
Donny's Staff Application

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RP Character name(s): Donald Stravis.


Steam Name: Donny.


Steam ID: ( STEAM_1:0:59604817.


Age when applying: 18.


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: UK GMT.


Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes.


Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): N/A but I do have 800 hours on GMOD.


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP: N/A


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: I have a clear mic, I can also type but most times will talk in game.


 When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: N/A


How often do you use our TeamSpeak 3 server and our forums: On TS3 every day for SWRP, always scrolling through the forums as well.


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen: N/A


State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to maintain the RP world around them in a fashion which does not impede players who are playing. Enforcing the rules when necessary to create a good RP environment without interfering in RP itself, ensuring the environment for players is safe and well regulated.


Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+):
City 24 is part of the Combine's attempt to pacify the population of the planet. After the events of Black Mesa and the resultant resonance cascade Combine forces entered through portal storms and managed to pacify the earth’s population in an event called the 7 hour war in which humanity was defeated in 7 hours and the UN ceded power to their new Combine leaders. Through the portal storm other creatures also arrived on the planet from the border dimension known as Xen. These include the likes of Head crabs and Antlions. This in turn with the Combine taking natural resources from the more urban areas of the planet which can be seen with lowered sea levels leaving many areas irradiated and uninhabitable to human life leaving the numerical cities as the last bastions of human life on the planet.

City 24 follows the trends of all other cities on Earth during this time with its residents being subjugated by the Combine. It is close to City 17 being accessible by train and being located in Geneva, Switzerland. Here the story is the same with the Combine using the planets own population to help keep the human race in check transforming people into Civil Protection units altering their physiology in promise of a better life. This alongside a suppression field which inhibits reproductive proteins and alleged mind control and chemicals within water helps keep the human population docile with no means of creating any new generations.

Within cities there are a few factions which need to be considered CP being the largest in which they conduct raids and random searches on all citizens. In City 24 there are a few senators who live more comfortably than those but considering the administration is nothing but a puppet under Wallace Bran these hold no real power. The CWU are part of the remaining citizens of the city with it being split into several different sections from hard labour to sales. The aforementioned suppresion field helps to keep these docile but with the situation the city sees itself in it is suggested that a large proportion of the population are struggling with depression or PTSD. Another is the resistance the last hope of humanity led by the remnants of Lambda these engage in a guerrilla warfare style approach with this being the only effective approach due to the technological supremacy of the Combine.


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?: Yes.


Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?: When it has been published I will.


List of all previous server staff experience: Used to be moderator on a Minecraft Survival Games Server - MCSG


List of all previous RP experience: Colonel Rank on SWRP (Werwolf Gaming), Multiple hours on several different Darkrp servers.


Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him ( Yes.


Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him ( Yes.


Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him ( Yes.


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, absolutely.


Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

 TP to the person who made the claim, freeze or take the offender to an admin sit away from others where RP can continue. Here I would check damage logs to see if any shooting did in fact take place. After this I would ask for what happened with both parties if there is no valid RP reason for the attack the punishment would be handed out using the punishment guide.

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

Firstly, I would introduce them to each faction and ask them out of them which they would be most interested in joining. I'd explain the process of joining through discord or through the forums explain it but also direct them to the faction so they could see how they work and any other questions they may need answering.

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

 This person will be taken to an admin sit and given a verbal warning, if this continues a warn will be given for FailRP

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 This is more to do with the hierarchy and the faction to deal with this, a warning will be given similar to the question above but it is not the place of a staff to strip a rank away from people.

5 ) A player is prop spamming:

A verbal warning would be given again but if continued would be given a warn. However, with prop spamming having the ability to sometimes crashing if it seems appropriate a kick and/or ban may be appropriate.

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:

 Out of character actions will more than likely result in a FailRP warn, it is important to remain in character and can spoil the experience for other players.

7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:

Talk respectfully, if the person does not agree with the punishment I can ask for another member of staff to give their opinion or if not available I can give the link for the forums and direct them to make an unban appeal.

8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 

Similar to the answer above again but I believe help from a more senior mod would be required to clarify, if the warn was still valid I would again suggest going over to the forums and making an unwarn request if deemed valid will be accepted by the SMT.

9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:

A tricky question in most cases another member of staff would be needed to help to see if any warn would be valid, the loophole would then be explained to the SMT who could fix this.



Answer the following questions in detail:


1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

 Tier 1 rules typically refer to minor offences and those who seem apologetic and can sometimes have been a mistaken offence. Typically for first offenders. Tier 2 offences are for the more severe offences typically resulting in bans or kicks and for repeat offenders who act without remorse. These are for people that impede RP repeatedly and have next to no care for the rules.

