
Doot's 2nd EP application.

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Asxieh (

Roleplay Name: 212th Medic CPT Doot

Teamspeak Name: DootTheGreat or just Doot

Playtime on the Server: 1mo 2w 6d 16m

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419437356

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I've got plenty of experience through DarkRP Servers and other forms of staff/management. I've been staff for a server with over 100 concurrent players however I'm not sure what's become of that server but I do remember it being run by someone called Tasid.

Current Age: 20


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, it's a Blue Yeti.

What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): To host fun and engaging events for the players of the server. They need to plan it out before hand, build any required dupes, gather the event characters. During the event they need to make sure that it all goes smoothly and no event characters are breaking the rules set. They would also change spawns and make big RP events such as bombardments during the main event. They also need to make sure to follow the set times of scheduled events requiring some time management skills. They can also take claims if there are no staff online to be able to do so.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Of course, I believe that I would need to earn the trust of the event planner management before undergoing regular duties.


Clone Event Plan:

Story for your event (250 words minimum): The story begins on Coruscant. There is a court case going on holding the senator Tood in defence for fraud and embezzlement of funds that were meant to be used for replacement clones in the GAR. However the senator has been using these funds to buy new ships and live a luxurious lifestyle. The case had been on-going for months until during one court hearing several droids accompany the senator. He claims the droids are there for personal protection but when the guilty verdict is given, the droids spring to action and start to gun down the clones and civilians in attendance, the court room would erupt into panic as the clones get into action. The call comes out that the droids are hostile and the battle ensues.

During the battle, the senator tries to make his escape through all the chaos. He'd be making his way through the city trying to get to his ship on the landing pad. The clones would hear a call from the droids saying the senator has reached the landing pad giving the clones the information. The battle would slowly make it's way to the landing pad with the droids trying to buy the senator time. To add to the intense battle the clones are given a time limit until the senator escapes. If the clones don't push through fast enough the senator will escape and fly off. If they do manage to get to the landing pad in time, he'll be captured and sent to serve his sentence.

Event Announcement for your story: A long standing court case for the senator known as Tood has been going on for a long time, gathering evidence and trying to pin him to his crimes. The senator has managed to avoid the guilty verdict for far too long. The final court hearing is today which will decide if he's guilty or not. However he's not come alone rather with a droid entourage

Choice of map: Coruscant


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: B1 enforcer droids, B1 Assault droids and B1 Battle droids. They'll be given new models and weapons and they're already equipped with miniguns and weapons that will be used within the event.

Additional Characters: Senator Tood (Played by me)

Republic's outline and execution: Clone attendance send word through comms about the aggressive droids, giving battalion the information to order all clones to the area the trial is taking place. They'll be informed a senator is on trial and to watch their fire so they don't hit civilians or the senator.

Event Character outline and execution: The droids accompany the senator into the court room and once the guilty verdict is given the droids will open fire starting the battle. Slowing being pushed back to the landing pads.


Last question:

Anything else?: I do hope this event will be enjoyed as I worked hard on getting the idea for it.

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Solid event plan, not too complicated and most importantly creative

Good reputation among EPs, been EC plenty of times and never causes any trouble

Didn't put W-G Event Planner at the end 😡 BAN

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Nice story
I don't really talk to you however from what I see your a sound lad.
Also Been staff on other servers


Current Ranks.

Jedi Event Planner - 501st LT COL - Jedi Temple Guard
Past Ranks.

CG 2nd LT - CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL -  CG DD 104th LT COL - GM LT
2x Regimental Medic CE Major - DU SGT442nd 2nd LT Jedi Snr Guardian- 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi SageBattalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor

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- Solid and quite unique Event Plan

- Returning Player that has shown Dedication towards the Server

In general a great Guy and a solid Pick for EP!

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Operator
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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