
Krowlys Staff application for SWRP [Repost]

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In Game Name:
CT Captain Krowly

Steam ID:

Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server:
I am currently not Staff on any other W-G server.

In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT):
Platinum VIP; CT Captain, Ex DU VC

Have you got experience in staffing RP servers:
I was Co-Owner of my friends DarkRP server a long time ago and I was Superadmin for almost a year on W-G WW2 NaziRP about 2 years ago.

I am currently 16 years of age.

About 2 weeks and 5 days.

Predicted time on server per week:
About 35-40 hours per week (can be 50 if I have no homework), will probably go down to around 25-30 hours per week after Corona-recess.

I currently have 0 warns and don’t recall ever getting banned.

Do you use a microphone:
I do own and use my headset microphone.

What do you aim to achieve in our staff team:
I aim to improve the overall experience for others and help people if they need any. I don’t want to reach a specific rank, I want to help others and improve the experiences of players on the server, for them to feel a sense of enjoyment and fun during their stay.

Why do you stand out among other candidates:
I believe I stand out among other candidates because I have previous staffing experience on roleplay servers, I am knowledgeable about ULX, I respect the rules to the fullest extent and I am good at communicating with others. I want to have a purpose in this community and do something beneficial. I believe I am an experienced and serious role player, as I stem from that background and spent a lot of time on WW2-NRP, which helps me with examining situations and helps me form a decision on whether something is FailRP or not.

Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words):
You should pick me to staff your server as I am a reliable person who does what needs to be done. I firmly believe that I know how to deal with any kind of player as a staff member, as I have dealt with every kind of player there is as a non-staff member. As I said before, I have previous experience on how to staff a roleplay server, which would benefit me in staffing any server. I have invested a good amount of time into the server and the community overall. Despite my pretty young age, I feel that I can represent the server as a staff member to others and show how great and fun it is. Due to my prior experiences, I can also be a mentor in my future staffing career, and I don’t have to be mentored myself all the time or that in-depth. I feel that I deserve to be staff, as I already – without actually being staff – improved the server experience by helping other players or other staff members with minges or rulebreakers. I have dealt with a lot of minges on this and other servers and know how to be patient and not lose control over the situation and enforce the rules accordingly. As already mentioned in the previous section, I stem from a SeriousRP background and believe that I can evaluate any roleplay situation that occurs and decide a fitting punishment. I try to be active on TeamSpeak, although SWRP is usually not the reason I am talking on TS, as CT uses Discord over TS.

Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed:
I fully understand and respect that.

If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member:
If I would have the rank of 2nd Lieutenant or above, I would not punish him, neither via IC nor OOC means. I would remind him about the rule and not make a big deal out of it. I wouldn’t want to scare away a new player by being too harsh on him. If I see that he is a new player who seems to not really know anything, I would first ask about who trained him and talk with that person to retrain the new player, or would do that myself if there is nothing else important to be done.

You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this:
I would try to improve myself the next week and try to reach it or try to do more than needed by going Staff on Duty more often and be more active overall. If there was a proper reason of why I couldn’t reach the required claim amount, I would inform the Hierarchy about it and would try to give them a heads up for next time, if a similar situation occurs. If I see that I am not able to reach my required claim amount, I will freeze my rank if there is a valid reason.

You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this:
I would try to not let this get into my staffing and would try to just ignore it (not ignore the staff member himself, but my feelings towards him). I don’t have to be friends with the other staff member, but I would still respect him as a person and member of the staff team. If it really affects my staffing performance, I will try to talk with that staff member and maybe get a third party involved in order to resolve our issues.

Anything else:
Thank you for reading my staff application. This is a repost from my application that was posted on the old forum page.

Edited by Krowlʏ


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He is very active and trusted, his ex-staff experience on other servers it certainly useful. But I feel it would be better for you to get more playtime in the sense of experience because things run a lot differently here than NRP and the longer you play here as a normal user the more you will understand and it will help you become a better future staff member.

However I do applaud your in game rank and I know being CT CO is a tough job and I respect those people. So you clearly have the dedication needed.


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Ex WW2 Staff. 

Current Ranks Within Werewolf Gaming

Staff Ranks

Community Co-Founder

In Character Ranks

[CWRP] Wookie Chieftain - Chieftain Tom

 [HL-RP] CIU Deputy Director & CAO for the Speaker's Office of the Assembly

Misc. Ranks

[CWRP][ICRP][SCP], [HL-RP] Security Staff, Diamond VIP on All Rust Servers


Past Ranks Within Werewolf Gaming

Staff Ranks


Community Management [Community Manager - Co-Founder - Community Manager [06/05/2021 - 14/08/2021, 14/08/2021 - 05/08/2024, 05/08/2024 -]


SMT [Staff Manager - Server Manager] [21/12/2019 - 27/12/2020, 27/12/2020 - 11/04/2021, 11/04/2021 - 06/05/2021]

Event Manager [07/09/2019 - 21/12/2019]

SMT [Head Mod - Administrator] [May - July 2019]

Event Manager [February - May 2019]

