
Dr. Daniel Craig's Staff Application

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RP Character name(s): 

 Daniel Craig

Steam Name:



Steam ID:



Age when applying:



What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:

Turkey, UTC+3


Can you speak and type English fluently:



Current total game-time on the server:

N/A, since the server is not yet launched.


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP:

 N/A, since the server is not yet launched.


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:

Yes, I have a working microphone and I almost exclusively use it for communicating in-game. If for whatever reason the mic is insufficent or the listening party is unable to hear/understand my words, I can quickly type.


When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:

 N/A, since the server is not yet launched

How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:

Yes, I check them daily for updates and communications with other members of the CMU.


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns :

 N/A, since the server is not yet launched.


State the role of staff on the server:

The role of staff in a roleplaying game server is to protect the roleplay, the users, and the server. In an age where raiding roleplay servers, shouting racial slurs and minging is wrongly considered to be more fun than respecting and enjoying a community with fellow gamers, the role of staff in a roleplay server is more important than ever. The staff team must prevent rule breaking, must educate rule breakers and as a last-case scenario, punish them for good.


Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+): 

The Combine has invaded the earth thanks to the “portal storms” created by the Black Mesa incident. City 24 is one of the many remaining and occupied cities of Earth, the rest uninhabitable due to the alien infestation caused by the portal storms. After the infamous Seven-Hour War, the United Nations surrender, with the kind help of Dr. Wallace Breen, which later gets appointed to the title “Interim Administrator of Earth”, and resides in the citadel in City 17. The cities were conveniently walled-off and closed due to the portal storms and alien invasions, much to the delight of the Universal Union, which used this to their advantage, creating closed-off cities, essentially humanity’s grave.  City 24 is known to be a “loyalist” city, boasting much better buildings and infrastructure than other occupied cities. The “loyalists” and Combine members boast much, MUCH more privileges than a regular Human citizen has. Private ownership of the means of production is essentially over, since most factories and workshops, if not all, owned by the Civil Workers Union.


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?

The rules are not yet posted, but I am familiar with general RP rules and I will read and learn them ASAP.


Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?: 

The punishment list is not yet posted, but I am familiar with general RP rules and I will read and learn them ASAP.


List of all previous server staff experience:

Sadly, none, but I have led small, 10 people communities in other roleplaying games before.However, I have extensive knowledge moderating IRL.


List of all previous RP experience:

200+ hours of Millitary RP,  10-15 hours of HLRP, 30-40 hours of SCP-RP


Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him (


Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him (


Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him (


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:


----------Removed staff questions--------------



Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

Firstly, I would teleport the victim to a rooftop or any other available inaccessible and out of sight location. Since this is Serious RP, we can’t have admin sits on ground level, since it will break the immersion of the RP experience. I would listen to the victim, and teleport the suspect to the sit. If the victim does not know the suspect’s name, I would simply check the logs in order the find the suspected killer. I will listen to the suspect and make my final judgement. If the killings happened with a valid RP reason in a rule-abiding manner, then no one gets punished and I teleport everyone back to their places. If the suspect in fact broke some rules, I would notify them of the rule in question (in this case, no RDM), and punish them accordingly to the procedure. If the suspect has left the sit without a valid reason, I warn the suspect with in this case, RDM and LTAP, and ban if procedure allows.


2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

 I would introduce them to the factions, and I will point them to the Discord channels (or the preffered recruitment method when the server launches) so they can join the Roleplay Experience as soon as possible. This issue is a bit personal for me since I have waited for HOURS in roleplay servers waiting for training/guidance while admins "slapped" eachother with 1 damage, so I will do my best to welcome and guide newcomers to our community.


3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

 I would teleport/drag them to a rooftop and freeze them immediately. I may mute them even, if necessary. I would calmly explain to them that this is a Serious RP Community, and that they have to always stick in character and basically not be a nuisance. If the suspect agrees, I would release them, and keep an eye on them. If the suspect does not agree and continues to be a nuisance at the sit, or does it again after the sit is resolved, I freeze them and warn them for Minging(IDK if this term is used in this community) and FailRP. If it still continues, I will punish them according to the procedure.


4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 I would gather enough evidence and "prosecute" them. I will tell them that they have to use their role correctly and appropriately, otherwise punishments will be handed out. If this type of behaviour continues, I would simply warn them for FailRP Type 1 or 2, depending on the situation and advise their superiors to demote them. A ban might be handed out if procedure allows.


5 ) A player is prop spamming:

If confirmed, I would instantly ban them permanately or the longest time allowed, and request an extension to Permanent. This type of behaviour is simply not acceptable in resource-hungry GMOD servers and I would not even try arguing with the spammer. This is not just ruining RP, this is literally ruining the server.


6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:

 I would take the sit and go to the place where this happened. (I may teleport them, if the situation does not allow an on-ground sit) If the suspect is in fact Breaking RP, I would warn them for FailRP or Minge, depending on the case, and refer them to the rules. A ban might be handed out, but I believe it's highly unlikely.


