Windows XP

ISD - Internal Security Department

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: bombom

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119161861

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 1w 5d 23h 31m

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 28 warns, none should be considered on account of extremely long age and recent unban which is proven by Dr. Cosmo's statement.



- IC Section -

To:         @         .   

From: O      @               _    .   

Subject: CV - Internal Security\



First Name: October
Surname: Black

DOB: 9/13/183
Age: 37
Gender: Male

Length Of Employment: 13 Years, 236 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes.

[KIA] Father:                                    - MTF      Rank:      Clearance: 3
[MIA] Mother:                       - Researcher, Area-    Clearance:  

Employment History:
Military: 3 years, 10 months, 16 days of service at the                                   
- Intelligence Corps
- Expert Qualification in Rifles and Pistols 

- Reconnaissance Detachment
- Field Medical Certification
   Tour(s) in Iraq

Security Guard: 9 Months
- Additional Firearms Training
- Expert Qualification
- Promoted to Corporal

Security Lieutenant: 24 Months
- Firearms Trainer
- Interrogation Trainer
- Interrogation Specialist

MTF Gamma-13: 60 Months

- Firearms Trainer
- Hand To Hand Combat Trainer
- Interrogation Specialist
- Surveillance Expert
- Breaching Qualification
- Anomalous Object Apprehension & Handing Qualification

Skill Summary:

- Firearms Expert Qualification
- Firearms Trainer
- Hand To Hand Combat Certification
- Hand To Hand Combat Trainer
- Interrogation Specialist
- Interrogation Trainer
- Reconnaissance Qualification
- Surveillance Expert
- Breaching Qualification
- Anomalous Object Apprehension & Handling Qualification
- Field Medical Experience

Other Noted Abilities:
- Impersonation

- Fraud
- Forced Compliance
- Lies
- Persuasion
- Intelligence Gathering



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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Yes

RPname: Bobby Hand

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:447565677

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 4w 6d 23h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 1 warn


- IC Section -

Accessing File...

Access Denī̸̩͉̤̣͜ê̵͈͐͛d̸̡̲͚͆̈̈


Subject credentials

First name: Bobby
Last name: Hand
DOB: 17/02/1989

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bri"ish

Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased



Private security: 4y 7 months
-Advanced weapon handling
-Organisation skills
-Observation and surveilance


McDonald's Cashier: 5 months

McDonald's position was temporary but after his Private security firm became bankrupt. After an incident with SCP-4486, designated Incident-4486-A, he was thoroughly interigated, his skills were discovered and hired into Security Trainee- 

Security Trainee: 1y
-Teamwork skills
-Minor SCP Handling

Security Officer: 1y 4 months
Secruity Lieutenant: 1y  2months

MTF Kappa-3: 2y 3months:
-Assigned due to the previous contact to SCP-4486
-Investigation skills
-Interigation skills
-Advanced SCP Handling
-Intelligence Gathering

-Disguise Expertise

Skills not derived from Jobs:
-First Aid
-Documentational skills



-High GCSE's
-Left Education at 16
-First aid training
-Degree in Human anatomy






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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Flames of James

RPname: Nathan Kenendy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:420930237

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): Like 5 weeks now i think

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  0 warn


You can see that it is my steam id at the bottom 


IC Section




First Name: Nathan 

Middle name: [REDACTED]

Last Name: Kennedy

DOB: 17/02/1988

Gender: Male (Questioning)

Nationality: Bri'ish

Mother: Diseased 

Father: Diseased 




High GCSEs

Took a course on teamwork at



Worked in the army for 7 years

-Learned hand to hand combat

-Gained firearm experience

-Was involved in numerous raid of al-Qaeda

-Gained valuable experience of military operations


 Private security: 2 years

-Worked as an enforcer for billionaires 

-Lots of connections

-Killed lots of civilians who were deemed as hostiles


Hired into foundation:

Security officer: 1 year

Security LT: 2 years


Recruited into Tau-4 by the commanders ( @Techno and @Puggo19

-Gained knowledge of the O5

-Became aware of what ISMO was and the internal affairs of the sites.

-Was recognized as a well-trusted member of Tau-4 and the Foundation as a whole.





