
TomXLegend's 3rd EP Application

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Steam Name + Profile link:
tomxlegend |

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou):

Jedi Warlock Ronin Hikaru | GM COL TomXLegend

Teamspeak Name:


Playtime on the Server:

1month 1d

SteamID ( 


Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:

Not on this server or for GMOD before

Current Age:

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): N.A aU5Muff.png

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:
Yes and from what I'm aware yes

What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum):
An event planner is someone who dedicates their time into the server to create high quality and enjoyable events. With EPs being the backbone of the community with events being the main part of enjoyment that the player base has. Whilst additionally making creative stories and scenery that attracts the interest of the players whether they are clone or Jedi. Whilst they are also intrusted with ULX powers that allow they to maximise the quality of their events and produce and overall better outcome for the players and event characters involved. Whilst also having the responsibility to step up and take over events if another EP is unable to to prevent the loss of the player base of not being able to have or even enjoy an event.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes


Jedi Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Clone)
Create an event plan for Jedi, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative! (Use the Template):


Story for your event (250 words minimum):

On the planet of Annexes a larger underground hive has been developing for years, undetected and unheard of. Their size has grown over the millennial with armies being forged in large numbers but also the hive has created some sort technology that has allowed for them to inject their creatures with a large dose of metaclorian allowing for them to enhance their fighting skills and connection to the force. 

The hive release and thundering earthquake across the lands breaching tunnel spiralling out of the ground and up walls and towers. Upon their passage ways opening up creatures of all sizes crawl up attacking all that stand in it path. Their first target a civilian village packed for the holiday fairs. Sudden death and corruption is spread quickly through the town. Whilst the town falls under darkness monsters continue. Until the force powered hive step out of their passage the Jedi sense a strong disturbance in the force as a sudden powerful force enters the planet surface. The Jedi hearing all these earthquakes and sudden darkness sense the disturbance and make their way over the town only to witness tunnel entrances, bodies scattered and darkness upon the once lit town. They are quickly confronted by the skirmish creatures scattered on whatever moves until the force users approach from the shadows claiming their new rule to the planet of Anaxes and to bow the knee or face death straight. The Jedi go with fighting off these warriors though not as strong as the Jedi themselves there's a large amount of them. Until a Goliath, a strong creature developed with thick armour for the only purpose of killing and taking hits. (Boss fight). The Jedi go off with ceiling these passages though this only blocks of their surface for in the future the Jedi will need to venture down into these tunnels to make an end to the Hive

Event Announcement for your story:

A Hive lifeform has been developing below the surface of Anaxes, undiscovered and known of. They have grown in size and have now decided to make their rise and take the planet of Anaxes by force and terror. Many will fall to these creatures but Will the Jedi be able to hold of the complete destruction of the Anaxes temple and the population around it or will the planet fall into darkness and slavery. Its up to you the Jedi Order!

Choice of map:


Additional Characters:
(eg. passive char or burner EC)

2x Hive Sith (A warrior and a warlock)(though low in HP there a large amounts of these creatures developed to the destruction of Jedi)
2-3x Hive Creatures (Infected Job, used as initial attacks on the Jedi as the weaker force of the Hive)
1x Goliath Creature (Played by Ep) (large amount of health with little attack, a final stomp for the Jedi to clear out)

(Completely flexible on the Hive Creatures)

Jedi's outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

A earthquake takes place on the planet of Anaxes with the Jedi feeling a large disturbance in the force of the local village filled for the Weekend Fair, Civilians slaughtered creatures surrounded

Jedi Event Character outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the Jedi into an ambush")

Hive warriors are to bring their ruler "Chakka" the ownership of Planet Anaxes and kill anyone that stands in their way to rule.