2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:

 IC - Refers to 'In character'. This is everything that your playable character within the game world refers to. Walking, talking eating this is all done under the guise of the persona you are trying to portray. OOC - Out of character - refers to the actions of yourself outside the RP aspect when talking about the server or other things. Metagaming - refers to when you take something that has happened out of character and use this knowledge on how to act within RP.

3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:

 Serious RP is when everything must be within character such as slow walking most places, acting in character within all actions. Semi - serious is a little more lenient with people being able to run and jump in areas without being punished for it.

4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our game mode:

 Passive RP mostly revolves around the idea of using /me commands. They are those which involve the idea of imagination and can be quite extensive without going beyond the limit as to be some part of power gaming. CombatRP is more prevalent in the gamemodes like StarwarsRP in which there is active shooting for the most part with some story behind it but the idea lies with most a focus on fighting.

5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

 Combat baiting refers to you provoking another into combat to have a valid reason to. An example of this is in Starwars RP a Jedi will stand in front of incoming fire therefore giving them a reason to engage in combat against droids.

6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:

Power gaming is another example of using RP actions to get out of situations or get a leg up. This can be shown with actions such as '/me slips out of cuffs' or '/me cuts elevator cords'.

7 ) Define the term FailRP:

FailRP is when somebody begins acting in a way in which their character never would. For example, in HLRP this could be a CP member not performing raids or telling jokes in front of citizens - Their role is to act tough and their changed physiology would not permit such actions.

8 ) Define the term FearRP: 

FearRP is when a character is in an intense situation, they act in a manner which is fitting to it. For example, when held at gunpoint you are expected to stay still and act as if you would when held at gunpoint. It could be considered power gaming if you pulled out a weapon to combat or /me knocked weapon out of hand.


Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):

Personally, I have excellent lore knowledge of Half-life I was introduced to the world through my brother when we were growing up and its one that really appeals to me. One thing that I as well as many can say is that we want more half-life lore and this server is an opportunity to do that. This however has to be done in a way in which the rules can be enforced in the correct way for the world that it trying to be built within the environment of City 24. Half-life has an amazing universe that has been created and I want to be able to help other people share the experience with others that may not be familiar with the game world.

Furthermore, as a person I am very good as a mediator. I always attempt to listen to both sides and arrive at a conclusive point that is fair and in the best interest of both parties. It is important to remain partial in these types of situations and when things can get heated it can often be hard to remain calm for most, myself on the other hand has a very low tendency to blow my fuse it will always be detrimental and never useful to the situation at hand. My respectfulness and maturity can be shown this way and I would be great in these high-pressure situations and with also dealing out punishments.

In addition to this, there is my activity. Within most things I have encountered with my life I have always been dedicated and loyal throughout it. On werwolf gaming's Star Wars server I've stuck by 1 regiment for the best part of 6 months and aim to continue to serve for the foreseeable future. A final thing to say is that I often achieve the best results of learning through doing I'm a quick learner and can become a very valuable member very quickly.

Overall, my maturity, calmness and resilient mindset would allow me to strive through the staff team. Whilst my experience is not the greatest comparatively I believe I would be great within the staff team set up here and would be an honest, hardworking member of the team if you would consider me at this time or sometime in the future.

Thank you for reading my application.


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Full warning, my criticism on this app may come across as nitpicky, but I think it has to be said.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

 TP to the person who made the claim, freeze or take the offender to an admin sit away from others where RP can continue. Here I would check damage logs to see if any shooting did in fact take place. After this I would ask for what happened with both parties if there is no valid RP reason for the attack the punishment would be handed out using the punishment guide.

It'd probably be best to ask the reporter for evidence aswell while you go through logs. While logs can be used solely as evidence assuming sufficent proof is given in them, by themself they can easily be disputed considering they don't provide any context to the situation or anything else except for text stating damage and death. Video proof always holds up better in those situations incase an appeal is made, and they allow you to judge the situation better.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

 This person will be taken to an admin sit and given a verbal warning, if this continues a warn will be given for FailRP

Verbal warnings shouldn't be a thing unless it's an extremely new player who literally just joined. You have to remember that this server is seriousRP, and by that, any unserious behaviour you can't just let go with a slap on the wrist because people will take that as reference they can get away with it. The server is serious, yes, and with that, you have to remember the staff team will have to be even more serious in terms of punishments they deal out to keep that atmosphere and immersion up.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 This is more to do with the hierarchy and the faction to deal with this, a warning will be given similar to the question above but it is not the place of a staff to strip a rank away from people.