Member of WG Staff Team [05/09/2018 - 

In Character Ranks


Reichsleiter u. Chef der Parteikanzlei,

Gauleiter von Gau Groß Berlin,

Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer [SS-Obergruppenführer],

SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Berliner Polizei, --> SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt, --> SS-Oberführer und Verwaltungsinpektor,

SS-Obersturmführer des Verwaltungsamt,

SS-Obersturmführer des Sicherheitsdienst,

NSDAP Hauptdienstleiter,

Gauleiter von Gau Groß Berlin,

SS-Gruppenführer des Oberabschnitt 'Spree' und Generalleutnant der Polizei,

SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt,

SS-Sturmbannfüuhrer des Sicherheitsdienst & [Temporary 7.SS Unter/Ober/Hauptsturmführer during time in SD],

Stellvertretender Direktor der Propaganda,

SS-Hauptscharführer [1.SS],

SS-Oberscharführer [7.SS].


CG Colonel x3

Wookie Chieftain


Civil Industrial Union Deputy Director & CFU Business Co-Owner



Past Ranks & Accomplishments Within Werewolf Gaming

Creator of the TeamSpeak 3 Server [Permissions, Roles, Channels] x3,

Overseer of TeamSpeak 3 Medal Applications & Forum Rank Requests, 

The Guy that Bothers You About TeamSpeak Tags & Channels,

Spreadsheet Guy.


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- Reasons stated on previous forums.

- Very experienced on a server which requires more proactive staffing than SWRP.

- Friendly and mature.

Former Ranks and Stuff

Community Co-Owner

WW2-ORP Owner

CWRP Manager

IRP Manager

Half-Life RP Vice-Manager

Medieval RP Head Mod

Zombie RP Reserve

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Same reasons I said on the pic


GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

Previous Ranks

GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21

DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21

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Has staffing experience


Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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In my modest opinion, the candidate shows a good theoretical understanding of both the gamemode and the modus operandi of a staff member for said gamemode. He has shown great dedication and has put a lot of effort in his Staff Career within the ranks of the Werwolf Gaming Nazi Germany Roleplay 1943 Staff Team. He was often recognized as the most active and efficient Staff Member (when I was not online) and was a good candidate for a position within the Server Management Team. Perhaps, that is not the only or best factor to determine the quality of a Staff Member, but his sit count on WW2NRP still stands high and is equaled or surpassed only by a few (like me in this case). Moreover, he has shown capability of maintaining such a high rank, Super Administrator, for a very long time (I never had the opportunity to be Super Administrator, I had to skip it). Humbly, I do not think the SWRP SMT needs to look further, they are presented with a polyhedral candidate whose skills cannot be ignored.

Edited by Pаul


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15 hours ago, Pаul said:

In my modest opinion, the candidate shows a good theoretical understanding of both the gamemode and the modus operandi of a staff member for said gamemode. He has shown great dedication and has put a lot of effort in his Staff Career within the ranks of the Werwolf Gaming Nazi Germany Roleplay 1943 Staff Team. He was often recognized as the most active and efficient Staff Member (when I was not online) and was a good candidate for a position within the Server Management Team. Perhaps, that is not the only or best factor to determine the quality of a Staff Member, but his sit count on WW2NRP still stands high and is equaled or surpassed only by a few (like me in this case). Moreover, he has shown capability of maintaining such a high rank, Super Administrator, for a very long time (I never had the opportunity to be Super Administrator, I had to skip it). Humbly, I do not think the SWRP SMT needs to look further, they are presented with a polyhedral candidate whose skills cannot be ignored.

Niggas really out there using the words "modus operandi" and "polyhedral" smh my nigga really out here using that fresh ass language. +1 on the app btw.

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1 hour ago, Solaire said:

Not really sure if writing a Diss track on someone is quite someone who eligible for staff

To clarify, I was not aware that my words, that I came up with during the influence of narcotic substances, would be published and be available to the world. It was a joke that was meant to be available only for a close circle of people. I was never notified on if, when or where these phrases, that were recorded in a jokingly manner, would be released to the public. The person responsible for the release of the footage has not told me that this would be viewable on a public platform. In that case, I would like to apologize to Fusion for the things I have said. This was not meant to insult you, it was more of a joke for a circle of friends. The things I have stated are not fully true / are only accusations without valid proof. As already stated, and I can not stress this point enough, this was NOT meant to insult anyone and was just a joke. Jokes are funny in the eyes of each individual observer, and if someone does not think it is funny, I cannot disagree with someones opinion.
Either way, I hope we can collectively look forward to viewing this as a mistake on my end. I should not have recorded these phrases and neither should I have given out the recording to anyone. Again, apologies to Fusion or any other W-G Member who felt attacked or who viewed this as unprofessional behavior.


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I know Krowly for a long time. he used to be on the server when i was still playing here as the OG CE. Although you reported me once on the forums (epic bruh moment), youre still a good lad.



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although he made the diss track with tanner and mojave he is a great guy, active and understanding, ive not spoken to you a lot but when we have youve been nice i guess the only thing you could improve on is playtime so you can adapt to how the server works, other than that +1

Edited by Dave
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