Team player

First aid training


I believe I would be suitable for the job due to the fact I am very loyal to the foundation and will fight night and day for the site security and would never give any information to any CI or GOC scummm.



Thank you for reading my application,


-Nathan Kennedy


Edited by Nathan Kennedy

I am here to launder money

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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:209890907
Steam Name: Kvisten
In-Game level & Rank: LVL 50 PlatVIP

Amount of warnings: 0


Playtime: 8w, 4d, 3h, 26min, 12 sec

Email: Andrej.Cvetkocic@foundation.f
First Name: Andrej
Last Name: Cvetkovic

Phone Number: +381-675-5539-21

Blood type: AB-

Nationality: Serbian

Gender: Male

DoB: 28/5/1970

Education: University of Belgrade, Master's degree in Economy

Languages: English, German, Swedish and Serbo croatian

Yugoslav People's Army:

-Standard Firearms Training

-Leadership Training

-Marksmanship Training

Specijalna antiteroristicka jedinica:

-Breaching Training

-CQC Training

-Hostage Rescue Training

-Grappling Hook Training

-Hand to Hand Combat Training

Foundation Jobs

Security Officer (Clearance level 2)

Security Guard (Clearance level 3)

Field Agent (Clearance level 3)

Mobile Task Force Beta-1 "Cauterizers" (Clearance level 3)

-Interrogation Training

-Law Training

-Weapons and Aim Training

-Riot Control Training

Mobile Task Force Delta-5 "Front Runners" (Clearance level 3)

-Weapons and Aim Training

-Deep cover specialization


-Combat and Aim



-Medical Training

-Working undercover








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-OOC Section-

Steam Name: Prime1Bit

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556038392

In game level: 50 (Platinum VIP)

Playtime: 7d 11hours

Amount of Warns and the reason they were given:


-IC Section-


Personnel Information:

Name: Chris Kleinmann

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Birth: 01.12.1981, Born in Austria.


TelNumber: [REDACTED]


4 years of Play School.

9 years of C.E.

4 years of HTL

3 years of professional school for retail and mangement.

Experience: (Outside of the foundation)

4 years in the Austrian army.

Highest rank achieved was, Oberwatchmeister (SSGT)

-learned knife/hand to hand combat.

-learned how to deal with armed people.

-has experience on different kinds of firearms.

2 years of secret service agent:

-Knowledge how to deal with troublesome people.

-learned on how to know if a person is hostile or has something hidden. (To dmg the VIP and etc.)

Experience: (Inside of the foundation)

Hired by his fellow friend within the foundation.  

Departments I worked in:

3 years in GENSEC:

-6 months as Security Officer.

-8 months as Security Guard.

-11 months as Security Lieutenant.

-13 months as Head of Security.

Department of External Affairs:

-1 year as a DEA Agent. 

Engineering and Manufacturing Department:

-2 years as a Manufacturing Personnel.

Mobile Task Force:

-2 years as E-11 (Nine tailed fox) Containment unit.

-1 year as E-9 (The Fire Eaters) containment unit.

-1 year as Z-9 (The Mole Rats) containment unit.

-4 years within Alpha-1 (The Red Right Hand) under the unit [REDACTED]

-Has Overall foundation experiene.

-Knows all the way up to level 5 classification documents.

-Has communications with the Overseers of each department.






-Self Control



-Self crticism



Why you should choose me over the others:

You should choose me over the other applications since, I think I'm more capable of some of them and also I think that I have a lot more knowledge then some of them since i have been within this community for almost 6 months. I'm loyal, trust worthy, active and will always follow what my superiors say and also listen to each and every rule and make sure that every one else is also following the rules. 



Thank you for readiny my application.


Chris Kleinmann.

Edited by Prime1Bit
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: DLEtna
RPname: Avery Winters

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87998391
In game level: 50 
Playtime(At least one week): 1 Week + (Evidence:

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  1 Warn for FailRP. Given in 21st Nov of 2019? (Unsure due to AWarn Window)


IC Section -

(CV's on next three pages.)

File: Alex Benson's CV.pdf


Comment: Applicant Rejected. ISD already holds a presence within the Engineering Department. 
As well as a lack of interpersonal skills.


