
Pewp's Clone EP Application!

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General Information:


Steam Name + Profile Link:

Marco -

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou):

Battalion Captain Pewp - Jedi Guardian Pewp

Teamspeak Name:


Playtime on the server:

Your total time is 2mo 2w 6d 23h 15m.

SteamID (


Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:

Not really, I was Event Planner on CWRP in 2018 and 2019 so I had occasional ULX run-ins for staff purposes. Obviously this was very rare as it was not considered part of my job description.

Current Age:


Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

One perm ban for mingy behaviour 2020, lifted.

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:

Yes I do

Have you ever hosted an event before? (remove this if not applicable):

I have hosted many (successful) events during my 5/6 month period as Event Planner on this server. 

What was your event and was it successfully executed (remove this if not applicable):

I have helped organize O66, MSL, Custom Storylines and in general a ton of events for this server. They were usually very well received by the playerbase.

What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum):

Event planners are responsible for the organization and execution of events and in general RP situations for players to enjoy their time on the server at a maximum. You are expected to behave professionally and not misuse your ULX in any way. You do not function as a member of the Staff team, you are solely there for the creation of entertainment for the playerbase. Although they might come in handy for IC situations, you are never allowed to give out equipment or increasing ranks without purpose.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:

Yes, this seems logical.


Clone Event Plan:

Story for your event (250 words minimum):

This event will be a condition based story, with two possible outcomes depending on what happens before the combat starts.


A group of highly trained mandalorians originating from the Wren clan have been chased off their planet and find themselves stranded on Rishimoon. After landing without alerting any nearby republic scanners, they discover the outpost held by only a small army of 60/70 republican clones. They realize the CIS would pay them handsomely for taking this outpost, or atleast disabling their defences.  Due to their (possibly misplaced) confidence they believe taking this base will be a cakewalk for their unit. After ambushing a scouting unit consisting of Rishimoon troops, they attempt to infiltrate the base while wearing the dead clones' republic armour. 

The Wren clan outcasts' goal is to hit the main power and communication stations of the outpost, aswell as taking a high value target hostage, before launching a fullscale attack and taking over the entire base by force if negotiations fail. If they do not get these sabotages off before 0800, they will resort to ransacking the vaults and escaping in one of the republic ships, in which case the republic will most definitely chase them down.

Actual Event:

Scenario 1: The Wren clan manages to plant an explosive in the generator room, aswell as capture a leading officer of the base. The republic will most definitely attempt to free the hostage through stealth or negotiations, or if  they turn south, open fire on the Wren outcasts. Combat would ensue resulting in a deadly, but mostly confusing battle, since the Mandalorians are still disguised as republic troops. The end goal in this situation for the Mandalorians would either be alerting the CIS through hacking of the comms link, or complete annihilation of the republic forces, making them retreat from the outpost.

Scenario 2: The Wren clan gets discovered, or fails to locate key targets or areas during their infiltration. With no tools for negotiations the Wren outcasts would go on a false offensive. Some of them will keep the clones busy, while the remainder of them rob the bank vaults across the base before attempting to escape from any one of the landing pads in a republican ship. (Brig roof, BHB, LPs) The republic would obviously discover them sooner or later, and attempt to halt any sort of escape while also taking them down swiftly and efficiently. However, for the same reason as in the first scenario this will be a hard task as they will still be disguised by the armour of their ambushed brothers.

Event Announcement for your story:

A patrol went silent outside of the walls of Rishimoon, when they return they appear to have had a mind-altering experience.. They return to base and are all over the place with suspicious activity! What has happened to them while they were out there, and are they still the same clones we knew? If not, who in the hell are these guys?

Choice of map:

Rishimoon in this case, but can be done on most base maps.

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:

The faction will obviously be deathwatch, although they do not align themselves with them, they use the same weapons and wear the same armour.

Deathwatch Super Commando x1

Deathwatch Commando x3

Deathwatch Warrior x2

Deathwatch Marksman x1 (Situational, dependant on number of 41st and OS)


Additional Characters:

(If successful) CIS

Wren Clan Leader Digress

Republic's outline and execution:

After welcoming back the scouting unit that left earlier that day, the republic notices something strange about them. They are very to themselves and only speak to each other ever since they got back.  A possibility of revealing their identity is certainly possible, although it will be hard as they know the base well from the scouting they have done; They have also had multiple previous interactions with clones and thus wont give themselves away as easily as you might think.

After the revelation that they are not clones, negotiations and combat will ensue. RC will engage in an attempt to rescue a possible hostage, while 212th and CE will do everything they can to repair the GR, or dismantle the explosives inside of it. Once combat inevitably ensues all regiments will have their hands full with these combat experts. Not only do they use powerful weapons, they also wear the same armour as their previous brethren. As combat progresses the Wren outcasts will do everything to take full control of the comms link and contact the  CIS for reinforcements. If they make it, and are able to hack into it, they will be able to call in CIS orbital strikes and probably take rishimoon.  If they fail to secure the comm link, or the comm link is destroyed, they will fight to the death with possibly their leader attempting a cowardly escape when all else fails.

If they fail at setting up any tools for negotiation they will fully utilize hit & run tactics until every vault in the republic base is robbed clean. They will hit BB, then Brig and so on until all the money is gone. At which point they will try to escape from either Brig roof or BHB. This would also result in combat for the republic, although it would be a lot more hunting rather than combat meeting them halfway. Giving the leading officer a better opportunity to streamline his forces and possibly make the outcasts retreat early.

Event Character outline and execution:

After subduing the scouting unit and executing the clones, they change into the republic armour, starting to scout out the rishimoon outpost. After proper deduction of the numbers of troops and possible key area location, they return to base as the scouting unit, as if nothing happened. Upon arrival they are greeted by the clones, who obviously notice something is off and might choose to look further into it. It is up to the EC to blend in, and complete their mission.  After hostage negotiations they will attempt to reach the comms link or hold the generator room for as long as possible, eventually attempting to call in the CIS or defeat the clones by themselves. If this fails, they will fight to their dying breath, mostly in vents and in the key areas. The leader will attempt to escape only as a last resort.

If no hostage or advantages have been taken before combat, the Event Characters will attempt to raid the vault and steal republic data, basically performing a heist during combat. They will do this for approx 15 minutes, and if they have taken enough they will attempt to flee, through either BHB or Brig roof.

Anything else?:

W-G Event Planner

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Extremely thorough and detailled event plan
Top larper (from perma ban to Battalion Captain)
Loads of experience

This formatting is unholy

Easy pick

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
GM Captain Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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+1 just because of the formatting. I like the artistic choice of offsetting everything by half the page, makes it look like you wrote more than you actually did. Really Monet-esque, with perhaps a touch of a Thomas Cole vibe, the spaciousness really boosts the contrast between your application and the dark, empty void of the werewolf gaming forum backdrop. It’s beautiful, innovative, and subtle, yet it's obvious that you are trying to portray your potential events as a light in the darkness of an empty event slot on a random Thursday evening at 6:30pm. Really good stuff right there.

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BIG +1

Pewp was EP back in the day with me and we have collaborated on multiple events, custom storylines etc... 
He was a great event planner and with the expanded tools we have now on the server I have no doubt he 
will be an excellent addition to the team.

Current Ranks

41st Lieutenant Colonel Platinum VIP Event Planner

Past Ranks

Senior Event Planner | OS Recon F43ARC CaptainBattalion Major | CT Vice Commander


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After reviewing your application, Event Management and the Senior EP Team would like to invite you to an interview.
Please contact a member of Event Management when ready.

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