Sam Kelly

Site Director - Sam Kelly

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Game Name: Sam Kelly

SteamID: STEAM_0:1.123724426

Age: 16

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I have had a long experience as the head of security, in which I was active nearly daily managing security (which, we all know is hell on earth). I became well known among both MTF and other security staff. I have personally made changes that have been noticed to considerably improve the capacity of security. From around 6 months ago, I have been more active as an SA assisting fellow site directors, as well at times (more recently) have been operating as the only site administration member giving me much needed knowledge and skill into running a site.


Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I have shown skill not only as a good decision maker as an SA, but have assisted many departments, including being able to deal with multiple incidents at the same time. I have experienced many times when a site director hasn’t been available, this has lead me to having to perform duties most commonly done by the site director. What role does the site director have on the site? The site director is tasked with the operation of the site, it’s departments and staff. The site director’s goal seems easy, but the amount of operations going on at a single time can overwhelm many people, to say that the site director simply runs the site is a massive understatement, the site director runs the site, and keeps check of the departments within it, assisted by the department heads and MTF commanders.


What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is a group of 13 directors most commonly known as the O5 (or Overseer) council, granted the highest clearance level in the organisation each council member is tasked in overseeing a certain department or operation, for example O5-5 (Head of Administration). All or a few might have anomalous abilities, each which is specific to that Council member. The O5 Council is a secret group that runs the organisation in a specific way, with the council being characterised depending on the clearance of the staff member, clearance 1 and certain clearance 2 don’t even know such council exists but clearance 3 and higher either see the council as a myth or don’t fully understand the power and grip they have over the foundation.



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Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED

While usually I would leave this open for longer but due to the simply overwhelming support and what I saw myself I have decided to accept you. The app it self is satisfying as well but you have shown that you are ready for this position.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)

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