
Basks First Jedi EP app

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Law -

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Jedi Knight Banshee

Teamspeak Name: Bask

Playtime on the Server: Your total time is 2w 6d 12h 16m.

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:139852587

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: nope, but ep'd once before on an irp server

Current Age: 20

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): none

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: yes, yes

Have you ever hosted an event before? (remove this if not applicable): yes, but not in a long while

What was your event and was it successfully executed? (remove this if not applicable): somewhat, there was less rp than i originally planned for but tbf most troopers just like shooting stuff

What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum):

an event planners main job is to create and host varied and creative events to enterntain the members of the server, while ensuring they themselves are behaving well and representing the event team properly. in addition it is the event planners role to ensure that the characters in their event behave properly and dont hp rush and the like. this includes the weapons and health of a given ec, as although the ep can spawn weapons and models they should be balanced during the event and not abused outside of events in ic situations, as an ep is an ep, not an admin or member of staff.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
yes, very much so, and am also looking forward to learning from someone more experienced

Jedi Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Clone)
Create an event plan for Jedi, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative! (Use the Template):


Story for your event (250 words minimum):

the jedi temple may seem safe and secure, but many things slip in and out on a regular basis, rats, bugs, or in this case a group of force sensitive thieves, who have heard about a fresh shipment of dangerous sith holocrons being shipped to the temple (probably in a pme before hand) and the power contained within. because of this the thieves will break in, and attempt to steal the holocrons to teach their coven of thieves more effective and dangerous powers, to become even more effective. but holocrons require someone strong in the force to open, which these theives definately are, as once they have infiltrated into the vault using their cloaking abilities they can be detected by the jedi. the thieves are there for the holocron, but cannot bring the holocrons out the way they got in, so have to attempt to sneak out the front door, and the jedi need to try and intercept them, and either persuade them to drop the holocrons and leave, pay the thieves themselves, or fight them for the precious treasures they have stolen.

if this group of thieves makes it out with a holocron by any means, another event will follow in which the group, emboldened by their last victory will attempt another, bigger heist with more power, as they have learned all that can be learned from the previously pilfered prizes, and hunger for yet more, as the only thing that outpaces this coven's ability to stealth is their hunger for power and influence

Event Announcement for your story:

**jedi event announcement**
@Jedi Event Ping

**map:** map name
**Approximate Length:** 15+minutes

**Event Outline:** as many know, the jedi have a habit of collecting and storing dangerous sith holocrons, but many do know, including a group of ambitious thieves who have heard about a recent delivery, and have picked it as their mark.

can you find them, can you stop them? join now to find out

**Join using this link: **steam://connect/

Choice of map:

any base map with a jedi temple (that has a holocron vault)

Additional Characters:
unnamed frieght pilot - the frieght pilot, idk what else to put here
master thief ianta - leader of the group going in

Jedi's outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

you've just recieved a collection of confiscated sith holocrons, and within it is a particular holocron that dictates methods of using the dark side of the force to cloak the users form, even from force users, which has caught the eye of some very ambitious thieves

Jedi Event Character outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the jedi into an ambush")

the jedi temple just got a shipment of holocrons, one of which caught your eye as it will help your coven of theives sneak around easier and more effectively, meaning you can become even more prolific. 
your characters are thieves, and hungry, ambitious ones, interpret that how you will, but above all else your main weapon is stealth, try and use it
if youre cornered decide how your particular thief would react, would they give up their coven for personal gain? would they fight to defend themselves? that is of course unless you get told what to do by the master thief, as they trained you and you wouldn't want to let them down now would you?
Last question:

Anything else?:

W-G Jedi Event Planner
have a great day 🙂

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Story is quite unique and easy to follow.
Event Plan itself is also quite easy to do, with some Prep Time you might aswell add Crates around the JT, where Thieve can "hide" in.
The Event Announcement is alright, usage of Capital Letters wouldn't hurt but besides that its good.

As to you: you are a great LARP'er and you know your away around People (in a positive Way).

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Operator
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Amazing Larper

Good app

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                        CG Rancor 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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neutral / -1
Low playtime and very inactive in Jedi due to lots  of LOA's recently. I wouldnt think you would make a great Jedi EP quite yet but with more experience it might be a different story.

Whenever you have gone EC for Jedi Events its been a good one!
The event plan is decent.

== Past Ranks ==
Jump Troopers Sector Commander 
212th Vice Commander
Monkey Dancing GIF

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Nice Person
No warns is always nice
Good plan

I dont wish to offend you. The reason why I think EM wouldnt want you in EP is because of your history of arguing a lot over things many people consider minor. I think with you in EP you would start a lot of arguments, which is something we already have too much in EP (including my attitude as well), and are trying to get rid off already.

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
GM Captain Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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13 hours ago, Ravolta said:

 The reason why I think EM wouldnt want you in EP is because of your history of arguing a lot over things many people consider minor. I think with you in EP you would start a lot of arguments

i dont quite understand what you mean by this, could you elaborate? genuinely interested so i can work on improving this,

also no offence taken 🙂

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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