File: MY FIRST DRAFT(fu this shit).pdf


Comment: No. "Empathy: Expert"


File: Vincent Gaumond Curriculum vitae.pdf




Comment: Flagged for suspicious behaviour. Duplicate Entry.



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1 minute ago, Avery Winters said:

-OOC Section -

Steam Name: DLEtna
RPname: Avery Winters

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87998391
In game level: 50 
Playtime(At least one week): 1 Week + (Evidence:

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  1 Warn for FailRP. Given in 21st Nov of 2019? (Unsure due to AWarn Window)


IC Section -

(CV's on next three pages.)

File: Alex Benson's CV.pdf


Comment: Applicant Rejected. ISD already holds a presence within the Engineering Department. 
As well as a lack of interpersonal skills.


File: MY FIRST DRAFT(fu this shit).pdf


Comment: No. "Empathy: Expert"


File: Vincent Gaumond Curriculum vitae.pdf




Comment: Flagged for suspicious behaviour. Duplicate Entry.


Welcome back chad



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36 minutes ago, Avery Winters said:

-OOC Section -

Steam Name: DLEtna
RPname: Avery Winters

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87998391
In game level: 50 
Playtime(At least one week): 1 Week + (Evidence:

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  1 Warn for FailRP. Given in 21st Nov of 2019? (Unsure due to AWarn Window)


IC Section -

(CV's on next three pages.)

File: Alex Benson's CV.pdf


Comment: Applicant Rejected. ISD already holds a presence within the Engineering Department. 
As well as a lack of interpersonal skills.


File: MY FIRST DRAFT(fu this shit).pdf


Comment: No. "Empathy: Expert"


File: Vincent Gaumond Curriculum vitae.pdf




Comment: Flagged for suspicious behaviour. Duplicate Entry.

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name:aircon

RPname:Ben Henson


In game level:50

Playtime(At least one week):4 weeks 3 days

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 


(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 


- IC Section -

[Insert your CV here] 

Name Ben Henson


Age: 44

Birth: 07/06/1976 United Kingdom

County: North [REDACTED]


Telephone: [REDACTED]



2 years Applied Science

5 years Manchester Law School


Service outside Foundation

4 years Royal Navy auxiliary (reserve)

2 years Private Maritime Security 

1 year legal consultant


Service in Foundation

GENSEC 4 years

MTF 4 years (CO Within NU-7)(E11 8 months)

Department of external affairs: Bureau of Intelligence 8 years (former HoEA)




Passive Interrogation

Enhanced Interrogation

Hand-to-Hand combat 

Silent weapons tactics

Advanced Knowledge of Law




Unquestioning of Superiors 



Lower Body strength

calm demeanour 

Takes punishment




Somewhat uncompromising


I give thanks for a consideration for a position within the ISD and hope for a response soon

Sincerely Ben Henson






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Steam Name: [W-G] the allmighty

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439886710

In game level: 50

Playtime: 4week 5 days 21 houres 

mount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  Warnings 420210129142737_1.thumb.jpg.7569c3847b891ef96d025f7e8fd65dde.jpg

 IC Section 

Personal Profile: 

Kyle Austen

Age 36

Born in Belgium.

was in the VSSE for 2 years.

Achievements: Arrested multiple Infiltrators. SPG trianing.Advanced combat medical techniques and procedures. Experts close combat

Carrere Objective: ISD (International Security Dep.)

Skills: Speaks 3 languages. english.russian.norse

Interests: Combat and arresting/killing traitor scum.


first app so i get it if its not good but yeah

Edited by the one
warn screenshot
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CV Results
    @ZedboxYour application is decent,but you have only recently came back    and management  feels you need to get more used and known to the server- Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
    @the one Management have reviewed your application and noticed you             copied some part from a previous applicant so you are being Denied and   Blacklisted
Edited by Walter Webb
stoopid forums
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: WolfyGT

RPname: Bobertio Bobertioson

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:206711572

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 3w 3d

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  7

These warns are all from 2019, I haven't been warned in 2020 or 2021 so far.



- IC Section -

Curriculum Vitae 

(On the next page)




Subject: ISD Application Form


Attachment(s): ISD CV Sean Connorson

This CV Is for the application to the Internal Security Department 

I  have agreed to the Non Disclosure Agreement given to me before sending this CV, I agree to what will happen if I break said agreement, I also agree to keep this E-Mail confidential, and allow nobody on my end to access it.






