
Preence's Staff Application.

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In-game name(s): Preence


Steam Name: Preence


Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:1:25385771


Age when applying: 16


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: England BST/GMT


Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes


Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 3mo 1d 16h 7m.


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP:  501st Temp VC (Colonel) Jedi Temple guard - Plat VIP, PAC3, Event Planner


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes, I prefer to Speak.


When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: Late 2020, Took a break and Came back in 2021 then another break came back to 2022 then left lastly in early 2023, Then Came back.


How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: Very Often.


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link).   3 old warnings from when I was right up stupid.


State the role of staff on the server: The Role of Staff In the Server Is to make sure everyone's Server Roleplay Experience is up to standard and Helping People via Claims and Making sure that you not Biased In any Situation also making sure that there isn't any rule breakers.


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Very.


List of all previous server staff experience: Event Planner.


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Of Course.



Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 

1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: 
What I would do Is firstly take the claim freeze the culprit and then I would pull him to a sit, During the Sit I would let him explain what happened on their behalf, after that I would check logs to see whether he actually shot any one if he has then I'll be warning him on the Spot. Obviously If its more than Just a RDM such as RDM 2x or ARDM/MRDM then I'll take the Respective Routes and Punish him Accordingly. 

2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function:
Take the claim, let the Cadet know there's a trainer on their way, secondly I would inform a battalion member that there's a cadet in need of a trainer, lastly If a Trainer doesn't come then I will Bring a low ranking NCO to the Cadet area.

3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: 
I wouldn't bother unless its repetitive shooting, however in this case its not so I would allow the In-character RP play out.


4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT:
I Wouldn't really Mind, However I would remind a CT to salute a 2nd LT+


5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules:  Firstly I would state that not every single rule Is In the rulebook as there would be pages upon pages of them and It also links to common sense, this also does depend on the situation of FailRP one example could be Making swastika In the training rooms, this Isn't allowed as In-character you wouldn't do that because your a clone nor would you link It to the real life.


6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing:  I would let the player know the Staffs word Is final and If he doesn't agree with me then I would let him know he can contact a higher up and make a Complaint via the  Respective route. 



Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):
I believe I deserve staff than other Applicants as not only have I been on the server for a very long time but I have also gotten to high ranks and became a Event planner enabling me to know most If not all ULX commands also allowing me to get a understanding on how the server works when or what is needed when and I also am trusted via ULX and in Roleplay cases.

I also hold many different skills that are needed In the Role of Staff such as Communication reliability and responsibility, all these are Just some of the skills that are required to be a staff member. I'm also a quick leaner meaning I would get the hang of things In no time! Also I do believe that I set a solid and good reputation around the server to show that I'm a nice person that you can always ask for any sort of help and have a chat. 

I have a great Understanding of the server rules allowing me to know what rules there are so I can punish a Player if Needed so accordingly, I've also had many Incidents regarding a player RDM'ing or doing other rule breaking stuff which led me to banning/Warning them, which granted me to gain that experience.

I'm rather dedicated Individual to the server as you can see through the numerous Event planner applications I've done in the past and present, and you can also see these through my Clone side getting to Colonel and being able to take on the Responsibility of a hierarchy. Also Including the Jedi side such as getting the Chance of receiving SPL through a rotation. All these are great examples of my hard dedication I've put Into this server.
I wont lie there are some great Applicants however I still believe that there are moments where I have the upper hand in some cases, Nonetheless thank you for reading and taking me in Consideration!


Current Ranks.

Event Planner - 501st COL - Jedi Champion
Past Ranks.

CG 2nd LT - CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL -  CG DD 104th LT COL - GM LT
2x Regimental Medic CE Major - DU SGT442nd 2nd LT Jedi Snr Guardian- 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi SageBattalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor

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For context the Views are bugged and it wasn't me. 👍

Current Ranks.

Event Planner - 501st COL - Jedi Champion
Past Ranks.

CG 2nd LT - CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL -  CG DD 104th LT COL - GM LT
2x Regimental Medic CE Major - DU SGT442nd 2nd LT Jedi Snr Guardian- 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi SageBattalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor

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I wouldn't usually respond to applications that I have no real opinion on but I believe you are a better asset to the EP team currently and as you already possess ULX powers on the server I feel that the opportunity to join the staff team should be given to someone new who isn't already in a position to help.

I do however believe you would make a good staff member and can obviously be trusted with the responsibility, if staff is your goal I wish you the best of luck lad.

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- Active
- ULX Knowledge
- Decently high past ranks
- Great Playtime

Points of Consideration:
- 3 Warns, however from nearly 2 years ago
- Event Planner and Staff probably would take up even more of your time since you also actively play Clone and Jedi, so you would have to pick one

- Can be immature at times

Current Ranks:

Head of Battalion

Previous Ranks:

CT Senior Medic Colonel | Battalion Colonel | GM ARC 2nd LT | CG Colonel | Jedi Blade Warrior | Jedi Temple Guard | Jedi Shadow

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I honestly don't agree with players being EP and Staff as they're two core fundamentals of day to day on the server. If you can ensure that neither staff or EP duties would be hindered then +1

If you was to leave EP then main staff again it would be +1 as I believe you're a good candidate.

Current Ranks
[Community Modeller]


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-Detailed responses.

- Obvious that he has experience on the server. ULX Knowledge and the higher IC ranks previously.

- Will struggle with the Clone / Jedi / EP at once. I assume he will drop EP as it is common to do so.

- Preforms good events in EP looking at feedback and through word of mouth. Possibly a better asset to EP possibly future SEP.

- In-game since i've been back i've seen him 1/2 times. Not too professional at the time but i was passing by.

-Seems to take a break from the server quite often. Looking at the dates, late 2024,early 2025 he may leave again (Looking at the dates of when he leaves and comes back) Be good for him to stay a little longer and show commitment that 'he's back'. With that much RP and OOC roles he will burn out soon or later.

CE BFT Private First Class Aguero II

Current Ranks

[CWRP Platinum VIP]-[CG Detainment Droid]-[CE BFT Private First Class]

Previous Ranks

[CE Lieutenant Colonel]-[GM Enlisted Trooper]-[CG(2x) Rancor Battalion Major]-[Battalion Warrant Officer]-[CWRP Senior Event Planner]-[Discord Staff]

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