SNARE's 4th Clone EP application

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Steam Name + Profile link: snare

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st ADV RANCOR CPT SNARE

Teamspeak Name: SNARETY

Playtime on the Server: 
2w 2d 8h 28m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:641449114

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:

Current Age:

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:
Yes, and it is understandable.

Have you ever hosted an event before?:

What was your event and was it successfully executed?:

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?:
To create fun and balanced events that allow for interesting combat with the massive amounts of players active at any time as events are the main thing that most players come to the server for. along with that i should be hosting fun PME events to keep things engaging between major events, or i'll need to be ready to replace an EP who cannot make it to their schedueled event.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
Yes, that is fully expected.

Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event:

The CIS has prepared a new deadly plot to take over the republic's Rishimoon outpost! they have sent commando droids to infiltrate the Scav Camp and kill off the civillians, disguising themselves as the scavs/civs they set up a makeshift carnival to lure the republic in! claiming that it's a celebration because they just love the republic oh-so much! all the troopers go to see the commotion and for a short while are roped into the rigged games and attractions... until a CIS ship transporting the corpses accidently opens its doors and the civillian bodies land over the camp!

with ther cover blown, a CIS admiral orders the droids to open fire! fighting ensues at the scav camp while the admiral orders an orbital strike on the area, but his incompotent 2nd in command calls it in over the republic HQ instead! a cave-in happens at GR, locking the main core off from both droids and clones as drop pods land on the base and the fighting changes locations to there!

throughout the event, the admiral will send orders but the 2nd in command keeps getting them wrong! giving grenades when he wanted gas, launching drop pods and air strikes at the wrong spots, the ECs are also forced to get a little more creative with how they attack. since GR has been blocked off, they need to try and use other spots to fight and the power will remain ON the entire event.

at the end of the combat, the admiral realises the battle is lost and tries to escape in a small ship, BUT, it has been sabotaged! the ship crashes into the republic's sim room and the admiral is arrested. the 2nd in command flees, saying something like "oh how it PAINS me to do this admiral, but i suppose your fleet is mine now, I'LL TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT, HAHAHAHA!!!" revealing that he hasn't been getting orders wrong by accident, this entire attack was a set up to get rid of the admiral and let him take command of that fleet!

and with his departure and the defeat of all hostiles, the battle is won by the grand army of the republic!

Event Announcement for your story:

There's a lot of strange commotion going on at the scav camp on rishimoon, we must investigate this! it could be nothing, but be on your guard clones. there are reports of people going missing and sightings of white-eyed figures in the mountains...

Choice of map:

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:

the CIS, the ECs will be B1 battle droid loadouts modelled as commando droids, this best fits the idea of infiltrators taking the appearance of civillians as wearing people's skin would be a bit too grisly for most factions. along with that, two members of high command bickering and one sabotaging the other for power is the exact kind of shenanigans the CIS got up to all the time in the lore.

Additional Characters:

CIS admiral: a stern and serious commanding officer, quick to anger and even quicker to berate and blame his 2nd in command for any shortcomings in his operations. a big lover of insults like "dolt" and "ignoramus"

CIS 2nd in command: a cowardly and snivelling officer who always tries to suck up to his commander... but that latter part is a guise for how much he wants to stab the admiral in the back and take the power for himself! basically, think G1 starscream from transformers

Republic's outline and execution:

ALL of the troopers must be going to the scav camp. i don't want any CE to be sitting in GR while i put down the dupe that blocks it off, and when combat inside the base has kicked off CE will be required to join everyone else, there's no point in protecting GR if it's impossible for droids to take it out.

other than that? it's all pretty standard for the republic, push the enemies when you need to, don't shoot civillians until they shoot first, get out tanks when/if i spawn tanks, etc etc.

Event Character outline and execution:

During the opening larp the ECs will be modeled as civillains/scavs and will be operating the carnival games at the celebration, clones will have to actually drop 5 dollars to have a go at the games... and discover how rigged they are. the ECs will insist it's all 100% fair while generally acting strange and suspicious, combat will start when the pile of bodies (fast zombie ragdolls with no headcrabs) drops down onto the camp and the admiral orders the droids to disgard their disguises and open fire!

At that order, all ECs will be perma-modeled as commando droids, BUT not all of them will have the equipment, i know there is a limit on the amount of Melee ECs you can use in an event outside of infection events. the following player numbers for each EC is subject to change by the clone player count.

2 Commando Heavy droids: B1 assault droids with standard health and weapons to serve as heavy gunners with their Z4's

2 Commando Shock droids: B1 enforcer droids with standard health and weapons, using their shotguns to serve as shock troopers

2 Commando Flank droids: B1 battle droids given the E5-BX and standard health along with a grapple hook, intended to work together by sneaking through the map and flanking as a duo

1 Commando Leader droid: actual BX commando droid given the full loadout and health. obviously meant to be the leader of the droids and the only one given a melee weapon in the form of the BX blade.

Tanks, orbitals, and drop pods will be deployed throughout the event BUT due to the 2nd in command's sabotaging, they will be at odd locations and times (tanks will most likely be normal and useful) drop pods will be put down and NPCs with them, just a standard B1 battle droid with 750 HP and an E5, not a major threat but something to distract clones.

orbitals will be the most obviously strange and sabotaged, hitting empty areas or at one point one will be called ontop of the droids themselves (as their spawn is changed so they don't spawn into an orbital) and to make it extra obvious this was on purpose for the event the admiral will berate and insult the 2nd in command for this on voice amp.

but occasionally (if the ECs need actual support) drop pods and orbitals will actually hit their target, keeping the clones on their toes as any strike could be useless or very very useful indeed.

Anything else?:

This plan has mainly been inspired by the extremely helpful critisicm that people on this forums has provided to me, it's something that's fun, has some unique roleplay at the start, a small change to the map to stop combat feeling very samey (blocking off GR) and the hijinks between the two CIS high commanders will keep things interesting, without being insanely ambitious like my older infection event applications.

It is also designed to give me a chance to get used to various utilities that EPs have access to (NPCs, orbitals, giving weapons for one life or perma, spawning vehicles, etc etc) without it becoming a nightmare for clones and me doing something stupid like, 5 orbitals right on HQ when everyone is there.

One of the things i am most excited for is how this will effect my open sims as a rancor, being able to spawn my own NPCs and bigger dupes should make them a lot more fun for the clones attending them, along with not needing to summon staff every time i want to host one... unless an EP is not allowed to use these abilities for sims. (if any of you could tell me if that is allowed that would be appreciated)

anyway i'll end this off here, thank you to everyone who read!

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Victor And Southski has said it pretty good

Current Ranks
CG CO - Rancor Instructor - Event planner

Former Ranks

4x 212th SO - 212th Vice Commander - Junior Medic - CE SO - Rancor - 2x Event planner

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Good Guy
Showed improvement (Goes EC very often, tries to learn from EPs)
Event plan is thorough and detailed

Barely meets time requirement

I think that this event plan is really not great. The premise of BX Commando Droids wearing the skin of Civs is just nonsense.  The sabotage thing is a bit eh as well. Doesnt really make sense for a 2nd in Command (next to an Admiral) to be an incompetent idiot.

Again, I would have gone with a more basic, easier for beginners, but still interesting approach. Maybe some interesting cave dupe at the JC, with bugs or poisonous gas or something.

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
GM Captain Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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After reviewing your application, we would like to invite you to an interview.
However, there is a chance that Clone EP spots may soon be full. Management will contact you once we are certain there is an available position for you in the team.

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