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1 hour ago, Kevin Wilson (aka Viper) said:

The Wandsmen are a group of extradimensional journalists and archivists. They seek to explore the multiverse and uncover its mysteries, while spreading and preserving knowledge.

All members of this group undergo a transformation that gives them avian features and anomalous abilities. They also utilize a group of anomalous artifacts known as "Maps of the Multiverse" to travel through dimensions to study their locales and inhabitants.

In contrast to many groups of interest, the Wandsmen have attempted to work with the Foundation multiple times. One of their goals is the preservation of existence so they can study it, so they see the Foundation as an ally against the multiverse's destruction.

However, they have a variety of extremely dangerous members, have produced multiple anomalous items, and strongly object philosophically to the Foundation's desire to preserve normalcy and conceal knowledge of the anomalous.


--1+ New E-mail--

Im straining my eyes to even read this due to the color you used for the leters.

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MTF Mu-3 "Highest Bidders" Orientation

In Character Section

Out Of Character Section


Name: Kyle Webb

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:146530822

Warns: 9 current warnings, 0 since January

After scrapping multiple ideas for my ??? character, I eventually decided to go with Mu-3 as I had a clear objective, and I could create a good backstory and justification around my character. The job will be PassiveRP oriented with minimal focus on combat. I will of course be friendly with the Foundation due to being an MTF, and I wish to RP and cooperate with UIU as well. However, this character's main focus will be MC&D, I plan to frequently RP with Salesmen and Agents. Right now, the only equipment I have in mind is an anomaly scanner. 


Thank you all for reading


Edit: Voiding this one, I made a better one to post.

Edited by kenopsia
Voiding this app.



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[Login required]

[Username: Dr. Seehoven]

[password: ************]

...Booting up                               unknown.png

\/\Greetings Dr. Seehoven/\/
Archon Labs has been waiting for you

Announcement:  "Dear Personal of Archon Labs  or for that matter what remains of us this is your CEO speaking, i hate to inform you that another Research facility has been destroyed. This is the 40th Research facility destroyed after the incident in Ukraine, we have now only 4 Facilities remaining. I will not give up or compromise our mission of saving Humanity through bringing them Progress, we have to finish our studies on Alien Tech no matter the cost. We will have to work with the SCP Foundation to have even a chance of getting this solved before we're all dead. I understand most of you do not like them but this is necessary. If any more of you feel the need to leave, go ahead I won't stop you. For anyone still interested in saving Humanity , Let's do this!"

Dr. Seehoven: "Archon i need an Update"

right away

Research facilities: [Status]

RF 1 - RF 40: Destroyed

RF 41 : Temporarily Displaced

RF 42 : Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

RF 43 - RF 51: Heavily Damaged

RF 52: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

RF 53: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"



|||Project: "

[Decrypting Data]

[Object: Alien-Alpha-6]

The goal of Project "Chamäleon" is to Imitate the "Combined Alien Forces" short Combine Technologies which allows the units that our agents have dubbed "Cloakers" to go fully invisible. See [Incident Log #37A1] for further details. 

V1-V2 were both defective and would kill the User after 5 minutes of active usage.

V3 wouldn't work well enough at most time but it wouldn't overheat

V4 Could fully Cloak but would again overheat but only to the point of not working rather then exploding

V5 Works as intended and fully cloaks you

Project "Chamäleons": [Operational]

Materials: [Ready]
Data: [Ready]
Prototypes: [Ready]
[V-1] [Failed]
[V-2] [Failed]
[V-3] [Worked]
[V-4] [Worked]
[V-5] [Fully Operational]
[V-6] [Field Testing]


|||Project: "Rift Walker

[Decrypting Data]

Rifer Walker is one of our main tools, for Striking back against the Alien threat it will allow us to use their teleportation technologies to bring the fight to them. It is a phaseshift suit which is currently not past the "Theory" stage. We need a lot more data to be able to build it or before we can even hope to Dream of using it.

