
Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]

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Hoping i get whitelisted for this

Whitelists: Senior Researcher

Blacklists: none

Reason i wanna join: I think GOC has tons of potenial for me since i don't wanna be chaos or security so i can have the UN as my role and do various different things, I really want to play as these guys because when there is tons of them always something intresting happens, the management team are absoloute champs. I'd be apart of the strike team or any part of GOC since it looks good.

RPNAME: Barry Collar

Steam name: My Neighbour

Edited by Barry Collar
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3 hours ago, Barry Collar said:

Hoping i get whitelisted for this

Whitelists: Senior Researcher

Blacklists: none

Reason i wanna join: I think GOC has tons of potenial for me since i don't wanna be chaos or security so i can have the UN as my role and do various different things, I really want to play as these guys because when there is tons of them always something intresting happens, the management team are absoloute champs. I'd be apart of the strike team or any part of GOC since it looks good.

RPNAME: Barry Collar

Steam name: My Neighbour

Follow Template.

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OOC Section


Steam Name : haha bitch go brrrr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427293255


In-Game Level & Rank: Level 50, GoldVIP


State what groups you are in(If you're in any):

HoMD , Nu-7(PFC), MCnD


Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):

22 hours and 29 minutes (Exception given by Houston)


Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made):

0 Warns - Proof -  https://prnt.sc/w8ovkp


What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:

Within my 3 years of RP experience, I have one of the best experiences compared to other people. When it comes to CombatRP i have the same amount of experience within my PassiveRP.I have been on multiple seriousRP servers but also semi serious so i know how to act no in a RP situation.


Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?:

I personally want to join the GOC group because in my opinion it is one of my favourite groups within the SCP universe. I like how it's different to the actual foundation's goals to use combat rap and others to get rid of the anomaly compared to the foundation just wanting to contain it. It means that you can implement a lot more RP than the foundation. So that’s why I’m wanting to attempt to apply for it.


Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked:

Yes, I fully understand and will accept the group hierarchy decision.


Please explain the The Seventh Occult War:

The Seventh Occult War was an Occult War that happened during the Second World War, this war started because of the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and the Thule-Gesselschaft. Their job was to get the higher advantage then others of the destruction to LTE-0913-Ex-Machina, they wanted to gain more power by completing the Rite of Solomon. This then went into the Allied Occult Initiative to fight back to gain power so the Rite Of Solomon couldn’t continue. This was the way the GoC was formed as a group.



What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:


The GOC is there and has to be there to protect against abnormalities and paranormal events and threats. This mission is the most important and has priority over the others.


All knowledge that the GOC learn about paranormal threats are to be kept confidential as this could lead to mass panic and unneeded issues forming , also could lead to massive unneeded casualties in the wider civilian population.


The GOC is there and will be there to protect individual humans. This includes both operatives and civilians whenever they can, as long as they don’t block and prevent the last 2 issues.


The GOC should not take any risks when it comes to survival of paranormal threats, as the anomaly given could lead to the destruction could be a risk to the human race’s existence.


The GOC no matter what should expand all knowledge they have about paranormal threats and study those threats.As long as it doesn’t break the other statements or contradicts them.



Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:

The GOC was formed initially as a safeguard to be against rogue organizations that attempt to and finish was the SS couldn’t do and finish the Rite of Solomon and other actions that give the consequence of world ending scenarios due to this not even one nation is trusted to deal with these situations. After the continuous threat rising of paranormal activities and threats everywhere in the world needed a group or organization to deal with it. This then led to the United Nations Global Occult Coalition being created, which wasn't secret at all. Now a day the GOC are there to protect and destroy the paranormal threats or anomalous to prevent anything happening again.


What is the difference between

a KTE and a UTE:

KTE: Known Threat Entity which means the entity has been fully identified and been established and are to be handled.

UTE: Unknown Threat Entity which are paranormal threats which the entities have not been established with the GOC database that only know their existence but have no info on it. 


What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?:

GOC’s PHYSICS division specializes in investigations/observation and also the capture/neutralization of TE’s which is short of Threat Entities. The PHYSICS division splits into 2 teams, one is called the “assessment team”, they are the people that are to observe and investigate paranormal threats. The second is the “strike team”, which is then there so eliminate/capture the parathreats.


