jack euclid

Jack Miller's Event-Planner Application

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In game Name: Jack Miller/Jack Euclid

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172652814

List of warns: image.thumb.png.f16bacbcbbfd940039510f3bd04fcba2.png

Any previous or current staff experience: No previous staff experience I'm afraid or current.

Why should we pick you?(200 Word Min: I believe I should be picked as an event-planner because I have lots of ideas already, some events will require volunteers some will not. I have lots of knowledge on the SCP Universe as a whole and if required I'll always get more and more information to help me with events. I don't like to brag so I won't give myself a rating on RP skills but if its for an event no matter how small it is, I'd take it fully seriously and if needed ask for supervision. I'm new to staff entirely if I get accepted but I do know how to balance events. I might even have a possible MC&D event up my sleeve. I know not to leave the GOC out as well unless other GOIs are left out, I do not know about CI because I consider it 90% no RP whatsoever (Sorry if I'm being a bit biased but I've nearly not seen CI once do actually anything other than cause chaos whilst the Foundation is most vulnerable which is in their name 'The Chaos Insurgency' I know). If I have an idea that pops up for CI I'll do it as long as they play along although I can not be certain. I have had the role of Head of Research & Development for a long time so just take this as I have experience at least with events which would be mostly Plague's events to do with Forge or his main storyline that has been going on for a while now. I'm a person of responsibility so if something were to go wrong I wouldn't want to back out of it as it would cause more harm than good. I do admit in-game I mess around even a little bit but most of the time if I'm bored I'd leave the server, I don't admit that I minge too much or hold much against anyone unless they've been particularly a personal problem, I've learnt from past mistakes and think I'm ready for this role. 

Your event plan:(Before I had a plain event idea which even I at first thought was too plain but worth a shot, so I'm going to change it whilst it isn't too late and SMT view the application if that's alright): The event starts with the site being as it is, but there is something strangely different about the facility that day. The site may meet a new foe which is not The Chaos Insurgency, not the creations or family tree of Forge. Something new. This entity likes war, death and famine. It is the very definition of Chaos. This entity was born superior to the human race like many anomalies in or out of containment by the SCP Foundation and other Groups of Interest but this one does it for entertainment in watching the chaos unfold. The creature's name is "Make War not Love" which is essentially the other way round to the iconic quote "Make Love not War". This entity is capable of changing one's directives or even actions entirely just so it can watch bad things happen, the entity in question is a lot similar to SCP-106 who loath torture and genuine fear off of it's prey. (Quick note: It has been done by Plague recently making E-11 go rogue but if you ask him it was mostly my idea, for a genuine storyline for now I could continue this as a campaign). This entity doesn't just like to watch chaos unfold but to test if the 'prey' it is facing would come up with a counter to it. So far in all of its years it has not found anyone that outsmarts it which is why it went before to the SCP Foundation facility located in Ovis City after plenty of travelling to put personnel to the test, it appears on surface and attempts to get the SCP Foundation's attention by placing lots of hostile instances it creates or causing damage to the town. We will find out again when it returns for the second time and see where it comes from or what it is. They know numerous Foundation facilities and have goons to carry out small tasks for it to achieve chaos and destruction and have even pressured The Chaos Insurgency into taking part in such activities. (OOC: In future events for the storyline I'm still thinking of new ideas and have considered trying to corrupt the GOC in Ovis but would be too overpowered against the SCP Foundation and would only be fun for them and no one else so that isn't an option).

Quick Note: Be more than happy to criticize me I'll be fine with learning how to improve and have more event ideas such as SCP-1504 'Joe Schmoe', SCP-093 'Red Sea Object' ResearchRP event and SCP-1879 'Indoor Salesman' who would essentially just go door to door at either bases, houses or businesses and teleport inside then make ridiculous deals at random and all GOIs might want to capture him. Most attempts are unsuccessful since he just goes behind a door and disappears. Volunteers or event staff would become MTF Rho-9 'Shoos Salesman' Agents and try to hunt him down sent by the SCP Foundation for an interview or containment of the object. 1504 and 1879 would both be appearing on surface out of nowhere not just suddenly be in Foundation with the excuse of "He's been transported from another facility".

Thanks for reading!
-Jack Miller.

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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My opinion:
079 has been done a lot already and tends to amount to the same stuff everytime, he he funny breach.
You did add some creative things to it but that doesnt make it much better.