"We have found out that the SCP foundation has gathered enough information to possibly help us in our research for the Suit, or at least provide some extra Data. As much as they have been very uncooperative the past few week we hope to change that by presenting them with our new stabilisers. We're also going to help their Research staff to build trust and to increase the chance of cooperation. I hope I made myself clear." 

-Dr. Seehoven

[Related Document]

Project "Rift Walker": [In Testing]

Materials: [Ready]
Data: [Field Testing]
Prototypes: [None]

History: The Combine have been interacting with Earth for a short time but in that time Achon has been at war with them. We have had previously just researched any extraterrestrial beings and Technologies. But the Combine found out about our Laboratories and began to slaughtering our personnel and began blowing up our Labs. The currently destroyed Sites are proof of that and we have lost 4 Sites to the foundation raiding us. We have lost so much so, we need to begin to rebuild our Group back to it's old Glory.
Update: "As of now we have agreed upon alliance with the foundation, we are going to be working close with each other. Agent Mann and Dr.Kyle were involved in fixing our "relations" and have given them enough Information about the Combine Threat. They wish to assimilate US, haha i am very sure that won't be happening. But we have other problems we need to recruit new people to your cause as part of Operation "New Blood". Anyways good luck Gentlemen and keep the good work up and make sure we get Rift Walker done soon."

Daily Logs:

[Daily Log Dr. Seehoven]


[Audio log: 08:04:20(6:00)]

[Audio log: 08:04:20(10:05)]




RPName: Richard Mann
Steamname: Richgun[NCR]
Discordname: Richgun#8372
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20886763

The Jobs Purpose is to make research Rp more interesting and to encourage Research Rp for any group able to do it and to make the HoEA have a few more things to do. His main goal is to help humanity but he doesn't care about the Foundation or any other GOI in general rather what they do and can't do to help his group accomplish their goal.  The job won't need any good Equipment since it's main and only purpose is to passive Rp with any GOI. 

Dr. Seehoven

Model:  Suit with open jacket models/player/Suits/male_07_open_tie.mdl

-M1911/M9 Beretta
-Gen+2 Cloaking SWEP




Edited by Richard Mann
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Interview Transcript

March 20th, 2021



Report on Ovis City, Incident Report Terma-I

1102 "Vanguard"
52915234/744 "Adam"
40218523/744 "Eve"
Agent Vanguard reports in for an interview by Assessment Team Member "Adam" and Assessment Team Member "Eve" after staying there for several months.


*CCTV Footage of an African-American male in his thirties wearing a black suit with a red tie can be seen sitting on a table with a blonde female of Asian descent wearing baggy clothes, after a minute a man wearing an MK. II Combat Garment (White Suit) can be seen entering the room and taking a seat*

Adam: Hello Ahmad, please take a seat.

Eve: -Please state your codename and service code for the purposes of this interview.

Vanguard: I am Agent Vanguard, Service Code 75914123/1102, pleased to meet both of you.

Eve: Thank you Ah- Vanguard, can you start from the beginning?

Vanguard: Sure, the beginning isn't interesting but I'll try to keep it short, I just got to the Quartermaster, got my equipment and stuff then headed to the drop ship for Ovis, when I reached it I was amazed since it looked like a normal small town, it had some some basic buildings like a hospital, the bank, the OCPD building alongside some small shops and a club, here take a look!

*Vanguard proceeds to pull out his phone, showing a selfie of him and an unknown civilian*



Adam: Sorry to interrupt, but please keep it short and clear.

rd: Ah yeah, sorry about that...

Eve: So, what did you find in Ovis?

Vanguard: Uhhh quite a lot actually, there's a [EXPLETIVE] of TE's and anomalous presence is skyrocketing here, the amount of Type Yellow's and Silver's, the civilian populous seems to be aware of their presence but doesn't know who they are or what they look like, oh yeah also there are a lot of organizations in here, ranging from the SCP Foundation & the Chaos Insurgency to The Serpents Hands, although that final one's presence has been completely eradicated according to what I was told.
Adam: Aaaaand what did you do?

