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Game Master Application Template:
Event Planner applications are only needed for people who are currently not staff on ICRP.

- Being a staff member isn't a requirement
- You must have TS and be active on it.
- You must be able to speak and understand English.
- Must be at least 14 years old
- You must have good lore knowledge. (Canon)
- Once accepted you will start as a Game master and work your way up to Event planner.


Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Daddy Irish

Roleplay Name(s): n/a for now probably gonna be Lecinstine or smthn like that

Teamspeak Name: Irish

Playtime on the Server: n/a 

SteamID (     STEAM_0:1:463084413

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server (Not Essential): WG NRP Senior event planner 

Current Age: 18

Warns/Bans: n/a

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: yes

Have you ever done an Event/PME Before?: too many to count

What was your event and was it successfully executed?:  I had done many events the main ones that stick out would be invasion style events where I used a mix of Pac 3 and dupes to drop US forces

Do you understand the responsibilities an event planner has? If so, what are they?: the main responsibility's of an event planner  are to keep the EC and all factions entertained and inline with the server rules and to make/prepare for events throughout the week.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: yes I do


Army/Civilian PME Plan: pilgrims passive event 

Create a PME that will create an atmosphere for the player base and make the server feel fresh and exciting. These do not have to be a combat event as passive events can bring more of an atmosphere more than combat events when done right.

Characters, HP, Amount: jedi of the Barash Vow, 100, 1
(e.g. Bounty Hunters, 500, 6)
Passive, HP, Amount: Pilgrims, 100, 5
(e.g. Scientist, 500, 1)

Your Execution: I would use the event announcement system as well as the ingame system and open comms to announce that there is a  ship of pilgrims worshipping old jedi religion coming through the area.

Event Character Execution: be passive and to have the jedi "probably another event planner" be escorted through the town on his way to hide in plain sight how ever the ISB would be notified of this by one of their spys and they pilgrims and jedi would be intercepted along their way where the ISB and Inquisitorius would have to work together to identified which one is the jedi once all is said and done the ISB and Inquisitorius would fallow what ever protocol they have to deal with survivors of the purge

Sith PME Plan:  Hostile attack on imperial facility's

Characters, HP, Amount: Rebels, 100, 8   -  jedi, 100-400, 1-2
(e.g. Bounty Hunters, 500, 6)

Passive, HP, Amount: n/a

Story: a small group of rebellious individuals have managed to arrive onto the planet however imperial spy's indicated this group may have jedi or other force sensitive individuals with them and ready to preform a raid to free their brethren who are believed to be imprisoned somewhere on the planet.

Event Information: I small group of jedi and rebels infiltrate and try to free their believed imprisoned brethren how ever when they arrived there will not be any jedi left to save and they will all suffer a fait worse than death at the hand of the Inquisitorius. 


PME Plan:
Character/s: Reactivated battle droids lead by the pirate leader

Background Information (if applicable): the pirate leader will be an unknown individual whom has used the power of parts of the old CIS Droid Army to plunder the week and has finally mustard the courage to attack the empire to try and gain some of their higher grade weapons and materials.

Who is the PME target:

How will the PME Start and what will the rewards/ repercussions be at the end: loss of any imperial equipment that is stolen and taken back to the pirate ship or destroyed in a failed raid.



Note: i am a little dyslexic sometimes so please don't mind grammar to much.

i am a former senior ep for wg hoping to make a return and this server seems like the best fit for me.

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