7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punnish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:

I would just tell them that an admin desicion is final, and if they still believe I misconducted, I refer them to the Staff Abuse page, and tell them to report me. If the suspect still argues, I warn them for Wasting Staff Time, and Minge if the person is just trolling, and punish them according to procedure.


8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 

I tell them that FailRP is a very general term, that anything that breaks RP is considered FailRP. If the suspect still argues that FailRP is not the case, I refer them to the SMT and move on.


9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:

I will probably be unable to decide on this matter because of my low rank, so I would notify the SMT to take the case and move on.



Answer the following questions in detail:


1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

 Tier 1 is unknowingly breaking rules but still causing a notable disruption, but Tier 2 is knowingly breaking rules just to cause problems.


2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:

 IC is in character, meaning everything the role-played character knows or is able to see,hear etc. Identification papers, voice chat, etc. falls in IC.

OOC is out of character, meaning what the player can see. Kill logs, OOC chat, Usernames, Discord etc. falls in OOC.

Metagaming is when OOC info is used IC.

Example: Me seeing the players's username on screen, and calling them by their username without asking their name in character.


3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:

 Serious RP is Roleplaying as a character, and never breaking roleplay, and generally acting like your own character.

Semi-Serious RP is Roleplayin as jobs, meaning the ability to switch character with jobs.


4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:

 Combat RP is literally Roleplaying as a killing machine, as a non-human dedicated to murder and slaughter, devoid of emotions and feelings. PassiveRP is much better imo, since real life elements such as hygiene, health(not just a HP bar) moods are used. PassiveRP is based on personafied commands (/me)

and PassiveRP is an pillar of SeriousRP.


5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

 Combat Baiting is when players passively roleplaying are coerced into CombatRP. Example: Me, without a valid RP reason, punching a CP officer just for the beating and the eventual chase.


6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:

PowerGaming is forcing an RP situation on someone. Example: Me coming up to an citizen chilling in a bench, typing /me takes  out knife, cuts out neck, murders, kills, kicks face

7 ) Define the term FailRP:

FailRP is when illogical situations are pushed to RP, even when they can't be done IRL. Example: Me climbing a flat wall, and then scaling a building with 10hp and an amputated leg.

8 ) Define the term FearRP: 

FearRP is when the character has to fear death, just like real life. Example: Someone pulls a gun on me, and I have to comply to not get murdered. Not being murdered/preservation of life is an instinct and cannot be avoided with traits like "IM FEARLESS LOL". I don't know the exact situation for the OTA, since they are modified.


Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):


I am an avid Half-Life fan. I have excellent knowledge of the lore and I follow all major communities dedicated for the Half-Life Universe. I am also a fan of Garry’s Mod roleplay.

In fact, I can say that I have played at least 275 hours of general RP in Garry’s Mod. And guess what, I was introduced to HLRP about one year ago! Unfortunately, the only server I played had extremely severe back-end problems. The problems were so severe in fact that I could not comfortably play in the server. So when I found out that Werwolf Gaming was opening an HLRP server, I was instantly hooked. My two favorite games, combined to form a even more beautiful, and (hopefully) working server! I have applied to the CMU, I have become a Trial Moderator for the Discord server, and now I am applying to be an admin. Why? I just don’t want this server and community to die, like the last HLRP server. My single motivation has been to preserve this HLRP server, and I will do it even more extensively, if I am selected to become a member of the staff team. I am a great leader and moderator, not just in games, in real life too. I make the best deals, I have the best work ethic, I have the best professionalism, I have the best paperwork, I have the best leadership, I have the best friends, and I make the best judgements. I can literally make an volcano calm down to a cool breeze. And I only exaggerated a bit. Not to toot my own horn here, but I believe that I can become an great, if not the best, admin in no time. Simply because I want this community to continue existing.

 P.S. I wrote and copied some of the larger answers from Google Docs. That's why some answers seem out of place.

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Well hello there, let's see this application trough. 🙂 
-First of all from the basic layout and design of the application viewpoint, it is nice, easy to read and has very minimal grammatical mistakes.

-The role of the staff on the server was explained quite shortly but nonetheless correctly.

-The C24 context is a bit lacking, like where the City is located and such.

-Scenarios look fine in my opinion, short but simple. But the term for constant minging and not wanting to roleplay is simply called NITRP (No Intention To Role Play).

-All questions are answered correctly, but they do look a little bare-boned and could be worked out more.

-The "Why you deserve staff" met the 250+ word quota and surpassed it by 50 words, clocking in at 300 so that is quite nice. And it looks like you have a pretty good reason to become staff, you are passionate about HL-RP and want to see the Community and server strive and not die.

In all honesty, the application could be a little more detailed with some aspects, but all the questions and scenarios are completely correct and look fine. You are a friendly person, searching for the right community and now you've found it.

Very good app nonetheless and I think you would make an excellent addition to this staff team.

I give this application a general +1

Good luck 😉


Edited by [W-G] Deadly_Ant

IC Ranks:
Dr. Heinrich Oberchmann
-Civil Workers Union Deputy General Manager

-Civil Medical Union Medical Director

PhD & M.D. in Surgical Traumatology and Toxicology.

