Kian Raanvik

O5-6 The Puppet

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- Recently playing Site Administration in order to prove that you could be O5.

- Fun lad to RP with; because what's the point of RPing with someone who's boring...

- As Lorex said, the 21 warns are quite a lot but people can change when they have a goal such as aiming for O5.

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-I have never had any good experiences with you. All of them have always been in some form of annoying and stupid mingey behaviour. Which is a big reason on why I do not think you would be a good O5. 

-The app is meh. Nothing special about it.

Edited by Kvisten



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You say that you are a 7/10 with RP, however the only thing I have ever seen you do on this server is minge, never have I seen you roleplay properly once. I have seen you spam props inside of EZ ramp office with Mike Phillips, as well as this, I'm sure everyone has seen you minge around with radios and make an abhorrent amount of noise that literally no one else appreciates. Until you actually decide to roleplay properly on this server, I don't think you should have an O5 whitelist.

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5 hours ago, Alfie - Blake said:

You say that you are a 7/10 with RP, however the only thing I have ever seen you do on this server is minge, never have I seen you roleplay properly once. I have seen you spam props inside of EZ ramp office with Mike Phillips, as well as this, I'm sure everyone has seen you minge around with radios and make an abhorrent amount of noise that literally no one else appreciates. Until you actually decide to roleplay properly on this server, I don't think you should have an O5 whitelist.

Nothing else to say.



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8 hours ago, Alfie - Blake said:


You say that you are a 7/10 with RP, however the only thing I have ever seen you do on this server is minge, never have I seen you roleplay properly once. I have seen you spam props inside of EZ ramp office with Mike Phillips, as well as this, I'm sure everyone has seen you minge around with radios and make an abhorrent amount of noise that literally no one else appreciates. Until you actually decide to roleplay properly on this server, I don't think you should have an O5 whitelist.

Lol, you say this like I was ruining someones RP experience when noone else was even there. Sure probably passer-bys but Oh sure I must’ve ruined their immersion that badly huh.

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-1 / Neutral


(I don't have a bias against you)

Anyways, I don't think you are quite mature yet because you have quite a few warns, you weren't even accepted as Site Director so just asking myself why you bothered to be 05 (in my logic) and as you awnsered yourself, you do fuck up rules which is normal in a human being but you should try to avoid it as much as possible and you didn't mention any of that.

Responding to your App



Yes, I do sometimes I fuck up & break some simple rules but that happens. (All but 2 of my warnings are old and are from months ago)

Like I said, you should maybe mention that you would try as hard as possible to avoid breaking rules. (Just a thing I would personally do to build up trust)



Your Warns:


Too many warns for my personal taste as you are becoming a O5, yeah you did mention that only two of those were from two months ago but its seriously way too many, and its the best in life to avoid doing mistakes since the start.


Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions):

I can bring success, sure there'll be some failures but I always strive for success and failing is something that makes you better in a way. It makes you learn from your mistakes. I've been O5 before, sure I might've not been the best one there but I sure as shit was active. I still am active & play almost every single day. What I can bring is activity & leadership. I know how to make hard decisions & feel I'm fit for the job. (I know how certain things work, if they haven't been changed since I was O5) Along the way of course, it wont always be serious there'll be some banter but only minor bits of it.  Furthermore I believe I should be apart of the O5 Council due to my previous experience and me liking the job & being able to execute it somewhat properly. I can ensure efficiency & fast hard work.

"I can bring success, sure there'll be some failure but I always strive for sucess and failing is something that amkes you better.."
Yes, I totally agree, that failing at things can absolutely teach you, as the actual experience will teach you actual scenarios but the best things I recommend is just to learn as a Site Adviser which I am doing as of now.

"I still am active & play almost every single day"
I agree on that, I've seen you quite a lot.

"What I can bring is activity & leadership"
Not sure if I can support you on that, as I haven't seen you in a leading position yet.


Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:

No, I tried to get SD but was very unsuccessful.

As I mentioned before, you were not accepted as SD so I think you are a little inmature for O5, but that is obviously my opinion.



I want to get a chance at this, I know that I can do it but the biggest thing preventing me from going forward are all of my warnings. I understand people will be hesitant at first due to them but I'm very chill I'm almost never angry & I am more than capable of doing this job as I've done before.

"biggest thing preventing me from going forward are all of my warnings"
Yeah, you are right. People should not focus on your warns but if they are 21 theres a high chance that within a short time of you doing mistakes again that you are far gone from the SCP RP Server and only there being a slim chance of you being readded which is a big problem for the O5 Council.


You could probably be a good candidate as you mentioned that you were a O5 before but then again it double crosses my mind that the old days might've been more inmature as there might've been a missing structure for the foundation which exists now. But, I haven't been on SCP RP for that long so I can't really have a big opinion. Talking about me not having a bias, I don't dislike anyone who hasn't really had issues with me and I never had an issue this is really just a response don't take anything offensive. 
The Warn criticise, yes, it is impossible to work out your old mistakes as you did mention that your most recent warns are just two months ago and that they are technically impossible to remove and I agree on that so it shouldn't be a possible 100% reason to discredit someone of his warns but it is in fact a reason as you could get removed with 9 more warns. I never heard you mention that you'd take responsibility for your mistakes or that you would try to avoid 'em as much as possible but thats really just a personal thing I would've wanted here to an addition that you take maturity in being a O5 Council member. I do positivly have to say that you are active but on the other hand you said things you couldn't really back up such as you being at an good leadership possibility or improve activity, I am not sure if you wan't to improve activity in the community, in Site Admin tasking or for yourself as you haven't mentioned that so I can hardly respond to that.