IC Section 



First and Last Name: [REDACTED]

Serial Number: 43212353/1231


Real Name: Ewan Johnstone

Nationality: Scottish


Date of Birth: 22/08/1985


Biographical Information

Ewan Johnstone was born in Glasgow in 1985, being born near the centre of glasgow he has the brightest future within everything that was given to him possible, when he first went into Primary School, he then had the goal of going into the military as a Royal Marine Commando Officer, to lead troops which is his overall goal. When he got into high school, he was a straight-A student, getting A’s in all his higher which was a feat for this school he was at. After he left he went straight for the Royal Marine Commando Officer and past the admiralty test with flying colours, after 56 weeks of consistent training he then had a mission and operation in Iraq for 2 years, when he came back. They thought he was going to get PTSD due to the death of 5 men in his squadron that were his close friends, but luckily he didn’t after this, he wanted to do better for the community and joined as a few more military jobs. Realizing that he will never have the ambition he had, he went for the GOC Physics division. At first he failed but then the second time he passed.


Career Service Vitae:

Royal Marine Commando Officer (2 years)

Army Highest Rank:

Sergeant Major

Infantry member ( 7 years)









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OOC Section

Steam name : Doc.Beanus (Beanoligy Leader)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154517009

InGame level & rank: Vip, Lvl 40

Playtime: 2d

Warns: 4 warns DTP x2, FearRp, NLR

What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:

I'm usually active and Decent in combat, I am able to RP fairly well, Im good with automatic guns and  SMGS, I can make some good choices aswell.

Why do you want to join the global Occult Coalition?:

I am quite interested in GOC, It looks like a fun and cool adventure to be in, i feel as if its my type of team to be, they're pretty impressive with what they do and I like it.

Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be kicked:

I understand not to break any of the GOC rules

Please explain the Seventh Occult War:

In WW2 Ahnerbe Obskurakorps  and the Thule Gesselschaft wanted more power, seeing the destruction of the LTE-0913-EX-Machina they advanted it since they wanted to complete the The Rite of Solomon to become the most powerful beings,  the Allied Occult Initiative fought them and destroyed them and formed the GOC so it would never happen again

What are the mission of the GOC?

Survival: Protect the human race against paranormal threats

Concealment: Keep the paranormal knowledge a secret, if it spreads there will be a mass panic and might end the human race.

Protect: Protect all human beings as long as it doesnt go against the first 2 previous statements

Destruction: The GOC should not try to take any risks with the existence of paranormal threats, as the anomalous existence could end the human race

Education: The GOC should always try and expand their knowledge on new and upcoming paranormal threats that risk the human race.

Why was the GOC founded?:

The GOC was founded to prevent man kind from abusing their paranormal threat powers and end the human race.

What is the difference between a KTE and UTE?:

A KTE is a know threat entity which means the GOC can handle it easily

A UTE is an unknown threat entity, extremely hostile and dangerous to the GOC as they dont know what it is or what its weaknesses are, UTE's can cause horrible damage if not caught and contained in time.

What does the PHYSICS division specialize in?:

They find/observe Points of interest and destroy any anomalous threats


IC Section:


Serial Number: 56084203/1973

Real name: Billy Jazz

Nationality: Irish

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 6/8/71

Biographical Information:

Born in 1971, Billy grew up in Co.Louth in a family of 4, He barely passed college with his final exam, his family was mostly just potato farms and cow farms, his life was going fine till his father died in an IRA bombing while he was having a visit to Nothern Ireland, Belfast. His family then went to America to find a new career in life, after a few events of immigration, shootings and much more, they got used to it and had their life in America till Billy found a different place in Ireland, a place that had oppertunities, after serving his time in the military he found the UN and decided to join and started to destroy anomalous threats and entities

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From: flak@command.goc.int
To:     transfer@headquarters.goc.int
Subject: Welcome Onboard
Date: 12/25/2020

 I've Forgotten to make a response to these HQ Transferals  as an apology take this JPEG of a Gigner Cookie Made in our lovely logo, Happy a Christmas


It's Crunchy and tasty,

Down bellow are the accepted Transferal Requests.