Vanguard: Well I kinda just grabbed my m27 and my white suit and went to learn a bit more, I apologize in advance for my uh- questionable methods of questioning, but I made sure that all friendlies were amnesticated and released safely!

Eve: Jesus, Vanguard we have standing orders and protocol, if this ever gets leaked out I swear to god...

Vanguard: Calm down Eve, I got it under control, the worst that could happen is someone getting shot.

Eve: Okay, status on Paradox and Scarlet?

Vanguard: All good! They are sitting at our FOB, Paradox is probably taking another selfie with a dead Type Green and Scarlet is waiting for me to come back, worst any of us three got were some bullets that scratched us through the suits, Eve trust me, everything's fine.

Adam: Okay, that'll be it for now, you may head back to your dormitory, we'll contact you with further information.

Eve: Got anything else you wish to add?

Vanguard: Actually, ya mind sneaking in some actual food in my bag? That canned stuff you guys make is going to make me die one day, oh and can I return back to Ovis? I really enjoy the town, even though it's small, it's really filled with fun exciting people!

Adam: Your request will be taken into consideration, for now you are dismissed.

*Agent Vanguard can be seen leaving the interrogation room*

Eve: Hey Adam, do you still have the Terma Incident Report?

Adam: Oh yeah, here's the report.

*Adam shuffles through a large tower of paper and grabs a folder with the title "Incident Report Terma-I"*


Do not click on the spoiler if you do not wish to spoil the ARG for yourself.


Alrighty so I did a little ARG in this application, initially, I was going to make 2 applications but after writing this I realized it would get too messy then it is already so this is some additional fleshed out parts to the original one.

To access the real application you should press on the "Incident Report Terma-Ilink, click on the GOC Image and look at the alt text which will give you the following:

This is hexadecimal so copying and pasting this bad boy over to a converter will get you this link:
Hello Intruigued Soul

After which you right-click on the bottom right of the doc to find the hidden image, looking at the alt text will show you this: 

This is an message encrypted using an atbash cypher, so copying and pasting it on a converter/decoder will give you this imgur link:

In there you'll find a green google docs link which should take you here:
The Truth

Finally you'll find a hyperlink at the final 4 words which will lead you to the final document:


Edited by Nell
Added some stuff/Edited some shit
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The Doctor


This document is for CL4+, if you are not the correct CL you will face termination


--Accessing file--




--Approval Granted--


Clearance confirmed, Welcome Dr █████ you are accessing the file of ███ █████ and due to protocol all names and dates have been redacted from this file


--File Start--


The Doctor is a Researcher with the SCP Foundation, approximately 185cm, blond hair and is believed to be a british male with a synthetic arm (Left arm).


The Doctor started working with the SCP Foundation on the ██ of ██████ and has been working with us for ██ year now, an accurate depiction of his face is impassable at this moment in time due to him always wearing a mask.


There has been speculation and rumours about him being from the future but most right this off as unnecessary gossip within Site-██. The Doctor himself does not claim to be from the future but when around the reality bender known as ███ █████████ he speaks like Site-██ no longer exists and this has raised concerns of members of CL4 and above.


Further research is ongoing on the nature of The Doctor and whether the rumours may be true or fabricated.


The Doctor has made suggestions to CL4 personnel on containment procedures for SCPs not even in foundation custody and has claimed that in ████ there could be an incident that causes the alpha worhead to be dentanaited, this is yet to be acknowledged.


The Research this man has done for the Foundation is extraordinary and this has proven that he can be a valued member of the Foundation for years to come.


There is not a day that goes by that The Doctor disappoints, he acts like he already knows the information that he has uncovered, this is raising concerns on how he is gathering this information as 99% of the D class survive the encounters with the SCP that he is researching at the specified times.


It has been observed that he has the ability to slow, as well as speed up the cell process, in term, allowing him to close wounds, destroy cancer cells, and as observed during a goi raid, immobilize someone for estimated five seconds. 