Anyways, after this entire text
I wish you more then luck on your application!

Edited by Just Ben
Added some facts, because I missclicked on submitting my reply.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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4 hours ago, Just Ben said:

-1 / Neutral


(I don't have a bias against you)

Anyways, I don't think you are quite mature yet because you have quite a few warns, you weren't even accepted as Site Director so just asking myself why you bothered to be 05 (in my logic) and as you awnsered yourself, you do fuck up rules which is normal in a human being but you should try to avoid it as much as possible and you didn't mention any of that.

Responding to your App



Yes, I do sometimes I fuck up & break some simple rules but that happens. (All but 2 of my warnings are old and are from months ago)

Like I said, you should maybe mention that you would try as hard as possible to avoid breaking rules. (Just a thing I would personally do to build up trust)



Your Warns:


Too many warns for my personal taste as you are becoming a O5, yeah you did mention that only two of those were from two months ago but its seriously way too many, and its the best in life to avoid doing mistakes since the start.


Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions):

I can bring success, sure there'll be some failures but I always strive for success and failing is something that makes you better in a way. It makes you learn from your mistakes. I've been O5 before, sure I might've not been the best one there but I sure as shit was active. I still am active & play almost every single day. What I can bring is activity & leadership. I know how to make hard decisions & feel I'm fit for the job. (I know how certain things work, if they haven't been changed since I was O5) Along the way of course, it wont always be serious there'll be some banter but only minor bits of it.  Furthermore I believe I should be apart of the O5 Council due to my previous experience and me liking the job & being able to execute it somewhat properly. I can ensure efficiency & fast hard work.


"I can bring success, sure there'll be some failure but I always strive for sucess and failing is something that amkes you better.."
Yes, I totally agree, that failing at things can absolutely teach you, as the actual experience will teach you actual scenarios but the best things I recommend is just to learn as a Site Adviser which I am doing as of now.

"I still am active & play almost every single day"
I agree on that, I've seen you quite a lot.

"What I can bring is activity & leadership"
Not sure if I can support you on that, as I haven't seen you in a leading position yet.


Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:

No, I tried to get SD but was very unsuccessful.

As I mentioned before, you were not accepted as SD so I think you are a little inmature for O5, but that is obviously my opinion.



I want to get a chance at this, I know that I can do it but the biggest thing preventing me from going forward are all of my warnings. I understand people will be hesitant at first due to them but I'm very chill I'm almost never angry & I am more than capable of doing this job as I've done before.

"biggest thing preventing me from going forward are all of my warnings"
Yeah, you are right. People should not focus on your warns but if they are 21 theres a high chance that within a short time of you doing mistakes again that you are far gone from the SCP RP Server and only there being a slim chance of you being readded which is a big problem for the O5 Council.


You could probably be a good candidate as you mentioned that you were a O5 before but then again it double crosses my mind that the old days might've been more inmature as there might've been a missing structure for the foundation which exists now. But, I haven't been on SCP RP for that long so I can't really have a big opinion. Talking about me not having a bias, I don't dislike anyone who hasn't really had issues with me and I never had an issue this is really just a response don't take anything offensive. 
The Warn criticise, yes, it is impossible to work out your old mistakes as you did mention that your most recent warns are just two months ago and that they are technically impossible to remove and I agree on that so it shouldn't be a possible 100% reason to discredit someone of his warns but it is in fact a reason as you could get removed with 9 more warns. I never heard you mention that you'd take responsibility for your mistakes or that you would try to avoid 'em as much as possible but thats really just a personal thing I would've wanted here to an addition that you take maturity in being a O5 Council member. I do positivly have to say that you are active but on the other hand you said things you couldn't really back up such as you being at an good leadership possibility or improve activity, I am not sure if you wan't to improve activity in the community, in Site Admin tasking or for yourself as you haven't mentioned that so I can hardly respond to that.

He asked for a +1 or -1 not a Bible Length Explanation on why he is not fit for O5

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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On 11/30/2020 at 11:03 AM, Kian Raanvik said:

Lol, you say this like I was ruining someones RP experience when noone else was even there. Sure probably passer-bys but Oh sure I must’ve ruined their immersion that badly huh.

Well when people are having in character conversations and you decide to start minging with your radio tool, yes, it does annoy passers by a lot, you are just too ignorant to notice it.

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2 hours ago, Alfie - Blake said:

Well when people are having in character conversations and you decide to start minging with your radio tool, yes, it does annoy passers by a lot, you are just too ignorant to notice it.

i wasnt talking about the radio thing, sure yes. I shouldn't have done the whole radio thing. But here i was refering to when me and mike were messing around in a area where noone was? 

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2 hours ago, Lando Norris said:

Kian, as much as we get on, i really don't think you are ready for O5. Enough as it makes me a hypocrite, you do minge a substantial amount and i have never seen you do RP, ever.


Very true. Can a staff member / anyone with perms close this thread meanwhile I take some time earning everyones trust before I even try pursue O5?

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The Council have decided against your application to join the Council please take time and try again at some point in the future

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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