If you aren't on the list then ya are denied  You can always re-do it we'll be keepin a eye around our email for a while.



See you soon,
Colonel Flak.

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10 hours ago, ScaredToWakeUp said:

Steam Name: ScaredToWakeUp


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543733322


In-Game Level & Rank:  Lvl 24/User

State what Groups you are in (If you`re in any):


Play Time  (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):  12h/10m but I need to mention, I was active in other Communities as well and I always did good and i am experienced with SCP Roleplay. 



Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 0



What can you bring to The Global Occult Coalition:

I am a very good Teamplayer and I got experience with Groups of Interest  and The Global Occult Coalition is one of my favorite Groups of Interest and I got knowledge of it´s Origin I am good at tactics and I always was been a good shooter and in other games I believe that I got enough knowledge to complete the Missions of the Global Occult Coalition.  I think it is much better than being hostile like The Chaos Insurgency or MC&D for example. Overall I got very good knowledge about this Group of Interest and I would like to be a Part of The Global Occult Coalition, complete the Missions and Tasks that will hopefully await me in The Global Occult Coalition. 



Why do u want to join the Global Occult Coalition: I dont have interest in other Groups, and I would like to join the Global Occult Coalition: There is a couple of reasons why I would like to join the GOC: 
I first think that this could be a new type of experience for me. My reasoning behind this is because I normally stick to playing Facility jobs and only play CoTBG, MCND Salesman and CI. I don't really have a wide variety of jobs that I play on the surface and believe I could enjoy this job very much. I have read a lot into the lore of the GOC and this seems like one of the most interesting GOI's next to MCND and this seems like a very good job to play in the server.
Another point, I RP'd with some GOC earlier today and it was very fun and I would like to engage in that RP as the GOC. I also like many other people saw it in V5 and it looked extremely interesting at the time but I decided not to apply as I didn't know much about the lore at the time.




Do you understand that if you break any of the GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes, I understand and recognize that I will be Kicked if I don't abide by the rules. 




Please explain the Seventh Occult War:  At the time of the Second World War there was a group of Nazi's called Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. The enemies of said group were: The SCP Foundation and The Allied Occult Initiative.The Director of the Nazi group found out about an ancient Occult Ritual that they knew could change them into what they called a "Master Race" using magic. The Ancient Occult Ritual was called "Rite of Solomon". In need to finish the ritual they had to gather 7 keys. Over time within WW2 the Nazi's had found 6 keys but not the final 7th. Over time Weiss thought he could create the 7th key himself, this was found successful. But in 1944 the Foundation captured Weiss and his key and they managed to get information out of him that would help the AOI and Foundation stop the Obsakurakorps completing the ritual, thus ending the war. Although the Obsakurakorps managed to gather many Anomaly's over the 1930's and 40's there plan of "Doomsday-projects" did prove to not turn the war in favor of Germany as they had first thought thus ending it.



What are the Missions of The Global Occult Coalition: 

1. Their first mission is to make sure that humanity survives the threat entities that exist within in the world. This entity could take any form, still the main mission of the GOC is to protect humanity.2. Their Second Mission is to make sure that said entities I just spoke about are not known to exist by the public. Concealing anomalous objects and entities from the public are vital as this would maintain no mass deaths and people won't have to stress.

3. Their Third Mission is protection. The GOC always needs to ensure the safety of humanity and their operatives that work missions against said threating entity's.

4. Their Fourth Mission is Destruction. Unlike the Foundation the GOC see's any anomaly or SCP as a threat and they always make sure that every entity they see is destroyed as this means that the safety of humanity and the GOC Operatives will uphold.




What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: A KTE better known as Known Threat Entity are entities that the GOC knows all about and are authorized for destruction, as they are a great threat to humanity. A UTE better known as Unknown Threat Entity are paranormal threats or "Parathreats" that the GOC do not know information but only know that it exists. They have to be extremely careful with the UTEs, as they do not know the combat capabilities of the UTEs or how they are going to act during combat and what their weaknesses are and are not. .40 to 4



What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: The PHYSICS Division is the combat side of the GOC. The PHYSICS Division Specializes in Investigation, Observation and the capture or termination of TE's (TE's are Threat Entities). The PHYSICS Division splits into teams of 2. One team is called the "Strike Team". This is the team of people the deals with capturing or neutralizing Parathreats. Then there's the second team, the "Assesment Team" this team focuses on the tracking, observation and investigation of captured TE's.