--File End--


OOC Information

IC Name: The Doctor

Steam Name: Owlamancer

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49585350


Weapons: (Hoped)

2295 Swep (Healing people in non combat situations, The Health drain is to show him having a limit between resting on how much he can heal)

CSI Swep (Only to escape a single hostile)


He is going to be a completely Passive Non Combat Job so no running into gunfights and healing units. He wants to avoid all danger if possible. 


Completely Pro Foundation


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The Wanderers' Library is a collaborative collection of stories that explore strange and fantastic corners of the world, hidden from ordinary eyes. Some of the stories take place in the distant past, taking the form of legends and fables. Others are from the modern day, hiding in the shadows just out of sight. The basic premise is that there are strange things that are not quite of our world. Some are dangerous, some are merely fascinating. They are all in some respect extraordinary.

The Library is a place that exists outside of normal space, containing almost every book ever written, and many that never were. There are doors that lead to it all around the world, and in other worlds as well. If you climbed to the top of the shelves, you'd see more shelves as far as you could see. There are walls, there are limits to it, but it's far larger than any man-made building.

The Library exists, so far as anyone knows, to collect and make available books and information. All are welcome to check out books or other materials. Much of the Library's workings are mysterious to its patrons. Some parts, known as the Archives, are accessible only to a select few, while others may only .be accessed by the Librarians.

The Ways are connections between various worlds and realities. The Library is a nexus of ways insofar as almost every world is connected to it by at least one Way.

Each Way is a door of sorts. It can be anything from a literal door to an arch to a mirror. To go through, you have to "knock" at it; that is, do a specific action or fulfil some specific criteria. Maybe whistle in the right way or bring a seven-leaf clover or unspool a VHS copy of Enter the Dragon. That sort of thing. You "knock" at the Way, step through, and find yourself in a new world.

Not all Ways lead to the Library. Some lead to other worlds, some lead back to different places in the same world. The greatest minds, including those in the Serpent's Hand, have been unable to figure out how they work. If there's a logic to how they function, no one has been able to discover it yet.

To anyone that may stumble upon this note...


I have spent countless years, decades even, reading all that the Library has to offer, it truly does have every book that a person may seek, even some that I didn't know ever existed. However, there are some books that are acquire, I'll just say that. Unfortunately, I found some books that foretold of a prophecy that would cause the end of humanity in every dimension... Starting with the Earth in one of the countless dimensions that exist and would lead the the unfortunate demise of the humans living on this planet in that certain dimension, I shan't say which dimension. It spoke of the world being invaded by an army armed with highly advanced weaponry and vehicles, made with the sole intent to rain down chaos and destruction upon the lands in where they choose to fight battles.

I've been watching the action that occurs on this planet through numerous Ways when I noticed something peculiar occurring, somehow these specific humans of this dimension managed to fend off longer than I thought would be possible for them, especially in this small little city in the middle of nowhere, who would've guessed? So I plan to keep an eye on what goes on in this might be interesting, I might even just borrow some books from the Library to read as well on my journey.

 Anyways, getting back on track, even though many in the Library that I asked about the ensuing battle, they said the combines were going to be victorious without a doubt but when the planet just suddenly disappeared, all of us were very perplexed. Eventually, with the help of a few of my friends that I made in the Library, I managed to track down their planet, and somehow, it ended up in a different galaxy believe it or not! So for the time being they have managed to evade the combines, but it won't be the end of them, that's for sure.. We've managed to track down their planet to the galaxy they call 'NGC 4151'.

I plan to continue keeping an eye on these humans in this current dimension to see what more they can accomplish in the somewhat little time they might have left here..

I guess this is the part of the note I sign off on...since I'd rather not disclose my true name since some do seek me harm, so I guess whoever ends up finding this note in wherever I place it in the Library, you may call me.. The Scholar.

OOC Section

??? Character name: The Scholar


-Neutral with everyone.

