking this server is the same as others punishment wise, I'm just asking for 1 last chance to prove that I didn't go though all those unban request just to finally get unban just to fuck about and show i genuinely want to play it like everyone else. 

Evidence: N/A

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As victor stated, sometimes Gate can be a nuisance. however I do believe he is being genuine.

And so, I think he deserves another chance, however inform him better of the agreements of the unban.


Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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We have decided in the Senior Staff Meeting to give you a FINAL CHANCE, if you at any point minge at all or get warned, you will be re-permabanned and will not be unbanned.

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