SNARE's 2.5th EP Application

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Steam Name + Profile link: snare

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st ADV RANCOR CPT SNARE

Teamspeak Name: SNARETY

Playtime on the Server:
2 weeks, 18 minutes

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:641449114

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

Current Age: 19

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, and it is understandable.

Have you ever hosted an event before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: To create fun and balanced events that allow for interesting combat with the massive amounts of players active at any time.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, that is fully expected.


Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event:

A strange signal is picked up by the main base on rishimoon, after CE head up to ATC and decode it, the message is heard by all (using the feature that lets batt and EP talk in comms everyone hears) "???: GREETINGS CLONES!!! You do not know me, YET, but i Know a lot about all of you... oh yes indeed. Inside and out you could say..." battalion will speak to this mysterious person on voice amp while setting the base to defcon 4 or 3, to figure out what he wants and the conversation would turn to him saying the following: "???: this is a riveting conversation, but i do believe it's time to feed my... Pets. and you all look extremely delectable, YESSSSS!"

after that, infected would leap out from over the mountains! swarming the base and attacking everywhere! clones will need to scramble and mobalise in order to combat this new threat, as the mysterious villain keeps taunting them over comms. after the initial attacks and when clones are organised, the medics must head to medbay and begin making a cure. i'll come back to this when talking about the gameplay of the event but this part will be important.

after the cure is made and dispersed, one clone will come out of the cure smoke, an EP rping as a now cured clone who says they were all kidnapped by a "horrible doctor" and turned into those monsters, but that there is still one more... then the final infected makes it's move. a giant super powered monster marching through the base! a final boss for all the clones as they must unite to destroy this abomination! all weapons are authorised, tanks, ships, bombs, everything is allowed to take this thing down!

once it's dead, the villain speaks to the clones again. "AMAZING!!! ohhhh that was far more interesting than i anticipated. but make no mistake clones, your victory was... a calculated outcome. unlike many of your foes, you'll find that one Doctor Genesis does not underestimate you. noooo i do not... i shall see you again some day clones! yessss i shall!" and with that, he cuts the line. and a new villain is out there for the clones to investigate!

Event Announcement for your story:

a strange signal has appeared on rishimoon! it seems to be a communication, but it's not one we recognise at all. while CE decodes it, the main forces may want to be on guard... there have been a lot of reports of clones going missing on rishimoon lately...

Choice of map: Rishimoon.

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:

infected, either with the normal infected model or the infected clone model. i'm not too sure what the rules on the infected clone model are as i've only seen them be used rarely in events and i can't remember if they've been used for normal infected that lack any guns. either model works for this event though.

Additional Characters:

Doctor Genesis: a mysterious mad scientist obsessed with the clones on rishimoon, his goal is to "evolve" the galaxy in his own sick and twisted image, turning everyone into his monsterous thralls! he'll be a recurring enemy for my events, setting up plenty of unique foes as the clones counter his evil operations and track him down! a classic, comic-booky evil bad guy who you love to hate, plenty of monologs and evil laughter to be had. the threat of "Biolicus Maximus" will also be built up across events, his ultimate creation and the key to his plans of galactic domination!

cured clone: as mentioned before, one clone will be cured during the final parts of the event. after the debrief he can be taken to medbay for the medics to check up on him and ask him about the doctor. he'll be physically fine but he won't have a ton of useful information, the doctor stayed behind glass as a silhouette for all his horrible experiments, using mechanical arms and medical droids to operate on the clones. but for one useful bit of info: he did see the doctor talking to someone once, it seemed like they had a deal going on and that genesis was supplying them with something. that person could be anything, a droid, a pyke, a mandolorian, that will be decided by what my next Genesis event will be. as i would like this storyline to have plenty of forshadowing and throughlines.

Republic's outline and execution:
as mentioned, first the clones will be on defcon 3 or 4, scattered across the base. making the initial attack intense and but the battle in the favour of the infected. if clones are playing well then this won't last as they'll group up to push the current EC spawn, after that the cure will begin being made. medics will have to retreat into the medbay to work on it while the clones will need to be split up!

the medbay must be defended at all costs, but the infected spawns will keep moving around the base, so battalion command will need to be smart and keep regiments organised (IE: telling CG and 41st to cover medbay while 104th and 501st push the infected) as focusing too much on one side or the other will simply result in being overwhelmed.

when the boss zombie arrives at the end, all weapons and tactics will be authorised, AT-TEs and big blast turrets, air strikes, anything and everything to fight off this monster. the boss won't really stand a chance but it'll give the event a big bombastic and memorable ending.