-Probably somewhat a hostile/important target for Foundation however, seeing as this character frequents the Wanderers' Library where  TSH are mainly.(IF FOUNDATION DISCOVER OUT)

Items: Oneiroi SWEP (Not finalized)

Playstyle: Passive job

This ??? has arrived in Ovis City after reading about it in different books that mention a prophecy that the end of human throughout every dimension is to arrive. After witnessing the events that unfolded after the combine invasion on Earth, it peaked his interest which caused him to come and stay for an undetermined amount of time to witness what events may unfold as well as to interact with the people of this world. 

This ??? is to add RP to the many citizens and people roaming the surface as well as a unique experience as someone with access to the Wanderers' Library by knowing the location of many hidden Ways located throughout the city due to the long time he has spent trying to find them to observe what takes place on Earth that can let people read the wonderous things that the Library has to offer. 

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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Pickle Rick (character) | Rick and Morty Wiki | Fandom







PASSWORD: DegenerateMortyonNiggaNuts















- MP40 recoil slightly increased. - StG44 recoil decreased and damage increased.


- Bren Firerate increased to 570 from 540.
- StG44 firerate increased from 560RPM to 630RPM.
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40 minutes ago, Pagan / David Schtuaf said:



Pickle Rick (character) | Rick and Morty Wiki | Fandom







PASSWORD: DegenerateMortyonNiggaNuts














Please. Shut the fuck up.

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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    Gothia was born in the year of 1958 and grew up in Ontario, Canada with her two older brothers, their parents were happily married. She was always reserved and shy all the way from Kindergarten to Middle school. At the beginning of high school, she started becoming more talkative and socialized with her classmates more, a change unexpected from someone who used to be shy. Her friend group was small but loyal to each other (as loyal as gossip girl groups can be), consisting of 4 people. With her sudden increase in talkativity, she started exercising more and practiced in school sports with more vigor, quickly becoming the talk of the school football team. As she grew up both in body and spirit, she started becoming more unhappy with her body, starting to push it to the limit in an attempt to look more manly or otherwise less feminine in appearance. Due to this rigorous training and exercising, she was often called the “local tomboy” of the school and was widely talked about, both in good and bad spirit. 

The teachers were not particularly happy with these feats of fitness, often labelling it as “unwomanly” and “not fit for a lady”, Gothia couldn’t care less about the teachers, they were doing a bad job at teaching anyway. While her grades were fine, the teachers were discontent with her nonetheless. In an attempt to get out more of her womanly charms, one of the teachers “Miss Beck” attempted to teach her music in her spare time. Instruments after instrument, tune after tune, nothing seemed to captivate Gothia and all attempts at teaching her the notes ended in utter failure. Miss Beck was about to give up on her, trying out one last instrument as a last chance, the piano. Something about the chords struck her deeply, and she was enamoured by the musical notes the piano in question could play and picked up on learning it immediately as a result. Gothia would start to spend more time with her piano lessons than her friends and her training, quickly bonding with Miss Beck but disappointing her friends and athletes who she used to regularly train with. 

She inevitably graduated from highschool with decent grades and very few friends, but good knowledge of the inner workings of a piano. Following a short break from school in general, she used her free time to explore the North American continent, showing off her piano skills and using them to get a small to decent amount of cash to help her on her journey. Following the trip throughout the Americans, she eventually decided to settle down in a small city near Oregon, enrolling in the Oregon State University for a Bachelor's degree.

The University life is no easy life, as Gothia quickly found out. Met with extremely short deadlines, and no way to fit in socially, she returned to her reclusive social state, rarely talking to most of her classmates unless they spoke to her first. In her free time, instead of revising and studying she would spend her time destressing in front of a piano, playing the melodies that Miss Beck back in Ontario taught her. In university during the crushing hours of school time, she would often get menial help from a guy named Marcus. Sweet simple actions such as fetching a glass of water at random, to cleaning up her table was very common for Marcus to perform. Gothia was unsure how to respond to these actions, she had never experienced this before. From ignoring him, to chewing him out, to tolerating him, to getting a slight crush on him. All and all, the university was slightly more tolerable with Marcus around.