Work Experience


Bouncer At Peadar O'Donnells Bar in Derry


  • Checked IDs and closely examined patrons' faces to verify age.
  • Liaised with local police officers, fire services and emergency services to maintain security and service and resolve issues.
  • Ejected unruly patrons from premises.
  • Called police to report criminal acts.
  • Gathered information, identified and implemented resolution, planned follow-up and logged and filed incident report to successfully manage complaints.


HITH  - 2005

SIS MI6 Agent 


  • Conducted several undercover operations in foreign countries to prevent terrorism in the UK
  • Discovered many undercover operations in the UK
  • Blended in perfectly in every environment I worked in
2005- 2010
Field Agent for the SCP Foundation
  • Secured anomalies from multiple surface locations
  • Amnesticated several civilians due to reports matching SCP's extremely similarly
  • Infiltrated PD for a while, Discovered multiple anomalies, reported to Iota-10
2010 - 2017
MTF Mu-3 "Highest Bidders" Unit
  • Secured Multiple Anomalous Items from GOI Marshall, Carter and Dark
  • Remained deep undercover on one specific area for a year or two, no psychological damage is apparent from this.
  • Took down a Marshall, Carter and Dark trading route with other units
2017 - 2018
MTF Iota-10 Unit
  • Stopped PD from handling anomalous situations
  • Secured numerous anomalies
  • Involved in a deep operation of PD suspected using anomalous items in order to catch suspects.
2018 - Current
MTF Iota-10 CO
  • Completed External Amnestic procedures to ensure compliance with relevant external regulations.
  • Secured Numerous Anomalies from PD hands.
  • Stopped multiple Departments from finding out about the foundation



Winchester College

PHD In Psychology 

Master of Biology

Master of Chemistry













Primary Skills:



Locating Certain Individuals based off of description

Blending in


Psychological warfare

Handling of Arms

Hand to Hand Combat

Following orders

Handling Amnestics

Playing Piano

Able to switch accents accordingly

Able to lose people following me

Able to perform fast, silent take downs

Able to use little resources and manage it well

Able to handle anomalies if undercover operation needs me to do so in order to stay hidden

Able to lie and create stories without a cognitive load


Trained for MI6 work, This includes infiltration, Interrogation, Blending in, Becoming unnoticeable, Quick Change disguise methods and more.

Tries to stay physically fit at all times.



Often Smokes

Cracks the bones in hands and wrist for relief


Personal Info

Name: Sean Connorson

Nationality: Northern Irish

Gender: Male


Family Relations

Siblings: One Brother, Still in Northern Ireland, Have no Contact with him

Father: KIA During an IRA Operation, Barely had a relationship with him.

Mother: Senior Researcher at the SCP Foundation, Site 01, Little

contact with her as we are both busy with work





Edited by WolfyGT


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CV Results
@WolfyGT You did not listen to what Edward told you,how does it make sense for a MTF CO to try to get into ISD especially a MTF like Lotta-10. Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks (When you have better understanding of what INTERNAL Security Department is).    
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name:  Earl Of Lemongrab

RPname: Tiny Barry


In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 2 Weeks 3 hours 35 minutes 60s

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

3 warns Propminge, Breaking Nlr, Micspam

(2 Of the warns are from when i first joined the server)



-Ic Section-

To: [Redacted]

From: [Redacted]

Subject:CV For Internal Security Department

Personal Infomation

First name- Tiny            Surname- Barry

D.O.B- 23/05/1985          Birth Place-[Redacted], Great Britain

Gender- Male                 Height- 6ft 1"  

Weight- 170lbs (72.5Kg)     Age-36

Mother - Retired ( Was Senior reasercher at site-[Redacted])          Father- K.I.A (Killed During raid on G.O.I)

Work Experience

Outside of foundation-

Brick layer (1 years)

Club Bouncer (3 years)

Royal Marine (5 Years)

Within The Foundation-

Security Officer (1 year)

Security Guard(1 year)

Security Lieutenant (2 years)

Field Agent (4 Years)