Event Character outline and execution:

infected will be given standard infected loadouts/health, nothing too fancy here as the unique elements will come from the tactics clones have to use.

infected will spawn ontop of the mountains by the sim room, they will stay there until in teamspeak/event chat i tell them to assault. they will all use the low tier infected swep to leap in and attack. after that wave they will spawn somewhere inside the medbay and have to be cleared out. after the medbay push is successful the clones will begin making the cure and the unique elements will come into play.

infected spawns will be moved frequently and to far away locations, IE: going from VDC to the GR. this will give the infected time to try and attack the medbay before the attack force reaches them, meaning the defence teams are not simply sitting around idly, and the attack teams will have lots of different locations to fight in.

during a spawn change, Doctor Genesis will speak on voice amp and say something along the lines of "MY SWARM, MOVE TO THE COURTHOUSE!" meaning that the attack force now knows where to go and it's a race against time to get there and fight them before they can rush out and reach the medbay! having such an active villain talking and hamming it up during gameplay will help keep the event feeling unique and get the character into people's minds. hopefully investing them in the storyline and taking Doctor Genesis down.

the boss infected from after the cure is dropped will have 25k health, and be made much larger than a normal player. nothing insanely stupid but enough to be seem like a big imposing threat.

The exact number of ECs isn't something i want to define here as that is something you need to be very reactive with, if i said 5 here when a hundres players were on as we did the event then that wouldn't work, same as if i said 8 and we only have 52 clones on.

Anything else?:

the main goal of this premise was to establish Doctor Genesis. a character that will be played by myself in all events that involve him. i'll use him in a lot of my events as a main villain, using different tactics and enemies and fighting the clones in lots of ways as the storyline unfolds. as part of his backstory he recieved a vision of the future after an encounter with a nightsister. what he saw shook him to his core, a dark apocalyptic future where something beyond his imagination swept into the galaxy and started to tear it apart. something horrible and organic... the vision drove him mad and he now believes that taking over the galaxy and mutating all life is the only way to save it. if you know your legends lore then it should be rather obvious what he saw a vision of,


the yuuzhan vong

for a note about myself, i've been writing small sci-fi stories in my spare time for about 4 years now, and i've been studying game design at college for just as long. i'm going to university in september so i won't be doing events massively frequently but if i am accepted i'll be putting my whole heart into them, some will be silly, some more serious, some part of a greater storyline, but the main goal is that all of them will be FUN and entertaining. as all events should be.

This application is essentially just a minor update of my previous, as i have finally reached the playtime requirements and the screenshot of my warns is updated along with my in-game name/rank.

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The event doesn't really seem all that well thought out I'm going to be honest. It could easily be simplified into "Infected spawn outside MB and just attack the clones"

I appreciate that you are attempting to begin a storyline type of event sequence but as a first event I don't think that is a very good idea

You also seem a bit overzealous with clones usages of their equipment for a final boss encounter you have at the end

The idea itself is unique however so I don't have any real problem there

Try and focus a bit more on a decent entire storyline in one event for next time instead of trying to begin one character in the first event you ever do

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-you were warned for hp-rushing not too long ago, however,  you are a good EC all around and a kind person. As for the event idea, it isn't that original and can be viewed as lazy, i would recommend making an event that involves a new type of idea other than infected.

Also, you forgot something very important that you gotta put in the application. 

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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Dispite you being a very nice person, you do not seem to have the experience, nor the right attitude. You should've just gone with a more basic approach, and not try to blind by uniqueness and novelty that, at the end of the day, wont and cant be realized anyways.

Get some more playtime, and do a basic, realistic and for a starter easy to realize event.

Current Ranks:
GM Captain Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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As most of my Colleagues stated previously; come up with a somewhat original and easy to do Event Plan.
The Application is somewhat messy, perhaps don't use Bold on everything.
As to you; from my Experience you tend to show a bad Attitude from Time to Time, which corresponds with you having a somewhat "short Fuse".
But i know that you can better yourself and i hope that you work on yourself a bit and reapply again another Time so i could change my Mind.

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Operator
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Thank you to everyone for the critisicm on my application, i predict i will be denied (fairly as i do need to improve) but i won't call for this to be closed just yet, it will be good to let more people add their thoughts on how i can improve. thank you to everyone!

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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