Gothia graduated from the university afterwards, dating Marcus for about 4 years before marrying him, becoming a happily married couple. A few years after their marriage, Marcus offers Gothia a possible job at a NGO known as the SCP Foundation, refusal of the job would result in a memory wipe so Gothia reluctantly accepts the invitation to the Foundation.

Starting off as a research assistant, she had a notable record of always keeping things in line, and always doing things, as well as orders on the dot. Throughout her life in the SCP facility, she got used to being little more than a cog in the world machine and would rarely, if never deviate from any orders nor advice given to her by her colleagues and peers.


During one of the routine testing of SCP-◼◼◼◼◼, multiple hostile entities were summoned in Site-◼◼ where Gothia was stationed. The following is a transcript recorded by an audio recorder as ordered by the containment procedure of SCP-◼◼◼◼.

Dr. L: ...And that’s how the procedure for this SCP was made, no joke.

Dr. W: Say, what’d you think would happen if we didn’t have recorders strapped to our chest at all times?

Dr. L: I don’t know, man. I heard that the skip apparently made a janitor into fine dust because he wasn’t carrying it. Not sure if it's an actual procedure or just the brass making up shit to keep us under watch.

No sound is captured for 16 seconds, both subjects are considered to be in deep thought.

Dr. W: Honestly, I’d like to see this supposed “fine dust turning” happening, you think I’d be allowed to if I ask the Research Supervisor nicely?

Dr. L: Oh wow, you’re actually asking for a job instead of just taking whatever’s given to you?

A slap is heard, followed by a grunt coming from Dr. L.

Dr. L: Ow, ow, I was joking, jeez. I could get you charged with battery, you know.

Dr. W: You wouldn’t.

Dr. L: True.

Silence for about 1 minute, it is suspected both individuals blocked their audio receivers during this time.

Hostile entities are noted to appear around the site at this time, local Rapid Response Team deployed to contain the threats.

Dr. L: ...onestly I’m not happy with the gruel here, to be honest.

Dr. W: Yeah...Pizza night, more like a sandwich fright.

SCP-◼◼◼◼ breaches due to the hostile entities.

Dr L and Dr W start walking towards the Site breakroom, still conversing with each other. For convenience sake, this conversation is omitted for brevity.

SCP-◼◼◼◼◼, SCP-◼◼◼ and SCP-◼◼◼◼ breaches due to the hostile entities.

Dr L and Dr W arrive in the breakroom, encountering several lightly wounded personnel and is informed of the current situation.

Rapid Response Team reporting 46% combat efficiency, multiple casualties. Mobile Task Force units requested from nearby Sites. MTF Eta-10, Gamma-5 and Sigma-66 tasked with reclaiming of the site.

SCP-◼◼◼◼ observed entering breakroom, killing people in breach of protocol-◼◼◼◼-185 then leaving the room. Dr L and Dr W are still alive at this time.

One of the hostile entities, a humanoid creature composed of purple geometrical shapes, is observed entering the breakroom.

Hostile entity kills Dr L instantaneously. via puncture through the right lung and brain. Dr W is observed to be standing completely still.

Hostile entity mauls Dr L’s corpse, stabbing and slicing at his corpse. Dr W starts slowly moving outside of the breakroom. 

The hostile entity stops mauling Dr L and pursues Dr W.

30 minutes pass without any sightings of Dr W. Rest of Site staff not in Breach Shelters presumed dead. MTF ETA: 4H:21M.

Power is observed to fail across the Site, backup generators activated, lights are not reactivated.

Hostile entity pursuing Dr W. is spotted close to SCP-◼◼◼◼’s containment chamber, presumably still chasing Dr W.

Dr W runs into a dead end near SCP-◼◼◼◼ directly under a camera.

