
Doot's EP application.

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Asxieh (

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): CG JR Medic DSGT Doot Jedi Initiate Doot

Teamspeak Name: DootTheGreat

Playtime on the Server: 1 Month, 2 Weeks

SteamID ( 

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I've had plenty of experience back when I was younger. Staffing for servers which have shut down by now or rebranded into something else which I'm unsure of as I had left by that time. I'm experienced with ULX and know how it works.

Current Age: 19 (Turning 20 on the 16th.)

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes.

What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): The duties and responsibilities of the event planner are to plan, prepare and eventually execute event ideas. Allowing the players of the server to take part in a fun, intense and engaging battle or experience bringing life to the server and RP experience. They can also help other event planners by either setting spawns, helping make dupes, crossing ideas to come up with a bigger and better event with hopefully less flaws and plot-holes.

The event planner is also responsible for being an example to other players on the server as they are in a trusted role and can't be minging about, setting a bad example for the newer players of the server, making them think the server is run poorly or this is how the server acts so it must be alright if I do the same.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I would certainly hope so, yes. I wouldn't want an event planner being under-prepared or untrusted.

Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Story for your event (250 words minimum): It's a calm night on the distant moon of Rishi, Nothing has been going on recently and the clones are relaxing within the base performing their usual and boring duties. Suddenly they get calls from a venator explaining to the leading battalion there is a large collective of lifeforms heading toward their location. Once the leading battalion informs the base about the possible threat heading toward their location they'd set up on the walls preparing anything. Soon they'd notice the large force of infected heading over the hill being lead by one larger infected. The infected make a mad dash toward the wall of the base leaping over and starting the battle. Over time the battalion will order for a live sample of the infected to be captured and for the medics to start working on a cure for the infected people. After fierce battle and attacks on the medbay to slow down or halt the progression of the cure the clones eventually manage to get it, spreading it out to the masses via gas. After the cure has been spread out they'd realise that the clones are no longer able to get infected. Allowing for them to start pushing back the infected without worry of more coming. The number of infected begin to dwindle as eventually that number turns to zero signifying the end of the battle and the victory for the clones. They'd patrol around the base one more time before eventually being called to debrief giving the end to the event.

Event Announcement for your story: The Venator calls down to alert the clones ahead of time before the infected begin to arrive.

Choice of map: Rishi Moon

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Infected because they'll allow for a more fast pace and high alert event. Making the clones constantly stay on their toes from their fast movement and small frame allowing them to get around the base faster and for better flanks.

Additional Characters: Venator Recon Commander

Republic's outline and execution: Battalion inform the rest of the GAR about the approaching life forms and to stay alert in case of the life forms being hostile.

Event Character outline and execution: The infected start outside of the base making their way in and pushing through, infecting the clones as they go.

Last question:

Anything else?: I would like to apply for Jedi however I don't have a storyline prepared for them at the moment and wouldn't wish to apply for them if I don't avidly play Jedi and things have changed a lot since I was a consular back in 2022. I would also like to put forward that I apologise for any of my actions back in 2022 if they'd come forward as harsh and far too serious. I'm a lot more laid back now and just prefer to play the server and have a good time.

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Has a good amount of playtime

Has experience with ULX powers

Creative introduction to the event but at the end of the day, an infected event is an infected event and probably not the best one to really prove how creative you are. Infected are very one-dimensional EC's. They don't think, they just charge in and kill the clones (Both IC and OOC because they only have melee weapons). You would have a lot more breathing room with pykes, droids, pirates or really ANY EC that can shoot, also because they can larp. 

Overall a good application but the event idea is just not very original because infected events rarely are

Edited by MrMoon
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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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