
327th Member | Silver Merit 4th Class

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Name: Toby
TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: qCaPEf7Xnxu6zU+x7VoyxNCpwRU=
Requested Medal: 327th Member



Extra Information: N/A


Name: Toby
TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: qCaPEf7Xnxu6zU+x7VoyxNCpwRU=
Requested Medal: Silver Merit 4th Class









Extra Information: 

I understand that I might not be applicable for this medal but I thought I might as well just try and see what happens.

As you can see from the evidence above (The donations are all dated early-mid 2016) I have been playing on some of the main servers for a long time although I no longer play on SCP and DarkRP is gone I am still active on SWRP and have already received my veteran service medal.

In the past I have held many high ranking roles in the past including:

  • EOD Commander which was later merged with CTP into CE.
  • Mace Windu
  • Ahsoka Tano
  • DarkRP Moderator
  • RC

These are all ranks that I held before the crisis that I don't know much about that caused the reform, something to do with SGR and SBG or something.

As of recently I have held ranks including:

  • GM Captain
  • GC Colonel
  • ARC Vice Commander (Up until the regiment was removed.)
  • Currently working my way up 327th

I have evidenced as many jobs as I can but do not have screenshots of most as I was very young and it was a very long time ago but have done as many as I can and there are some people on the server that know of my activity in their regiments such as ARC with RC Lewis, GM with Bobby and GC with Solaire/Obi-Wan.

Thank you reading my application and hope you will consider it.

Edited by tjnuttall

Current Ranks:

Diamond VIP - 501st Private


Former Ranks:

EOD Commander - ARC VC - GC COL - 327th COL 104th COL - GM CPT - Windu - DarkRP Mod

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So Long.... But you been DarkRP Mod, all you had to say really... 4th Class Silver Merit to be issued.


Permission to Handle these Requests Granted by Syn. 

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Community Co-Founder

In Character Ranks

[CWRP] Wookie Chieftain - Chieftain Tom

 [HL-RP] CIU Deputy Director & CAO for the Speaker's Office of the Assembly

Misc. Ranks

[CWRP][ICRP][SCP], [HL-RP] Security Staff, Diamond VIP on All Rust Servers


Past Ranks Within Werewolf Gaming

Staff Ranks


Community Management [Community Manager - Co-Founder - Community Manager [06/05/2021 - 14/08/2021, 14/08/2021 - 05/08/2024, 05/08/2024 -]


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SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Berliner Polizei, --> SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt, --> SS-Oberführer und Verwaltungsinpektor,

SS-Obersturmführer des Verwaltungsamt,

SS-Obersturmführer des Sicherheitsdienst,

NSDAP Hauptdienstleiter,

Gauleiter von Gau Groß Berlin,

SS-Gruppenführer des Oberabschnitt 'Spree' und Generalleutnant der Polizei,

SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt,

SS-Sturmbannfüuhrer des Sicherheitsdienst & [Temporary 7.SS Unter/Ober/Hauptsturmführer during time in SD],

Stellvertretender Direktor der Propaganda,

SS-Hauptscharführer [1.SS],

SS-Oberscharführer [7.SS].


CG Colonel x3

Wookie Chieftain


Civil Industrial Union Deputy Director & CFU Business Co-Owner



Past Ranks & Accomplishments Within Werewolf Gaming

Creator of the TeamSpeak 3 Server [Permissions, Roles, Channels] x3,

Overseer of TeamSpeak 3 Medal Applications & Forum Rank Requests, 

The Guy that Bothers You About TeamSpeak Tags & Channels,

Spreadsheet Guy.


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