
John's Unban Request

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1 minute ago, Kobi said:

I would also recommend recoil on Roblox it is very good game and in beta

If there are no Hacks for it, i am not playing it! But i am gonna take your roblox girlfriend Kobi


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People are a bunch of ignorants, he just has a very good gaming chair!


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Mate why arent u just fucking honest about it. I know u a child and all that but u couldve just stood up for it and people actually would give u some respect for actually having the balls to do so


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Mate why arent u just fucking honest about it. I know u a child and all that but u couldve just stood up for it and people actually would give u some respect for actually having the balls to do so


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9 minutes ago, Evilgejf said:

Mate why arent u just fucking honest about it. I know u a child and all that but u couldve just stood up for it and people actually would give u some respect for actually having the balls to do so

When you send a message twice 😐 Feels bad

Edited by John
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