Kvistens(he asked me to post for him since he is forum banned):
-1. Any form of mass breach event or even with SCP-079 are the most generic & overrused events. At this point they are really boring and basically the same thing happens. Mass breach events are boring on it's own as it is only fun for the SCPs as they can kill everyone while it is boring for everyone else. 079 events are generic and boring and nothing special about it anymore. Making a even based of SCP CB are boring and makes nothing fun

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29 minutes ago, Jason Ray said:

My opinion:
079 has been done a lot already and tends to amount to the same stuff everytime, he he funny breach.
You did add some creative things to it but that doesnt make it much better.

Kvistens(he asked me to post for him since he is forum banned):
-1. Any form of mass breach event or even with SCP-079 are the most generic & overrused events. At this point they are really boring and basically the same thing happens. Mass breach events are boring on it's own as it is only fun for the SCPs as they can kill everyone while it is boring for everyone else. 079 events are generic and boring and nothing special about it anymore. Making a even based of SCP CB are boring and makes nothing fun

Yeah I guessed some people would think this, that's why I have backup event ideas that don't require mass breaches at all, if its your opinion that's totally fine, this however may be an event example of mine I could do if I had the chance, but I'd do research first to ensure the majority are okay with it. If not then I'll swap it over but thanks for the feedback.
Edit: Actually on my part I probably should have chosen another event since I even thought myself it is quite generic but I don't do stuff based on what I think if its to do with events, its always about the majority. I'll let the community decide on this one.

Another Edit: In case you think I'm lying about more event ideas then here's another one I had which is from the SCP Wiki.
SCP-001 'O5-13' essentially in short O5-13 comes on-site but the O-5 Council on-site have suspicions that he is anomalous and was responsible for nuking Site-01 and killing off the previous twelve Council Members. Site personnel and the O-5s need to find a way to secure him in secret so that he does not retaliate in case he knows what's up. By securing I mean putting him in his own special private quarters which is actually just his disguised containment chamber. There's more to this event as O5-13 will eventually find out what's up and disappear entirely. Later on he will appear again but this time he is hunted down by MTFs, he disappears again and that's basically the end of it. I'd call it more of a mini-event than a medium or large event because not much happens.

Another event idea of mine is SCP-093 'Red Sea Object' which I'd use the event room or dark room for (or something like that) to build a gigantic desert or farmland or abandoned urban city. Its more leaning towards ResearchRP so that expeditions could happen. Again this is a mini-event.

Yet another event idea of mine is SCP-1504 'Joe Schmoe' which would go down like this: He has been missing for a while after escaping a containment breach at Site-[REDACTED], he is discovered and captured near Ovis City's region and brought to this server's facility and questioned, he is then contained and interviewed by researchers (Partly ResearchRP) but suddenly the next time he is checked in his cell he's missing, no signs of damage anywhere in the cell or means of escape. He is searched for on surface but missing. Personnel must investigate how this happened whilst Joe taunts them over comms giving away hints of his location. That's also sort of a mini/medium event. 

For some reason most of my events have a certain theme to it which pretty much is "Anomaly appears, does something and is kept in the site for a while but then disappears again, a search happens and investigations but then appears again, then disappears." I have other ideas other than these bonus event ideas I mentioned.

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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39 minutes ago, Titty Man said:

Arthur Crunch lol
Alright, let´s be fair. I´m not going to question your questionable past as an CI Infiltrator, but anyways, I never seen you do anything remarkable despites bumlicking O5´s "hard during crisis or meetings or playing chess with the "Administration Team". I have questions about your being trustworthy enough to held the powers of a glorified scp moderator (with more commands to abuse obviously).

As stated above, i´m pretty sure that the server is not here for some cheap SCP-CB, that will end on a massive orgy. 079 events are only fun for the SCP´s, for the people who organize it (because they can do whatever the fuck they want), or to people who wish to see the server become even more dogshit.
Also please stop envolving O5´s in ever single micro event or micro action, like if they even have the patience to babysit perhaps their shittiest SCP facility. You have other roles like the SD (who btw are the real responsibles of the Site).

Now about the other "SCP Capture" events. They are all generic as you said: Foundation locates SCP; Contains SCP; Questions SCP; SCP turns bad; SCP kills everyone; NU7 kill SCP; End of event.
Maybe having events like what Hanz or what Plague do, which have a timeline, actual lore, actual characters... Not just copy pastes of the exact same formula. Perhaps start thinking on events created by you, than just searching a random SCP article, saying "sounds good for me", and submitting it as your EP application.

