
Unban Request

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My In-Game name: GC Enlisted Trooper kkstig

Steam Name: kkstig

What is the reason for your ban:  I have no idea, I was on at 4am and running around the base with my friend and then this COL who we had seen around but never talked to us just arrested me without saying anything I don't know why I was banned

How long were you banned for: 2 days

Name of the staff member who banned you: I have no idea but the person who killed me 3 times and arrested me was CG COL Mojave

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I was jailed for no reason and now I'm banned?


Edited by kkstig
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Did you leave the game by any chance while in jail because if you did then you would be banned for LTAP

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The below AR makes me believe that you left the server when you were in the brig.

AR | GC TRP kkstig | CL5 + EQ Abuse | 15min

Kind Regards,

Staff Manager Haze xx

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Hello yes yes, 

I was the one who called staff on you for Leaving to avoid RP

This is because midway through your sentence you had left the server and staff had checked it was a disconnect by user.

So just so you know now why you were banned, I didnt kill you either I used my stunblaster to ragdoll you so it was easier for arrest as you were on a rooftop abusing your GH

Edited by Mojave0161


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{WW2 Berlin RP} Kapitan der Verkehrspolizei

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{WW2 Berlin RP} Amt für Finanz Obereinzsatsleiter

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{Clone Wars RP} Event Planner




Rittenhouse my beloved.

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3 minutes ago, Mojave0161 said:

Hello yes yes, 

I was the one who called staff on you for Leaving to avoid RP

This is because midway through your sentence you had left the server and staff had checked it was a disconnect by user.

So just so you know now why you were banned, I didnt kill you either I used my stunblaster to ragdoll you so it was easier for arrest as you were on a rooftop abusing your GH

I was the staff and yes that is what happened. Doesn't matter if it's 4am or 1pm. Rules are ruless. You left in the brig which is LTARP. It's only 2 days. He also mentioned that he would cuff if you grappled again and sadly, that was onto a CL5 roof.



dance yoda.gif

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