Last question:

Anything else?: 
W-G Jedi Event Planner

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Story is alright
This is your 3rd EP app meaning you obviously 
want EP which is good a show of determination 
Kind of felt like a English Lang essay on some parts of the story
Your a cool guy to talk to and a lovely EC but some times there are moments where u can be a bit off the hooks

Overall your your Application seems alright, with the Right mentor you can 100% be a good Event Planner so Good luck!


Edited by Preence

Current Ranks.

Jedi Event Planner - 501st LT COL - Jedi Temple Guard
Past Ranks.

CG 2nd LT - CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL -  CG DD 104th LT COL - GM LT
2x Regimental Medic CE Major - DU SGT442nd 2nd LT Jedi Snr Guardian- 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi SageBattalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor

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Story seems good
Both Jedi/EC executions lack detail
You have a bad reputation and if you're probably still the same guy you shouldn't be applying for EP again, at least not before cleaning your name and changing your attitude

Good Luck!

Current SWRP Ranks: CT #### | Jedi Initiate | 201st Staff Sergeant - Scout | Reserve Medic | Platinum VIP

Past SWRP Ranks: CE T Commander | CE Vice Commander/LT Commander 212th Captain | Jedi Legionnaire | Jedi Occultist/Illusionist | Jedi Shade | Jedi Beast Tamer | SCT MSGT - Medic | SCT 2nd LT - Medic | 68th SFC - Scout | 68th SGTM - Sr Medic | CWRP Event Planner

Other Past Ranks: Pz.Grenadier "GD" Unteroffizier - Panzerjäger - OberPionier - Funker

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As has been already said, I personally would still not trust you with ULX, although your behaviour has improved significantly (From what I could see). Sadly, this Jedi Event Plan, altough an interesting concept, lacks detail in its execution and would probably more chaotic than fun. 

If you can show that your behaviour keeps improving, and that you actually changed from when you where in CG, I see no problem in you having EP. Work on your event outline and execution, show everyone that you changed, and this will be a +1.

Current Ranks:
GM Captain Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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Can't find the edit button sorry 

Jedi's outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

A earthquake takes place on the planet of Anaxes with the Jedi feeling a large disturbance in the force of the local village filled for the Weekend Fair, Civilians slaughtered creatures surrounded. The Jedi must go through the town clearing out any of their low tier skilled bugs from spreading to other parts of the planet, Upon killing these creatures tunnels can be seen around buildings and the floor. Upon the clearance of the village Lightsaber wielding creatures exit the caves (menacingly) declaring their rule and give the jedi two options bow the knee or die. They engange in combat with multiple of the Hive Warriors being killed before a larger reinforcements arrives on the battlefield. Their job is the block off these tunnels and it seems the beasts energy and strength comes from them. After the tunnels are blocked off the creature slowly starts to detreat and dies.

Jedi Event Character outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the Jedi into an ambush")

Hive warriors are to bring their ruler "Chakka" the ownership of Planet Anaxes and kill anyone that stands in their way to rule. With initial creature attacking the Jedi but doing little harm to later call in the bladewarriors and help in attacking the Jedi. Their main task of stopping anyone that threatens their rule on the planet with their numbers looking to come low any remains either die in battle or retreat back into their caves before a bigger beast, their goliath enters the battle field with the one task and killing these jedi although his weakness being easily know stands no chance for their first assault with later perishing within this village and having to prepare and improve for their next wave

(Also sorry im trying to bring more RP and excitement with my event, whilst also may sound like english lit cause its what i do)


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I'll start off by saying I haven't been around for a long time (roughly 3 months), but I haven't had any bad experiences with Tom with my time on the server, although people are saying he can be a bit "off the hooks" or that he "has a bad reputation", people change and the story seems to be pretty solid. It seems to me that he would really like this, taking into consideration that it's his 3rd application. I believe he deserves a shot at EP.

Goodluck to you Tom!


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Tom has come a long way from when he applied the first time
He's been doing a really good job in GM and it sems he's dedicated to becoming EP and therefor I think he would do a good job

I think he deserves a shot as EP

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After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.

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