IC Section


Codename: "Lucifer"


Serial Number: 691173456234/6666


Name: Andrew Maynard


Gender: Male


Nationality: Arabic


Born in: 4/12/78


Biographical Information:  Andrew Maynard is an experienced Soldier and was active in Military he was a a Commander in his Troop and had many shootouts in his past and is experienced with weapons of any kind. And he was in many Troops and always the best Soldier.





Career Service Vitae:  Royal Marine Corps for 10 Years, reached the rank of Commander Full service for the Turkish Army 16 Years. 

No exception no accepted

you need th minimum gametime







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From: flak@command.goc.int
To:     transfer@headquarters.goc.int
Subject: Welcome Onboard
Date: 1/12/2021

Ay Welcome to the Goc It's been a whole decade since I've handled these heheh get it a decade? fucking Comedy right there.


Down below are the accepted Transferal Requests.





If you aren't on the list then ya are




See you soon,
Colonel Flak.

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Steam Name: ScaredToWakeUp


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543733322


In-Game Level & Rank:  Lvl 24/User

State what Groups you are in (If you`re in any):


Play Time  (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):  2d/0h and i am experienced with SCP Roleplay. 



Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 6



What can you bring to The Global Occult Coalition:

I am a very good Teamplayer and I got experience with Groups of Interest  and The Global Occult Coalition is one of my favorite Groups of Interest and I got knowledge of it´s Origin I am good at tactics and I always was been a good shooter and in other games I believe that I got enough knowledge to complete the Missions of the Global Occult Coalition.  I think it is much better than being hostile like The Chaos Insurgency or MC&D for example. Overall I got very good knowledge about this Group of Interest and I would like to be a Part of The Global Occult Coalition, complete the Missions and Tasks that will hopefully await me in The Global Occult Coalition. 



Why do u want to join the Global Occult Coalition: I dont have interest in other Groups, and I would like to join the Global Occult Coalition: There is a couple of reasons why I would like to join the GOC: 
I first think that this could be a new type of experience for me. My reasoning behind this is because I normally stick to playing Facility jobs and only play CI, and MCND . I don't really have a wide variety of jobs that I play on the surface and believe I could enjoy this job very much. I have read a lot into the lore of the GOC and this seems like one of the most interesting GOI's next to MCND and this seems like a very good job to play in the server.
Another point, I RP'd with some GOC earlier and it was very fun and I would like to engage in that RP as the GOC. I also like many other people saw it in V5 and it looked extremely interesting at the time but I decided not to apply as I didn't know much about the lore at the time.




Do you understand that if you break any of the GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes, I understand and recognize that I will be Kicked if I don't abide by the rules. 




Please explain the Seventh Occult War:  At the time of the Second World War there was a group of Nazi's called Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. The enemies of said group were: The SCP Foundation and The Allied Occult Initiative.The Director of the Nazi group found out about an ancient Occult Ritual that they knew could change them into what they called a "Master Race" using magic. The Ancient Occult Ritual was called "Rite of Solomon". In need to finish the ritual they had to gather 7 keys. Over time within WW2 the Nazi's had found 6 keys but not the final 7th. Over time Weiss thought he could create the 7th key himself, this was found successful. But in 1944 the Foundation captured Weiss and his key and they managed to get information out of him that would help the AOI and Foundation stop the Obsakurakorps completing the ritual, thus ending the war. Although the Obsakurakorps managed to gather many Anomaly's over the 1930's and 40's there plan of "Doomsday-projects" did prove to not turn the war in favor of Germany as they had first thought thus ending it.



What are the Missions of The Global Occult Coalition: 

1. Their first mission is to make sure that humanity survives the threat entities that exist within in the world. This entity could take any form, still the main mission of the GOC is to protect humanity. 2. Their Second Mission is to make sure that said entities I just spoke about are not known to exist by the public. Concealing anomalous objects and entities from the public are vital as this would maintain no mass deaths and people won't have to stress.