Mtf Mu-3 (3 years)


Education And Training

Gcse Grades - 5 to 9 (school)

Military Training (Royal marines)

Use and application of Class-A amnestics training (field agent)

Interigation and manipulaion training (field agent)

Anomaly identification training (Mu-3)

Anti-surveillance training (field agent)

Disguise training (Field Agent + Mu-3)

G.O.I Identification training (Field Agent)

Infiltration Training (Field Agent + Mu-3)



Can easily blend in to crowds or places

Hard Worker

Pretty Stealthy

Doesnt Stand out

Uncovering Infiltrators



On the rare ocassion I can get distracted


Edited by Tiny Barry
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Steam Name: Notty
In game level: 50
Playtime: 2 weeks and 6 days.
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 10



Topic: CV
First name: Aryan
Last name: Keller
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Service time at the SCP Foundation: 15 Years, 2 Months
-Father: George Keller PI-1 City Slickers Site-28 (PFC) - DEAD
-Mother: Natelie Keller Head Researcher at Site-28 (Biology) - UNKNOWN

Military [ 48 Months ]
- CQC Training
- Firearms Training
- Disguise and Camouflage Training
-Hand explosives training
-Takedown and self defence training
-Expertise movement training

- Medical expertise

Security Officer (Under Supervision) [ 12 Months ]
-Firearms training (Shotguns, Smgs)
-Melee weapon training
-Self defence training

- Training with cuffs

Security Guard (Under Supervision) [ 28 Months ]
-Extra Melee weapon training
-Close quarters combat training
-Extra combat training

-Surveillance expert

- Extra Medical training

- Extra Training with Cuffs

Field Agent [ 52 Months ]
-Disguise training
-Spy training
-Extra takedown training
-Training with amnestics

-Pistol and SMG firearm revision
-Expertise in silencing

MTF Pi-1 (City Slickers) [ 90 Months ]
-Military weaponry revision
-Disguise expert
-Recontainment and SCP procedure training
-Surveillance revision
 -Extra amnestics training

-Head investigator

-Extra stealth and silencing training

- Explosives training

Summary of skills
-Experience in all weaponry( melee, firearms, explosives)
-Spying and surveillance experience
-Expert in self defence and disarmament
-Interrogation experience
-Experience silencing
-Law and medical experience
-Experience in disguise
-Fast Learner

-Expert in Neutralizing anomalies

- Expert in Investigating


Link to comment
5 hours ago, Notty said:

Steam Name: Notty
In game level: 50
Playtime: 2 weeks and 6 days.
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 10



Topic: CV
First name: Aryan
Last name: Keller
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Service time at the SCP Foundation: 15 Years, 2 Months
-Father: George Keller PI-1 City Slickers Site-28 (PFC) - DEAD
-Mother: Natelie Keller Head Researcher at Site-28 (Biology) - UNKNOWN

Military [ 48 Months ]
- CQC Training
- Firearms Training
- Disguise and Camouflage Training
-Hand explosives training
-Takedown and self defence training
-Expertise movement training

- Medical expertise

Security Officer (Under Supervision) [ 12 Months ]
-Firearms training (Shotguns, Smgs)
-Melee weapon training
-Self defence training

- Training with cuffs

Security Guard (Under Supervision) [ 28 Months ]
-Extra Melee weapon training
-Close quarters combat training
-Extra combat training

-Surveillance expert

- Extra Medical training

- Extra Training with Cuffs

Field Agent [ 52 Months ]
-Disguise training
-Spy training
-Extra takedown training
-Training with amnestics

-Pistol and SMG firearm revision
-Expertise in silencing

MTF Pi-1 (City Slickers) [ 90 Months ]
-Military weaponry revision
-Disguise expert
-Recontainment and SCP procedure training
-Surveillance revision
 -Extra amnestics training

-Head investigator

-Extra stealth and silencing training

- Explosives training

Summary of skills
-Experience in all weaponry( melee, firearms, explosives)
-Spying and surveillance experience
-Expert in self defence and disarmament
-Interrogation experience
-Experience silencing
-Law and medical experience
-Experience in disguise
-Fast Learner

-Expert in Neutralizing anomalies

- Expert in Investigating



i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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