OOC Ranks:

-HL-RP Vice Manager

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6 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

Firstly, I would teleport the victim to a rooftop or any other available inaccessible and out of sight location. Since this is Serious RP, we can’t have admin sits on ground level, since it will break the immersion of the RP experience. I would listen to the victim, and teleport the suspect to the sit. If the victim does not know the suspect’s name, I would simply check the logs in order the find the suspected killer. I will listen to the suspect and make my final judgement. If the killings happened with a valid RP reason in a rule-abiding manner, then no one gets punished and I teleport everyone back to their places. If the suspect in fact broke some rules, I would notify them of the rule in question (in this case, no RDM), and punish them accordingly to the procedure. If the suspect has left the sit without a valid reason, I warn the suspect with in this case, RDM and LTAP, and ban if procedure allows.

You probably just forgot to put this in your answer, but you should also ask the reporting party for evidence, considering that's vital to most RDM cases.

6 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

 I would teleport/drag them to a rooftop and freeze them immediately. I may mute them even, if necessary. I would calmly explain to them that this is a Serious RP Community, and that they have to always stick in character and basically not be a nuisance. If the suspect agrees, I would release them, and keep an eye on them. If the suspect does not agree and continues to be a nuisance at the sit, or does it again after the sit is resolved, I freeze them and warn them for Minging(IDK if this term is used in this community) and FailRP. If it still continues, I will punish them according to the procedure.

As I've said on other applications, again, verbal warnings shouldn't be a thing on HL2RP. You have to remember that the server is seriousRP, and as thus, the staff team has to be even more serious than the server itself. There's zero tolerance for rule breaks.

6 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:

 I would take the sit and go to the place where this happened. (I may teleport them, if the situation does not allow an on-ground sit) If the suspect is in fact Breaking RP, I would warn them for FailRP or Minge, depending on the case, and refer them to the rules. A ban might be handed out, but I believe it's highly unlikely.

Depends how they're breaking RP. As I've said on other applications, if they bhop away or something like that, then yeah, warn them. However, if they just refuse to RP and start arguing in LOOC or something like an idiot, just inform them to gather evidence, continue with the RP for now, and after the situation ended report it to staff for review and then it can either be retconned or voided.


Those are the only main issues I can find with the app, and that aside, I know you're competent and you've already gained a fair degree of trust considering your position of discord staff in the HL2RP discord, and you definitely have potential. So for that, +1 on this application.

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Well, hey, I am here to reply to your app, so lets start:

-Answers are almost all correct 
-Seems a nice guy
-Interested in the server
-Got good knowledge

-Some answers are a bit too short
-Some punishments are wrong
-Some details are absent

So, the answers are almost all correct, and from what I have read you seem a nice guy and also very interested into the server. You also stated that you have got some knowledge, I would say that you should work out the lenght, details and punishments of some of your answers.
But overall you have done good, +1 from me.
Good luck!


Edited by Deagle

Current IC Ranks:
ORPO Unterwachtmeister
Current OOC ranks:
HL-RP Moderator


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17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

RP Character name(s): 

 Daniel Craig

That name will probably be considered FailRP to some extend, as it is the name of a fairly famous actor. Not a big deal but worth mentioning.

17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:

I will probably be unable to decide on this matter because of my low rank, so I would notify the SMT to take the case and move on.

I mean, you should still punish the player. If you realize that they are using loopholes you don't just dismiss the case unto SMT, you should still be able to handle it. Obviously, it's a good idea to notify SMT about the loopholes after the sit, so they can fix them.


17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

Combat RP is literally Roleplaying as a killing machine, as a non-human dedicated to murder and slaughter, devoid of emotions and feelings.

Very weird way of describing it. Combat RP is just... combat roleplay... It seems like you are viewing it as a rulebreak or something, which it isn't.


17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

Not to toot my own horn here, but I believe that I can become an great, if not the best, admin in no time

17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

I make the best deals, I have the best work ethic, I have the best professionalism, I have the best paperwork, I have the best leadership, I have the best friends, and I make the best judgements. I can literally make an volcano calm down to a cool breeze.

Damn bro, okay. Comes off as a little pretentious to me, but I guess we'll see if you get accepted. Suffice it to say, expectations will be high when you write stuff like that.


17 hours ago, fokbaba29 said:

In fact, I can say that I have played at least 275 hours of general RP in Garry’s Mod.

275 hours is alright, but it's not that much, to be honest.


Most answers are correct, although, towards the bottom, they get less detailed. You have IC and OOC ranks on the server, which always shows some level of competency. I think you could be a decent staff member. Hopefully, you live up to the expectations you set.


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Reading through this application its really well made, some punishments are wrong and what ever but simple mentoring can sort that out. Also just a tip, if you are staff dont be giving insane punishments.

When it comes to IC, you are in a faction (CWU) with also the sub path kind of thing (CMU), so that shows good lore knowledge which is needed in the server for moderation. Also OOC you are a member of the Discord Staff team, which i found you to be competent at what you are doing when doing your interview, but as said dont be giving mad punishments Ok.







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