If a player is messing about with his rank, then it's your job as staff to make sure he's dealt with appropiately until faction leads can step in. Don't feel disheartened to temporarily kick him off the job until he starts being serious, or until faction leads are informed and deal with the situation appropiately. Don't just let someone get away with rule breaks and unwillingness to RP on a seriousRP server solely because he's part of a faction, if needed, strip his rank, unwhitelist him, or whatever else in the moment. That doesn't give him any immunity to punishment.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

5 ) A player is prop spamming:

A verbal warning would be given again but if continued would be given a warn. However, with prop spamming having the ability to sometimes crashing if it seems appropriate a kick and/or ban may be appropriate.

Refer to above, verbal warnings shouldn't be a thing on HL2RP, unless again, it's a player who literally just joined. If someone is propspamming, at the bare minimum, considering if they're attempting to crash the server or not, it's either a permanent ban, or a shorter ban such as a day or a week, in my view. Again, you have to remember to be harsh.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:

 Out of character actions will more than likely result in a FailRP warn, it is important to remain in character and can spoil the experience for other players.

Depends on the situation for this one. If the player just stops RP and starts arguing in LOOC, that isn't really worthy of a failRP warn, considering that isn't failRP. That's just the player being an argumentive idiot, and you should tell them to get their shit together, go with the situation for now, and if they believe by the end that it was handled in an unjust way, staff can deal with it then after the RP has concluded. If they do stuff that's actually failRP like trying to bhop away, then you warn them/kick them.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:

Power gaming is another example of using RP actions to get out of situations or get a leg up. This can be shown with actions such as '/me slips out of cuffs' or '/me cuts elevator cords'.

Not exactly. Powergaming refers to forcing your actions onto others, such as, /me snaps the cops neck, killing them instantly. Actions like cutting elevator cords or anything else, through RP, aren't powergaming, as long as your character has the tools and could reasonably do that. Powergaming is more so forcing unrealistic/any actions on players and not giving them a chance to react.

22 hours ago, Donny said:

7 ) Define the term FailRP:

FailRP is when somebody begins acting in a way in which their character never would. For example, in HLRP this could be a CP member not performing raids or telling jokes in front of citizens - Their role is to act tough and their changed physiology would not permit such actions.

It isn't failRP for a cop to not perform raids or interact with citizens. I don't know where you got that from. People can roleplay their characters as they wish, if a cop wishes to be friendly to citizens and be lazy on their job, as long as it's solely IC, that's allowed. People are allowed make characters with their own personalities and play that however. FailRP is more so doing something that just isn't realistic. I.e; bunnyhopping.


I'm gonna remain neutral because of all that.

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Well let's see here...

The application itself is quite easy to read, nicely written and answered.

Some answers are wrong but it's really nothing that cannot be fixed with some minor tutoring/mentoring. For example: You got Power Gaming wrong, it is the act of forcing your RolePlay decisions onto other players, thus not giving them a chance to react to your move. And Prop Spamming of any kind is a permanent ban without a question (But it depends on the rules of the server when it comes out), prop spam is done solely to disturb the server and try to crash it. But all of this was explained by our dear friend anschib in the comment above.

You seem like a nice person, friendly and the application is quite good nonetheless.

I shall therefore give you a +1/Neutral.

Good luck and have fun ! 😄

IC Ranks:
Dr. Heinrich Oberchmann
-Civil Workers Union Deputy General Manager

-Civil Medical Union Medical Director

PhD & M.D. in Surgical Traumatology and Toxicology.

OOC Ranks:

-HL-RP Vice Manager

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- Fat amount of lore knowledge in regards to City 24; reinforced by being accepted into CWU before server release

- Alright answers to the staffing scenario since there is a few minor errors that can be ironed out in the mentoring process and could be explained by not having much prior staff experience

- Detailed final answer outlining what makes you stick out from the crowd

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- Some of the staff scenario/rule explanation questions are kind of mediocre as previously described

- You didn't really answer the question about the setting of City 24 but just explained about combine-controlled cities in general. In other words, you didn't explain what makes City 24 stand out.

- Despite not really answering the question correctly, your answer to the setting of City 24 still shows that you know your half-life stuff.

- Generally pretty well-written and professional looking application.





On 7/7/2020 at 9:04 PM, Donny said:

considering the administration is nothing but a puppet under Wallace Bran

ah yes, the iconic half life character dr. wallace bran

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