Hostile entity catches up to Dr W and attacks her. Attack goes on for approximately 21 minutes before the hostile entity loses interest and starts patrolling. Blood is spotted coating the room, Dr W presumed KIA.
MTF Eta-10 arrives
SCP-◼◼◼◼ recontained successfully without casualty, RRT Task Force retreated to recuperate, MTF units are informed of Breach Shelters and description of hostile entities, awaiting the other MTF to arrive.
Gamma-5 arrives, briefed about the Breach Shelters and the description of Hostile Entities, Site is encircled and nuclear option is requested and considered.
Sigma-66 arrives, briefed about the breach shelters and description of hostile entities.
Eta-10, Gamma-5 and Sigma-66 enter the site and contain breached SCPs successfully, no hostile entities are observed.
All living Site Personnel recovered, audio receivers tested and checked to see if function is still present.
All audio receivers respond positively, recovery efforts continue.


Note from Health Personnel:
It is highly advised not to listen to any of the tapes recovered from the incident. Not only are some filled with cognitohazards, others contain a much greater threat to mental health than just memetic hazards. Let us be honest, nobody wishes to listen to 15 minutes of screaming.


But...I died.
I remember I died!
I felt my death!
I felt my death quite fucking well!
So why am I back
In the same Site?!


The ??? character is more of an informant than combat. She is based on just listening to orders that are given out by whoever spoke to her first, making a bond with them and her purpose to protect the person/completing any task given to her. Though if loopholes are within such a task, she can go through said loopholes. If said, the one who is bonded with her dies, she goes on to find another. It’ll give more RP within and outside of the Foundation. Depending on the person I am bonded with, it could benefit them from any previous tasks being told, because she is unable to lie to them about such tasks. She will not be able to speak to others unless told to, which means she cannot leak anything unless the person bound to her tells her to.

??? Name: Gothia Wood
Steam: Wxifuu
Discord: Wxifuu#6423
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:462358630

No Collision SWEP
Elastic Cuffs
Basic Pistol(s)

Suit Model

Has Foundation comms

Foundation: Friendly
GOI: Hostile

Edited by Rachel Fischer
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The Church of Maxwellism

Character's Name

Bill Atlas

A little bit of background on Maxwellism

Instead of Mekhane, Maxwellists believe in a diety called "WAN". Unlike the other two sects, Maxwellists believe in modernisation. By connecting all their minds through computer networks, Maxwellists believe their deity (WAN) can be recompiled. Maxwellists are usually referred to as "Hummers" by members of the other two sects.

Some background on my character

Bill Atlas joined Maxwellism at a young age and since then grew up and rose through the ranks of the sect eventually becoming a well known and respected leader in the sect. When the Maxwellists decided to leave the town of Oviscity he was the only one who refused to leave with the rest of the Maxwellists, so he stayed behind to teach more about his faith and hopefully gather followers who wish to learn more about Maxwellism and it's long history.

How my character can contribute to RP

My character will mainly be on the surface interacting with civilians and possibly GOIs or other ???. He can set up something such as a shop and teach those who are willing to learn more about his faith. Of course that's not the only thing my character will do but that's just an example. My character will be a very passive one that contributes to passive RP. My character will interact with civilians in Oviscity, teaching those who want to learn about Maxwellism and converting them if they consent (after knowing about the sect of course). Maxwellism is the least hostile sect towards sarkics and GOIs in general, so my character will keep its distance from sarkics as best as he can.


Trenchcoat model


Network swep (if not available no-collide swep or oneiroi swep)

If Network swep: No weapons/cuffs

If no-collide swep/oneiroi swep: Elastic restraint


Foundation - Neutral

UIU - Neutral

Sarkics - Neutral

AR - Neutral/Friendly

MC&D - Neutral

CI - Neutral

Government - Neutral


Edited by Bill Pill
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Character's name






Background on "Nobody"

"Nobody" was first sighted in 1954 and have had many appearances since. There has only been  one person seen at any given point and is typically dressed as a Male Caucasian dressed in a Grey Suit  and a Fedora (This can vary from different iterations of "Nobody" However the Foundation doesn't know whether it is a singular entity or Multiple, creating its Mysterious Origin. Further adding mystery is that the Entity has no formal identification but undergoes the name "Nobody"

The Foundation often describe "Nobody" as a "Force of nature" as it's highly unpredictable and when it appears it can change an entire mission outcome for no apparent reason, further there seem to be no reason to why the entity does this. Further creating the Mysterious background of "Nobody".


