
Scott's Unban Request x

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My In-Game name: TK-17395 Scott

STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:155785777

Steam Name: Scott

What is the reason for your ban: ERP

How long were you banned for: 1 week

Name of the staff member who banned you: Seth [W-G] Plum ❤️

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: 

First, allow me to apologise for threatening another community member IC with something vile. This community member was Fitzy, a great friend from the community and in real life! However, this does not excuse my actions. With the server's new release and me still larping on other communities where such awful things are said as jokes it practically just slipped out and I didn't think there would be a big deal with it. But then Fitzy had put it in OOC as a joke for others to see. On past servers (WW2), we used to always put stuff like that in OOC for others to see as a joke, the same was done here but we forgot our new surroundings.

I had been enjoying the RP on the server and I believe Fitzty and I have both created unique RP experiences for other players around us. This is a first-time offence and I know you can be permanently banned for ERP, but not once have I ever done it on another server, plus I have been staff before multiple times on WW2 and once on IRP, so I understand the issues with it. This is why I wouldn't do it again and would refrain from speaking like that IC or OOC around WG-related servers and Teamspeak.

Although it was an awful thing to do, I need to remind myself I am on IRP and that WW2 is now voided from WGs life. I am not a repeat offender of breaking rules, I actually helped contribute quite a bit to the community before, such as assisting in creating all the Guildeds when my discord account was deleted for being discord staff on a WG discord server before. If I am unbanned I will continue to enhance and bring more roleplay experience to other players who are maybe newer to serious Roleplay. Further offences will not happen.

No evidence is required but I believe many people could vouch for me for being a serious Roleplayer on the server and contributing to the experience.

Edited by Scott.

The goat returns, Scott xx

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Granted it is undeniable that what was said was vile & quite simply not needed. However, as Scott has said in the above appeal, this sort of behaviour has been rooted in habits from other servers where such banter is more common. Scott now fully understands that this behaviour was out of place here and deeply regrets it.

I am of the understanding that Scott should be successful in this unban appeal to prove that he has learned from this mistake and will continue to do so, sustaining his positive impact on the server.

47th Stormtrooper Battalion, 118th Engineering Platoon, Specialist.

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Any joke involving rape is taken seriously even if it between friends. Obviously there was no malicious intent behind the words, but posting in OOC was definitely not the right call. You clearly recognize what you did was wrong, so I think there may be a chance of an unban, but I'm not quite sure.

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United States Usa GIF


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Please add "marcuswold" on discord for information regarding your unban. 

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ISF Sec. Sup. Lt. COL

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" om/watch?v=oy0TUwGba9Q"


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