3. Their Third Mission is protection. The GOC always needs to ensure the safety of humanity and their operatives that work missions against said threating entity's.

4. Their Fourth Mission is Destruction. Unlike the Foundation the GOC see's any anomaly or SCP as a threat and they always make sure that every entity they see is destroyed as this means that the safety of humanity and the GOC Operatives will uphold.




What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: A KTE better known as Known Threat Entity are entities that the GOC knows all about and are authorized for destruction, as they are a great threat to humanity. A UTE better known as Unknown Threat Entity are paranormal threats or "Parathreats" that the GOC do not know information but only know that it exists. They have to be extremely careful with the UTEs, as they do not know the combat capabilities of the UTEs or how they are going to act during combat and what their weaknesses are and are not. .40 to 4



What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: The PHYSICS Division is the combat side of the GOC. The PHYSICS Division Specializes in Investigation, Observation and the capture or termination of TE's (TE's are Threat Entities). The PHYSICS Division splits into teams of 2. One team is called the "Strike Team". This is the team of people the deals with capturing or neutralizing Parathreats. Then there's the second team, the "Assesment Team" this team focuses on the tracking, observation and investigation of captured TE's.




IC Section


Codename: "Lucifer"


Serial Number: 691173456234/6666


Name: Andrew Maynard


Gender: Male


Nationality: Arabic


Born in: 4/12/78


Biographical Information:  Andrew Maynard is an experienced Soldier and was active in Military he was a Commander in his Troop and had many shootouts in his past and is experienced with weapons of any kind. And he was in many Troops and always the best Soldier.





Career Service Vitae:  Royal Marine Corps for 10 Years, reached the rank of Commander Full service for the Turkish Army 16 Years. 

Edited by ScaredToWakeUp
Had to correct something
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On 8/3/2020 at 12:59 AM, MI13.net said:


Applications Are Currently open

And Will close once's a certain quota is filled

Goodluck to the Applicants.


OOC Section

Steam Name : Blitz_2005

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:460152689
In-Game Level & Rank: 48/Plat VIP

State what groups you are in(If you're in any): HR
Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made): 1W 1D 15h 
Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made):6
What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:I have lots of experience in RP, not on this server, but in roles similar to this and I understand the lore very well too. My combat skills are, I would say, my weak-point, but they are still good 
Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: It is one of the most interesting GOI that exists, but yet its simple and well understood. I love the kind of RP it gets into, and the people in the GOC are all great
Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes, I do
Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Seventh Occult War was a war that occurred during WWII. The Nazis attempted to complete a ritual know as the right of Solomon, which, if completed would of given them an immensely powerful supernatural power. This is when the GOC was created, as world leaders realised the threat these entities pose. So the UN set up the GOC, which would be responsible to them and them alone. 

What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition: 

 Survival, Concealment, Protection, Destruction, Education. In that order

Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:  After the Right of Solomon was stopped, governments realised the threat entities pose.  The SCP foundation worked with all countries, regardless of geopolitical stances, but they have complete autonomy. And no one nation could create a group big enough to defend all humanity, so the UN decided they would create a group, that they controlled. 

What is the difference between
a KTE and a UTE: A KTE is a Know Threat Entities while the UTE is Unknown Threat Entities. KTEs are ones understood by the GOC, and have been documented by the GOC in detail. UTE are ones that have either little to know information on them, accept for the fact that they are a threat


What does the PHYSICS Division specialise in?: The PHYSICS Division is the action arm of the GOC. It consists of 2 components, Strike Teams and assessment teams. There job is to locate and then capture/neutralise Para-threats


IC Section 

"The Wah"
Serial Number: 41212342/1102

Real Name: Joshua Hogg

Nationality: English

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 30/11/86

Biographical Information: No kids or relationship 

Career Service Vitae

Was a former SBS solider, and on a mission where he was separated from his team, found a TE. The GOC then found him, and managed to capture him after he nearly killed the team leader. He was confused by the TE, but, accepted the request to join.  His body was never found, and is recorded as MIA by British Military. Served as a Royal Navy Flight Mechanic on HMS Argus during the war on terror in Iraq.  Joined the SBS after being seen as a potential candidate by a recruiter 





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Google Docs:

Warns + Playtime Proof:

I originally made one that looked better but it got pixelated in here so yeahhhh, anyways I'll probably send it in private but here's the other one I made.

