Lando Lovelace

Well then. Lando's Unban appeal

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Server you got banned from:  SCP-RP

Your name in-game: Lando Lovelace

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526501347

Admins' name that banned you: Xunt or Norra im not too sure 

Admin's steamID: N/A

Why did you get banned?: "Causing drama" or something along the lines of that 

Evidence(Un-necessary): N/A (thread in which my video was used)

 (while i was not involved in this thread being made or the contents inside i did stand by and watch and stood a witness to this.

 Was another thread but Xunt deleted it or something i don't know 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Ok, hear me out.

Please don't just post "lol -1 Puggo alt" or "-1 minge" or even "you had the chances"

And yes 

Play Stupid Games, win stupid prizes

But please hear me out

My time on the server was for sure somthing to be remembered good or bad.

Started good, ended here

Now to be honest, for a while i thought i never had the chances to change, everything i worked for was taken from me

Eg: ISD Job Management, im pointing this out because its my main point here

I worked my fucking ass off for ISD management (love you edward)

Only to then have Norra take that away from me and i quote "Lando, you will have to get older if you want job management". This began the sprial down, worse than it was. After making multiple documents and playing hours on end i had it take from me without even being given a chance. But anyways i moved on.


If im being honest

What i did from then on was bad

I took advantage of what i had 

I only noticed this when i finally listened to someone other than myself.

I was demoted from ECM for having the name: Kao Wang Kong

Norra thought i was minging, infact i was never told to stop and change my name

But he took the WL and demoted me anyways

(sorry if this sounds like im complaining about Norra, im not im just making points)

So i spoke to Norra and listened

I finally realised how much of a shit person i was on the server and im genuinely sorry to all those who i upset.

After a good chat with a not so good friend i realised he wasn't so bad, we are mates again i guess.

I was never given the chances, each taken from me.


Now lets get onto the actual point at hand here

As a good friend and former Senior Admin said

"Theres always a been a general stigma over you, Lando" While i don't disagree i wont deny it

After speaking to Norra i took his advice and the first thing i did was join a Research Department (thanks Miller 😉 )

I didn't really get involved with jobs like CI or MC&D for this 3-4 days (i was perm banned after that)

I didnt want to fall  out with other people and make it harder for me and most importantly everyone else around me.

I tried to change but made a mistake, reversing it

I was banned for "Causing drama" 

Being in a discord server made by Bread, or Hanz as people call him

"GAT-Gamers Against Trolls" The names ironic

Somebody in the server didnt like a few Mods on the server

Specifically Synergy

John Synergy

Synergy even explained himself in DM's he didn't blame me entirely for it, me and him have always gotten along.



I was only aware of his intentions after i joined the VC and he spoke to me about it

Now i regret standing there


as this show went on

As i didn't fire the gun i supplied the ammo for it...

And well i was blamed along with Bread as our video's were used. Bread being demoted and me being banned


Now i am not asking for an unperm, maybe a reduced ban

To think over

start again

I need to change as a person and show i can be different

I will say this again, I am sorry.

I just want another chance

Over the past few days i have been apologising to those i hurt and treated wrong, i hope they can back me up in this.

And before this gets locked with the message "Nah" or A long paragraph explaining my flaws and problems

Please point them out.






Edited by Lando Lovelace

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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I am giving you a +1 for a reduced ban if what you are saying is true, you sound sincere and I genuinely hope you are for everyone's sake.
You did fuck up big time and caused us to lose a great admin but you didn't know this would happen until it was too late and your intent wasn't malicious as far I am concerned.

+ fun memories as CoTBG

Edited by Nell
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Many people including me don't want you back on the server, but if this thread is really sincere (I am not sure if it is) and if you really believe you can change and become a less toxic, less annoying player and avoid drama, I see no issue with your ban being reduced.

I genuinely believe people can change. I am trying to be an example of that myself. If you truly wish to be unbanned and come back to the server to stay, then you need to acknowledge that you have to change. I hope you understand where I am coming from.



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Another man banned for "Causing Drama"
I have seen lando try to get actually good and stop minging on CI ( Kong familia moment)
All he did was post a vid of synergy doing something stupid so i dont see how that is anything bad??
The forum post wasnt even his so why blame him?

Lando is a good guy and i think his ban should be reduced for whatever the SMT Decides but it still doesnt matter because all the -1s or +1s on this thread wont change anything cus we play SCP RP where democracy is dead (Smt pls no ban for a simple joke and no im not causing drama thanks 🙂 )

Anyway +1

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Yeah, you were a retard. You can at least admit that, that ban for a permanent was quite quick and excessive to permaently ban you. At most, reduce the ban for 3-4 months so he can actually grow up, with the GAT shit this literallly was random and i actually don't think Lando made the accounts against Synergy. But Xunt can double check the IP's on the account so...