Anyways i have to go, someone is calling me because of that 20 million gym partnership, so that´s about it.

Maybe it was a terrible example for an event plan to do, I misunderstood what it meant at first until I read it again, I saw already there was like 70 views so changing everything about it would be too late and many people would've made their minds on their opinions, although I'm not bothered by -1s at all I don't know why it was necessary to mention the top thing, also no idea what you mean by chess I haven't even played chess on the server unless a friend asked me to because of a bet (Which I rarely do anyway although I can name only two instances). I could've done a storyline event but its too big, I can't use it as an example because it means I will have to do it as one of if not the first event(s) I will have to do, there's 3 stages in becoming an EP.  This comment probably won't do anything but it was worth a shot. Also I didn't mention SCPs killing everyone even I know that ruins fun and only makes volunteers/event staff have fun. The mass breach event was only an example and I even put more event idea examples (3 more). If you really want I'll give you another one. The only event idea that you didn't mention that isn't a problem is SCP-093 'Red Sea Object'. You also have to understand that many events have been done a while ago before which limits creativity a bit, I would definitely do a storyline like Hanz or Plague but that would be on a later date instead of for my trial on EP.

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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7 minutes ago, Bummpy said:

-1 minge, only ever seen playing music and playing chess

I've only used my radio on E-11 Commander when it was boring. Also again what's with chess? You've got the wrong guy I don't play chess on the server a lot, the last thing I would be is a minge because minging ruins other players' fun, there's a thing called 'messing around' which is harmless to other players. I'm even aware minging on E-11 Commander or HR will get a tier or demotion and I haven't gotten either yet as far as I'm concerned. The one time I was probably seen doing chess was in a bet as E-11 between Nu-7 for fun, some friends were there and it was at the time when nothing was going on so again I don't know what on Earth you're talking about. Different story on HR because whenever I go on HR is when I'm making sure no researchers do dumb shit or when I have a project to work on given to me.

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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5 minutes ago, Bummpy said:

Theres a difference between "messing around" and minging 24/7 doing little to none roleplay

Look, I'm not going to argue with you any further but keep in mind I barely play chess and barely minge on the server so I do not know where you got your story from. If you can give me over 2 instances where I've not done my job and played chess then fine, but if I didn't play either E-11 Commander or HR properly I assure you it would have strict punishments.

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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Head of R&D so he can make events which would incentivize researchRP.
As pointed out, the current event mentioned is plain but it will help him learn how to make better events in the future.

6 hours ago, Bummpy said:

-1 playing chess

Hey bud I think you are talking about me, one word:




Edited by Nell
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I don't see any actual reason why not. If we take playing chess on duty as a reason to dislike people then why don't we all hate on many great generals for example a philosopher and military genius by the name of Sun Tzu who has so far had the best military strategy by the name of "Art of War" where such quotes like: “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” and “All war is deception.” And chess is a game of deception and strategy no?



Whitelists: Previus: All Nu-7, Head Of External Affairs, O5-8, Beta-1 "Cauterziers" Riot Unit and Sentinel Unit, ECMx2, O5-9 "The Secret Keeper", Nu-7 Commander, CI Delta, HoEA, Alpha-1, Omega-1, ???, Maxwellist Acolyte, E-11 Commander, Site Director, ISD, HoMD and  MC&D Salesman.


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On 2/4/2021 at 8:03 PM, v44su said:


I don't see any actual reason why not. If we take playing chess on duty as a reason to dislike people then why don't we all hate on many great generals for example a philosopher and military genius by the name of Sun Tzu who has so far had the best military strategy by the name of "Art of War" where such quotes like: “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” and “All war is deception.” And chess is a game of deception and strategy no?

what the fuck


Will respond later today  btw

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On 2/4/2021 at 7:03 PM, v44su said:


I don't see any actual reason why not. If we take playing chess on duty as a reason to dislike people then why don't we all hate on many great generals for example a philosopher and military genius by the name of Sun Tzu who has so far had the best military strategy by the name of "Art of War" where such quotes like: “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” and “All war is deception.” And chess is a game of deception and strategy no?

I'm equally confused, I get where he's coming from but at the same time did you even read my application lol

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