Edited by Nell
Forgot to change links
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OOC Section


Steam Name : 


Steam ID:



In-Game Level & Rank: 

50 and Platinum VIP


State what groups you are in(If you're in any): 

Chaos Insurgency Shock operative/Delta, MCND Salesman


Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):

12 weeks


Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made):



What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:

I can bring my loyalty, my skills ,my  knowledge about the Global Occult Coalition  and overall my Aim is pretty good. I will bring  everything in myself to have enjoyment when playing  seriously. I am active on the server every single day in the week. 



Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?:
I have been playing on this server since 2018, I was part of the old GOC, it was my fserver, so re-visiting this faction would be nice. I enjoy playing Global it’s pretty fun for me.


Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: 

Yes, I do.


Please explain the The Seventh Occult War:

Allied Occult Initiative (Now known as GOC) fought against Thule Society and the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps in the Seventh Occult war, Seventh occult war took place in World war 2,
Allied Occult Initiative were trying prevent Obskurakorps from completing the rite of Salomon



What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

GOC is locating and neutralizing any anomalies so that they can prevent them from getting into public and causing terror, they capture anomalies and destroy them, that’s how they work in nutshell.


Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:

GOC was founded to prevent other Groups of interest from completing The Rite of Salomon. 




What is the difference between

a KTE and a UTE:

KTE - Known threat entity, we know how to handle/destroy it.

UTE - Unknown threat entity - GOC doesn’t know about them and doesn’t know how to handle them.


What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?:

Members of the Physics division investigate, capture and eliminate anomalies.



IC Section 


"The White Hunter"

Serial Number: 41218945/1709


Real Name: Matthew Velichkov

Nationality: Bulgarian

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 9-10- 1981


Biographical Information

Started  his education at Military School and was educated as an Army Soldier at age 19. After 2 years Matthew Velichkov was replaced in a Special Task Force in Bulgaria ‘’НСБОБ’. He has participated in dealings with a lot of Terrorist Attacks and Hostage situations. After 4 years and 5 months He has applied for the special branch of UN known as “Global Occult Coalition” and he was officially Accepted.


Career Service Vitae

Bulgarian Army Soldier

Special Task Force(НСБОБ)

Participated in numerous special operations in the Balkans

 With all Due Respect- Matthew Velichkov

Edited by WickerS_Pro


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OOC Section

Steam Name :
Niko Hernandez.

Steam ID: 
In-Game Level & Rank:

Level 50, Plat VIP.
State what groups you are in(If you're in any):

Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):

3 weeks 6 days.
Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 

What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:

I could bring my help and my activity. I also could bring my loyalty for the group and would serve as a back up when needed.

Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?:
I want to join because it atracts my attention by its job and the way it operates, i also think that anomalies shouldnt be captured and studied if the main objective is to protect.
Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked:

I perfectlly understand the rules and im aware that i could get kicked if i break any of them.
Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: 

The Seventh Occult War took place at the second world war, this war was started because SS Ahnenerbe and Thule-Gesselschaft. They wanted to destroy th LTE-0913-Ex-Machina to gain more power by doing the Rite of Solomon.

What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:
1. Survival
The most important. The GOC must protect the human race against all paranormal threats.
2. Concealment
The GOC must keep every knoledge secret as it will cause a big problem to civilians.
3. Protect
 The GOC will always protect humans if possible as long as they dont go against the 2 first statements.
4. Destruction
The GOC will not take any risks with the survival of paranormal threats as their existence are already a problem to human race.
5. Education
They should always study the paranormal threats and expand their knoledge. As long as it does not go against the other 4 statements.
Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:
It was founded to stop the war and stop the Rite of Salomon and other world ending situations. Nowdays, they protect the world by destroying all paranormal threats.

What is the difference between
a KTE and a UTE:

KTE means Known Threat Entity, which means that the threat is fully identified.
UTE means Unknown Threat Entity, which means that there's no information about it, but they know that it exists.


What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?:
They specialize in the act of ovservating/studying a paranromal threat and capture/neutralize it.