Anyway he should at least receieve a 4-5 month ban and put on a last warning basis, you get a warning you get permaed again.







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+1 for a Reduced Ban

I believe the ban should be reduced in order to give lando another chance, A perm ban was very hasty 

The ban appeal is truthful and he already recognised that he had to change like a day before the ban, Its a well made appeal so once again I think the ban appeal should be reduced to see if he actually is able to change and become a community member that people are fond of rather than annoyed about.


Basically he was retarded, He acknowledges it and is willing to change, give him a chance yes?


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On 2/4/2021 at 1:19 AM, Lando Lovelace said:

Please point them out.






Ok sure,

On 2/4/2021 at 1:19 AM, Lando Lovelace said:

But please hear me out



My time on the server was for sure somthing to be remembered good or bad.

Started good, ended here

Now to be honest, for a while i thought i never had the chances to change, everything i worked for was taken from me

Eg: ISD Job Management, im pointing this out because its my main point here

I worked my fucking ass off for ISD management (love you edward)

Only to then have Norra take that away from me and i quote "Lando, you will have to get older if you want job management". This began the sprial down, worse than it was. After making multiple documents and playing hours on end i had it take from me without even being given a chance. But anyways i moved on.

Blaming Norra for the fact you were a bad job manager and were thusly demoted instead of taking responsibilty (Abolute lack of self reflection in this appeal is apparent throughout). You being demoted from a management position you shouldn't have been given in the first place isn't an excuse to start minging and being toxic constantly. Making a few google docs and generally playing the job poorly does not mean you were unfairly demoted. Having a rank removed isn't justification for any of your actions.


On 2/4/2021 at 1:19 AM, Lando Lovelace said:

If im being honest

What i did from then on was bad

I took advantage of what i had 

I only noticed this when i finally listened to someone other than myself.

I was demoted from ECM for having the name: Kao Wang Kong

Norra thought i was minging, infact i was never told to stop and change my name

But he took the WL and demoted me anyways

(sorry if this sounds like im complaining about Norra, im not im just making points)

So i spoke to Norra and listened

I finally realised how much of a shit person i was on the server and im genuinely sorry to all those who i upset.

After a good chat with a not so good friend i realised he wasn't so bad, we are mates again i guess.

I was never given the chances, each taken from me.

Not sure why you worded the rest of the appeal like a grime song but w/e, anything to look dramatic. "Norra thought I was minging" because you were, the same reason you were demoted from ISD. You were given chances, you could have stopped being a minge after the ISD demotion and you didn't. You could have stopped being a minge after your ECM demotion and you didn't. How many chances do you want?


On 2/4/2021 at 1:19 AM, Lando Lovelace said:

Now lets get onto the actual point at hand here

As a good friend and former Senior Admin said

"Theres always a been a general stigma over you, Lando" While i don't disagree i wont deny it

After speaking to Norra i took his advice and the first thing i did was join a Research Department (thanks Miller 😉 )

I didn't really get involved with jobs like CI or MC&D for this 3-4 days (i was perm banned after that)

I didnt want to fall  out with other people and make it harder for me and most importantly everyone else around me.

I tried to change but made a mistake, reversing it

I was banned for "Causing drama" 

Being in a discord server made by Bread, or Hanz as people call him

"GAT-Gamers Against Trolls" The names ironic

Somebody in the server didnt like a few Mods on the server

Specifically Synergy

John Synergy

Synergy even explained himself in DM's he didn't blame me entirely for it, me and him have always gotten along.



I was only aware of his intentions after i joined the VC and he spoke to me about it

Now i regret standing there


as this show went on

As i didn't fire the gun i supplied the ammo for it...

And well i was blamed along with Bread as our video's were used. Bread being demoted and me being banned

You can't claim to be trying to change for the better whilst also being directly involved in a discord that was purposely targetting and harassing staff members and providing them the means to do so. That isn't positive change. Why instead of making an admin abuse thread or directly contacting SMT/Senior Staff did you instead decide to post them in a Dicord full of people purposely trying to cause drama on the server? You cannot claim to be trying to improve whilst simultaneously being directly involved in targeted harassment.





Lando: "I was only aware of his intentions after i joined the VC and he spoke to me about it"

You're a liar and this sob story is quite frankly pathetic. If you'd have waited a few months and actually been honest about your blatant and purposeful involvement and shown genuine regret you may have been unabanned. Given that you lied in this appeal (For some reason despite SMT having evidence) you are not going to be unbanned. If you are wondering why you were banned and nobody else from the Discord was, it is because we only have solid evidence regarding your involvement and no one elses, everyone else we have evidence on were already perma banned.


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