Windows XP

ISD - Internal Security Department

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  • -OOC Section -

Steam Name: WickerS_Pro


RPname: Matthew Wickers


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57263955


In game level: 50


Playtime(At least one week): 11 Weeks 5 Days

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  0



- IC Section -

Name : Matthew Wickers

Age : 33

Birth: 10 September 1988 Bulgaria

  Engineer training [3 Years]

  • Maintaining Foundation

  • - Repairing terminals

  • - Maintaining foundation servers

  • -Repairing anything that needs engineering

  • - Coding

Security Officer [2 years]

  • Firearm training

  • - The basics of CQB

  • - Basic ways of controlling riots

  • - Basic knowledge of what to do during breaches

  • - Basic arresting and searching training.

Security Lieutenant [4 years]

    -Advanced firearm training

- Training low ranked security officers

- Commanding low ranking security officers

- Advanced riot control training

- Combat tactics


NU-7 Training [2 years]

  • Knowledge of Hand to hand combat

  • - Experience with scouting

  • -Advanced weapon training

  • - Handling explosives

  • - Intelligence gaining

  • - Advanced squad tactics


             Alpha-1 [ 2 years 5 months] 

-Guarding high profile targets

- Expert weapon training

- Responding to hostage scenarios

- advanced Hand to hand combat

-  Advanced interrogation training

Edited by WickerS_Pro


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SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70995759
SteamName: supupuu
RPname: Jerry Philipps
In game level: 50
Playtime: 1w 40m
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0


To: I………………………………

From: P...................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: Application for Internal Security Department (ISD)


Name: Jerry Philipps

Age as of 2021: 35

Birthdate: 09/10/1985

Time at the Foundation: 8 years



Father: Leopold Philipps [MTF Epsilon-9]

Mother: Geraldine Philipps [Senior reasercher at Site-,,,,,,,]



Diploma in IT

Degree in Japanese language, culture and society


Work experience (in chronological order):

Military [2 years]

Fast food worker [1 year]

Mall security guard [2 years]

At Foundation:

Security Guard [6 months]

Security Lieutenant [2 years]

Field Agent [3 years and 6 months]

MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express" [2 years]



Fast learner

Firearms experience

CQC experience

Making hamburgers and fries

At Foundation:

Additional experience with fireams

Disguise training

Surveillance experience

Amnestics training

Interrogation experience

MTF skills:

DIsguise expert

Locating anomalies and securing them







Screenshot (45).png

Edited by Jerry Philipps
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Da Epic Goose

RPname: Ross Fox

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:198219248

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 3w

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:

I want to say that i am a changed person and i am not the same as 2 years ago as i got most of the warns in 2019.

and if needed i would happly accept to get an extended trial if i get accepted


- IC Section -

Personal information

To: I………………………………

From: P...................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Full Name: Ross Fox

Age: 29

Birthdate: 03/21/1992

Gender: Male



Elementary School

High School



Other Jobs

Security guard- 4 years

Security lieutenant- 2 years

Head of Security- 2 years

Nu 7- 1 year



Great shooting and tactics



Good Interrogator





Edited by Ross Fox
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13 minutes ago, Windows XP said:
CV Results
  @Ross Fox Denied - Poor quality
@Jerry Philipps Denied/Blacklisted for 3 months - We know when apps are available


Ehm, what?

(For people that need context i asked moderator Braun in-game if there was something to do after applying and he told me to dm Windows XP. Apparently that's why i got blacklisted for 3 months)

Edited by Jerry Philipps
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name:



Johann von Wolfsburg


In game level:


Playtime(At least one week):

1 week, 4 days, 8 hours.


Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

Some of them are older warns and some of them were misunderstandings. However, all I have to say for the other warns is that I am sorry for the things I have done and I can say that I have changed. That s all.

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 

- IC Section-



Subject: ISD CV

First name: Johann

Last name: von Wolfsburg

Country: Germany

Age: 36

Birth date: 1.05.1985

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Straight

Foundation service time: 9 years

Main goal: Given my previous experience, I want to join ISD to help maintain safety in the foundation.I will be a serious person and I want to do everything almost perfectly and learn from my mistakes. I say almost perfect because no man is perfect, we all make mistakes, the important thing is to learn from mistakes.

Studies: Elementary school, High school, Military school

Languages: I know: English, German and a bit of French.

Work experience outside the foundation: I served 3 years in the air force.

Work experience within the foundation: Security officer(6 months) / Security guard ( 1 years and 6 months) / Security Lieutenant(3 years), Head of Security(3 years), Beta 7 ( 5 years), Nu-7 (10 years) 

Degrees: Bachelor`s degree in military logistics

Additional skills/qualities:

- I am a serious man

- I am a mature man

- I am able to keep secrets.

- I know how to joke when necessary.

-I am able to learn things fast. 

- I am good in self defence, disarmament and protecting others.

- I know how to repair things.

- I can think very quick

- I know how to give first aid.

-I know how to spy without being noticed.

- I am good at teamworking. 

- I have a very good physical condition

Foundation training:

- Containment training 

-Combat training

-Foundation laws course

-First aid training

- Counter raid training

- Negotating and hostage rescue training.



Signature: JvonWolfsburg











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 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:211902533

 Steam Name: ^*^5Pecivo

 In-game level: 50 

Playtime: 3 weeks and 5 hours.

 Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 10






 Topic: CV

 First name: Aryan

 Last name: Keller

 Age: 40

 Gender: Male 

Service time at the SCP Foundation: 10 Years, 4 Months



 -Father: Vlad Keller (MTF Psi-8 1st Lieutenant ("The Silencers")

 -Mother: Natalie Keller Senior Researcher at Site-28 (Psychology)


 Military [ 4 Years ] :

 - Firearms Training 

- Melee Training 

- Self Defense Training 

- Medical Knowledge 

- Movement Training 

- Takedown and Self-Defense Training


 Security Guard (Under Supervision) [ 24 Months ] : 

- Riot Control Training  

- Extra Firearms Training 

- CQC Training

- Advanced Self Defence Training 


Security Lieutenant [ 40 Months ]

 - Improved CQC Training 

 - Amnestics Training 

- Extra Riot Control Training


 MTF Psi-8 ("The Silencers") [ 60 Months ] :

 - Disguise Training

 - Takedown Expert 

- Amnestics Expert 

- Surveillance Expert 

- Pistol, Sub Machine Gun, Rifle Firearm Revision 

- Riot Control Expertise 

- Interrogation Expert

 - Expertise in Silencing 

- Undercover Expert


 Summary of Skills : 

 - Medical Expert 

- Experience in Disguise

 - Expertise in Silencing 

- Interrogation Experience 

- Self Defense and Disarmament Expert 

- Surveillance Expertise 

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-OOC Section -
Steam Name:

Joe Conner

In game level:
50 (max)
Playtime(At least one week):

5w 6d 15h 48min
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

Received warns from like 2 years ago


- IC Section -

To: M████████
From: J███████

Subject for writing: CV for ██████████████████

Date of Birth: ██/█/1979
Age: 42
Given name: Joe Conner
Sex: Male
Blood type: O+

Family affiliations with Foundation:
- Father: MTF Eta-10
- Mother: Senior researcher specialized in anomalous material analysis at Site-██

Family current status:
- Father: Deceased
- Mother: Retired and currently residing in ████████

Experience from outside Foundation:
- Graduated with degrees in Human Anatomy and Criminal forensics.
- Worked on a farm growing up
- Scored high on GCSE's

Served in military:
- Trained in CQC, Medium-range, and Long-range combat
- Use of medical equipment
- Skilled in information gathering/interrogations
- Was apart of a few spec-ops in

Experience inside the Foundation:
- Security Officer
- Security Lieutenant

- Quick learner
- Trained in usage of firearms
- Medical equipment usage
- Trained in information gathering
- Tracking 
- Animal care/wellbeing
- Infiltration
- Able to speak 3 languages


Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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CV Results
@Matthew WickersWe meet again, going over your app as I and others noticed you like to redact which is not a big issue but when you do it for everything then it is. Also your recent activities in another group you lost your position in towards ISD was horrible.Denied  You may re-apply in 2 weeks when you fix your app fully and your attitude 
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name:

Johann von Wolfsburg


In game level:

Playtime(At least one week):
2 weeks, 1 day,  0 hours.

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

Some of them are older warns and some of them were misunderstandings. However, all I have to say for the other warns is that I am sorry for the things I have done and I can say that I have changed. That s all.

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 

- IC Section-



   image.png.379abd6d5e68bd5a881982ae55001de4.png  (Picture of candidate)
Internal Security Department(ISD) Curriculum Vitae

Name: Johann von Wolfsburg

   Adress: IdonotknowwhatadressshouldIaddhere, ,Germany

   Nationality: German

   Age: 36

   Date of birth: 1.05.1985

   Sex: Male

   Sexual orientation: Straight

   Foundation service time: 12 years

   Main goal: Given my experience(both outside the foundation and from the foundation), my training and my qualities,  I want to join the Internal Security Department to help maintain safety in the foundation, I want to know that everything is going well and that the foundation personnel is safe. 

   Studies: Elementary school, High school, Military academy

   Degrees: Bachellor`s degree in military logistics

   Languages I speak: German, English and a bit of French

   Experience outside the SCP foundation: I served 3 years in infantry and I reached the rank of captain(Hauptmann). 

   Experience inside the foundation:

   -Security Officer

   -Security Guard

   -Security Lieutenant

   -Head of Security

   -Nu7(Reached the rank of Private First Class and I obtained these 2 medals: "Containment Cross" ; "Fortification Certificate")




   -Cooking skills

   -Able to keep secrets

   -Know how to joke when necessary

   -Quick learner

   -Good in self defense, disarmament and protecting others

   -Good in repairing things

   -Quick thinker

   -Know how to give first aid

   -Good in spying without being noticed.

   -Good at teamworking

   -Good physical condition

   -Fast runner

   -Good in infiltration

   -Good in talking to people

   -Karate black belt

   -Interrogation knowledges

   -Good in immobilization, searching and arresting 

   -Good at driving

   Training(both inside and outside foundation):

   -Containment training(As I said I was awarded with "Containment Cross"

   -Combat training

   -Firearms training

   -Foundation laws course

   -First aid training

   -Disarmament training

   -Counter raid training

   -Building FOBs training

   -Gaining intelligence training

   -Negotating and hostage rescue training

   -Interrogation training

   -Close combat training 







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Just a general tip from a random senior (soon veteran let's hope) agent.

Make a plan for your character. Best examples for this are HRs. Each of them is a different character with different past and opinions. It is good to plan your shit first, so you can RP to the best of your ability.


Edited by Mark Kuntson


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This thread is for Applications ONLY.  If you wish to contact someone, please do so privately, either over forum messages or Discord.  Keep this thread applications only.
Due to me having a perfect example, Bread will now be tiered.  With this, Blackmare is now blacklisted.
Edited by Atomik
Added 2 perfect examples.

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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