IC Section 

Serial Number: 41223412/2478

Real Name: Niko Hernandez

Nationality: Spanish

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 14/10/1995

Biographical Information
Niko had to join the Spanish army when he was 18 years old because the law stated so. He served during 4 years, then he tried to join the Marine Corps, he succeded in joining and he server there the rest of his time untill GOC contacted him which he agreed on joining.

Career Service Vitae
Spanish Army - 4 Years
Marine Corps - 4 Years

Edited by HeyImNiko
I changed serial number
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OOC Section

Steam Name :Deltroid

Steam ID:
In-Game Level & Rank:Level 40.Rank User
State what groups you are in(If you're in any):I don't apply anyone
because i want here
Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):
2Days /23 Hours/01Minutes
Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made):
2 Warns
____What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:____
Well, first of all, I saw that it is not a big activity for this job. And I could help with my work quite a bit and I can bring this life back to life. I am polite and have respect for everyone. I have enough experience in RP. And, like I said, I'm very active. Unfortunately, I have been active on this server for a while but I understood the essentials
___Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?:___
Well I like the idea of this job and I would like to play like this
job.Unfortunately as I said there is little activity but for me this is not 
a problem I can really say that this is the reason I applied wordl.I would
like to help Sites a lot with everything I can.Short but maybe good words

Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked:
Inteleg asta .
____Please explain the The Seventh Occult War:____
What i understan is 
The Seventh Occult War started in WW2 with sides Allied occult initiative with the foundation agains the obskuracorps to stop them to form the Rite of the Solomon adn the Obskurakorps main goal was to take advantage of the recent destruction of LTE-0913 Ex Machina. with the Construction Of SCP-4127 the situation got worse for the AOI and the Foundation but since they have finally managed to weaken SCP-4127 or otherwise the battleship Bismarck and with the D-Day Invasions the seventh war was close once the German Reich has capitulated to the Allies and the Comintern the Sevent occult was saw its end but there is still soem obskurakorps seen in our modern day world but they are not enough of an threat the Seventh Occult War resulted the main foundation and foundings of the GOC and Obskurakorps losing a huge amount of power just to become a writing in the past.

____What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:____



The GOC must protect the humanity against all paranormal threats and this is the most important mission

 ____2) Concelment____

The Global Occult Coalition has to keep the knowledge of paranormal threats secret as teh result of exposure to international attention would cause mass panic and mass casulties in the result of the mass panic causing the goverment fallout and anarchist takeover


The GOC always protect individual Human person unless if they break the two rules above we can take actino


The GOC must should seek and destroy every single anomaly and do not give any chance to let it survive


The GOC always needs to expand its knowledge about the paranormal threat out there and gain information on them how to seek and destroy them as the very existence of the human race can be at risk 


____Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:____
I am not sure about this but i know a
fter the Seventh occult war has ended with the end of world war the AOI saw the anomalies can be used for against mankind and they have noticed that the anomalies are a greater threat and due to increase of these actions the AOI finally decided to find the Global Occult Coalition and their main reason being to protect the humanity against these anomalies and seek to destroy them due to they can cause the end of the world

____What is the difference betweena KTE and a UTE:____

a KTE or Known Threat Entity that the GOC has information about it or it has been identified by them. Unknown Entity Threat Entity is an Entity that the GOC has no information or identification about it and the GOC declared that these anomalies are decided to be presumed dangerous due to being the reason unidentified and having no information on it 

____What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?:____
Finding observing investigate and capture then destroy paramormal threats (They are the general combat arm of the GOc this will be the result that the PHYSICS divsion doing most of the work



IC Section 

Serial Number: /1102

Real Name: Andrew Eduardo

Nationality: Romania


Date of Birth: 28/09/1990

Biographical Information

I am a man I can say who loves the gym and I decided to go on this path, that is to be HOS in the whole SCP Foundation and through this I take care every day I make sure that all Security Staff are up to date and strict. and a beautiful family. My wife works as a researcher in Site I can say that we met here please. I have a large family with 3 children, I work at SCP Fundation and I want to be able to work as a GOC but I hope to pass this exam to tell her so that's about me

Career Service Vitae

Former soldier, now HOS in the SCP Foundation, maybe the next GOC
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