
Hunters Jedi EP Application

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Steam Name + Profile link:  guppy gaming  (

Roleplay Name : Jedi Occultist Hunter

Teamspeak Name: N/A (Teamspeak is banned in my country, but i've gotten an exception)

Playtime on the Server:  1mo , 1d , 11h , 30m spacer.png

SteamID : STEAM_0:0:39814724

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No, but a sandbox one.

Current Age: 15


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, but I'd prefer to type.

What are the responsibilities an event planner has?:  Focusing in making an event with high effort and creativity, which players enjoy playing and participating, while also giving the same enjoyment for the EC's. Event Planners also take the feedback from the participants of the event, and analyze them to make future events better and more amusing to them, making them play on the server more. EP's must also focus on executing the event and plan up to expectations. Another responsibility of being a Jedi EP is being creative and showing it to the participants and EC's which is important.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Story for your event: The story/event will start with an advert in chat: /advert [RP] The Jedi feel a disturbance near Scavenger Camp, Jedi will arrive at the area and they will be met with 2 Sith scavenging some Jedi Delta-7's, with 1 Jedi corpse hidden near the ships. At first, the Jedi will most likely start questioning the Sith about what their doing, with the Sith replying they are simply scavenging any unattended ships or vehicles they find to sell or trade. Once a Jedi finds the hidden corpse, the Sith will start getting defensive, telling the Jedi to mind their own business and objecting them to leave their space.    The Sith will then enter a building, where they have a pile of scrap and a couple of Jedi Holocrons vaulted. They will then store the Delta-7's scrap pieces and once the Jedi try to get a hold on the Jedi Holocrons, the Sith will start becoming aggressive and telling the Jedi what they are doing, and telling them to back off from the holocrons. If the Jedi refuse or resist, the Sith will ignite their sabers and advise the Jedi to leave the building once more. If again, the jedi refuse, The sith will start attacking. The fighting will continue for about 10 minutes, while also protecting the holocrons. The EC's will give in and surrender, when the Jedi start to leave the building with the holocrons, the EP (Me) will stop the Jedi in their paths, telling the Jedi to hand over the holocrons, in which the Jedi will obviously refuse, will result in one last battle until the event ends. (This is set in Rishimoon)

Event Announcement for your story: Jedi Event Announcement Map: Rishimoon Approximate Length: +20 min Event Outline: Mysterious individuals are up to no good, Jedi must investigate their mischievous acts and unravel the secrets! Join using this link: steam://connect/  


Choice of map: Rishimoon

Additional Characters: None needed.

Jedi's outline and execution: The Jedi discover 2 unknown scavengers scavenging a ship.

Jedi Event Character outline and execution: When Jedi discover the holocrons, the sith will start becoming more aggressive each minute.


Last question:

Anything else?: W-G Jedi Event Planner

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Ok app
A little bit young
2 warns within 10 sec witch tells me you might get mad easily 
Haven't seen you much around

I personally don't have anything against using ai but when its clearly in the rules you should come up with your own story (the checker might be wrong, tried a few more and got mixed answers)

Edited by Southski
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I ran this through some AI checkers just to double check as some people seem to like using them and unfortunately it came up that parts of your story is AI, this could be wrong idk

As southski said you had 2 warns within 10 seconds

I haven't seen you much on the server, being EP requires more time in the server

Good enough playtime

Sure if you put in time and effort I'm sure you'd be a great EP

[OOC Ranks]


[In-game Ranks]

[CE NCO] [Jedi Lorekeeper]

[Previous In-game Ranks]

[104th Commander] [Jedi Teacher] [Chief Alchemist]

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i really don't know what to say or if you would believe me. i am 100% positive i haven't used AI for my story, i was thinking for an hour for it. but again, i havent used AI and i dont know if you'd believe a source over me.

The warns was just me messing around when i didnt play the server and i was just mingy. I understand that tho, but at that time i was just minging around.


and my inactivity will fix soon, i'm just taking a minor break rn.

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Good enough Application

Never really see you around
Barely meets the age requirment

You need TeamSpeak

I really don't know where the AI accusations come from, I personally could not find any AI checksum that indicated the use of AI, nor did the application read like an AI generated one.

Also the 2 warns in 11 seconds thing is not indicative of anything. It just took Wanted 11 seconds to give out the other warn for the same incident.

Overall I would just say spend more time on the server, get more known, probably get at least NCO in clone and I'd say you got a good shot. Although the TeamSpeak thing might be a dealbreaker in eyes of Management.

(Also, you probably should stop responding to comments on your application. Never a good look.)

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
CT EXO Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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+ Spoke in game, nice guy

+Good plan (Regardless if any AI usage)

+Decent time on the server

-2 Warns

-Teamspeak will hinder any EP if they don't have access.

-/+ Typer (Can use mic as mentioned)



Edited by Aguero
Footer added

CE BFT Private First Class Aguero II

Current Ranks

[CWRP Platinum VIP]-[CG Detainment Droid]-[CE BFT Private First Class]

Previous Ranks

[CE Lieutenant Colonel]-[GM Enlisted Trooper]-[CG(2x) Rancor Battalion Major]-[Battalion Warrant Officer]-[CWRP Senior Event Planner]-[Discord Staff]

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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