
carnage's 2nd Clone EP app

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link:  carnage

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st EXO Carnage

Teamspeak Name: carnage

Playtime on the Server: 3mo 4d 20h 13m

SteamID ( 

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I was an event planner on this server for a short time some time ago. 

Current Age: 17

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes.

Have you ever hosted an event before?: Yes, multiple.

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: My first event was a planetary on "Venator Vs Providence" and was meant to last 35 minutes. The story for the mission was an Admiral had ordered the rescue mission of his son who had been captured by Separatist forces. It was successful, and ran for the required time and I believe they did indeed rescue the Admiral's son. 

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: I do, the responsibility of an EP is to provide the player base with fun, interesting events that provide entertainment on both sides, and are trusted enough to not abuse their ULX privileges. 

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes.


Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: 
The Fleet Commodore "Ukulesis" has issued a distress signal to this Republic Garrison. The signal details on how the Commodore and his small occupational force of 244th Clone Battalion are suffering heavy loses due to high civilian unrest on the planet. Upon arrival, Ukulesis would describe the locals as savage anarchists that will stop at nothing then to rid of the Republican Occupational force from Tatooine. The garrison would then enter combat as then entered the town.  The Clones would push the civilians through the main street, down to the bunker, then to the bar and republic HQ, then through market. Eventually they would be pushed back to the valley of Mos Mesric were the civilians would cede their arms and surrender. Ukulesis would then follow the arrested were they would be interrogated and reveal the heavy resource embargos Commodore Ukulesis implanted on the planet, taxing the resources they had causing large amounts of famine and poverty. The Commodore would then order the execution of the civilians, and the ending would be open ended, either warranting investigation and defiance from the clones or showing the dark side of Republic Operations in the galaxy if they did infact follow his orders. Either way is perfect for this scenario.  


Event Announcement for your story:
Fleet Commodore Ukulesis has issued a distress signal to your garrison that a civil war brews between his 244th Clone Battalion occupational forces in Mos Mesric. It is up to you to stay firm to the Republic, and provide reinforcement for the Republican Commodore to put out this feeble rebellion!


Choice of map: Mos Mesric


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Civilian Rebel (Would use the Pyke Jobs), I would use these as it aligns with the story I wish to tell in the event, and would make the surrender and later execution invoke more RP situations such as clones possibly questioning orders or even arresting the Commodore for crimes against the civilians. It also gives ECs different models to regular models normally used for ECs.
(eg. Pirates, Reason, )

For this let's assume there is 80 people on for this planetary, and therefore I would use 8 ECs. 

3 Rebel Soldiers (Pyke Soldier) 
2 Rebel Enforcers (Pyke Juggernaut) 
1 Rebel Leader (Pyke Captain)
1 Rebel Sniper (Pyke Sniper)

All these jobs would be given models normally seen on the civ jobs to make them match what they are supposed to be and be distinct. 

Additional Characters: 
Commodore Ukulesis - would only appear in debrief and the end parts, not part of the battle or anything. Maybe every so often putting in chat for them to lay waste to every single Rebel in republic comms. Would use the "Tanner" model for this character and more than likely would either be me or the co-host.

Republic's outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")
Battalion informs reinforcements have been requested by a Fleet Commodore regarding a brewing civil war in Mos Mesric. In briefing, they'd explain that the 244th suffered major loses in keeping the town occupied and thus they have been deployed to re-take it for the Commodore. To make it more immersive at the start, 244th bodies could been pinned to walls, hung from ceilings and dotted on the floor, but would be removed later to help with lag. They'd push barricaded areas such as the main road of Mos Mesric, bunker etc all areas mentioned previous. Then they must deal with the passiveRP at the end, where in debrief the civis are lined up and the Commodore orders their execution, and must chose whether to obey his command and kill them, or disobey and go on from there. It is up to them who they respond to the heavy embargos and famine caused by the actions of Ukulesis. 

Event Character outline and execution:
(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")

The majority of civilians will be dropped along the barricades further down the main road and ordered not to fire until the Republic push forward to allow briefing to occur. They will then be told to try and hold places that they'll be spawned at, giving singular life weapons to help disrupt the pushing of clones to adhere to time requirements but to also make sure they are not being steamrolled. Then at the canyon, near the tents outside the cave they'll be ordered to surrender, and once interrogated will be instructed to spill the story about the Commodore, that he is exploiting the people, using them in heavy duty labour mining operations, taxing them heavily, placing strict embrgos and causing famine all over. It is then down to the republic whether they are executed at Ukulesis' behest, or to side with the civilians.


Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner


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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Senior EP team and Event Management have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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