"Nobody" is Neutral to all GOI's as they or it can help or go against any GOI


-----End of OOC-----




Background to my character

My "Nobody" will look middle age in a Black Trench Coat and Black Bowler hat and will have a Revolver Sidearm in Holster on the right leg. ( I will need models/player/suits/male_07_closed_coat_tie.mdl for my base model and I can add the Accessories using PAC)

Sweps I will require:

. Nobody Swep ( To be able to Pop up randomly as that's what this GOI does)

.MR96 REVOLVER (My Character uses it to make certain situations more difficult E.G. If I appear and kill a wanted person that is needed alive could potentially increase the RP length of a situation and force the affected to find a new way to gather information on the matter at hand)




First appearance of this Instance of "Nobody"

The Following File you are about to view contains The 1999 - present instance of "Nobody"

Year:1999 / New years day

This section shows the first appearance of the new Instance "Nobody"

Camera Footage 2894-1 Shows the Arrival of County State Police arriving at wanted criminal Jeff Starkey's Home in Southern Texas

*[County State Sherriff] *Knock* *Knock* 'The door opens' County State Sherriff.. you're under arrest for suspicion of Kidnapping and murdering Jean Baker 

* [Jeff Starkey] What!.. where is your proof?!

* [County State SGT Harris] Camera footage at the subway shows you were the last person in contact with the woman in at 00:38 AM only 3h after she was reported missing

Camera Footage 2894-1 ends

Camera Footage taken from the Sheriffs office marked CamFootage-2894-2 starts playing

* [Sheriff] 'As he puts Jeff into a holding Cell until trial two SGT's enter the office'

* [Sheriff] Hello you two what seems to be the problem..

* [SGT Ben] We have Internal affairs downstairs asking for you to hand Jeff to them..

* [SGT Luke] 'Hands over Paper File containing the Details of Jeff and proof of terrorist activity'

* [Sheriff] Ahh.. Ok.. I'll get him ready see me downstairs in 2m..

* [Both SGT's] Yes Sir! 'Both exit the room 

The Camera Footage shows the Sheriff bring Jeff down to the Internal Affairs agents

The Camera Footage ends

The following footage named Camfootage-2849-3 begins

* [Agent IIII IIII] 'these Agents were field agents dispatched to Detain Jeff as he had been confirmed Sarkic by Undercover Field Operatives working for the County State Police and showed in foundation data base as a wanted Person

* [] The footage had been cut down to include the taking of Jeff and his arrival at Site 19 located in OVIS CITY

* [Agent IIII IIII] Here he his the Sarkite

* [Head Of External Affairs Charlie Robson] Thank you IIII great work

* [] Footage shows the Head of External Affairs dragging the Sarkite past GA with Nu7 Escorting him

* [] The footage cuts out and skips to the Interrogation of the Sarkite

* [HoEA Charlie Robson] So Jeff you have been under our radar for a while now it's nice to see you here

* [Jeff Starkey] 'Spits at Robson' 

* [HoEA Robson] Ahh lovely.. 'He points at the Window in interrogation two Armed personnel enter the Room'

* [] as the Armed Personnel pulls a Baton out and swings at Jeff a mysterious man appears and Shoots Jeff in the Head killing him and splattering blood all over the Room drenching the Armed personnel and the HoEA after this occurred the armed Personnel asked for the mysterious mans ID and was responded with "Nobody" as they Charge the man to detain the him, he disappears again.

The Camera footage ends abruptly..

The file covering this event States that the anomaly / Entity that appeared was part of the mysterious GOI "Nobody" the Entity / Anomaly was seen wearing a Black Trench Coat and black Bowler hat and had a Right leg Revolver holster. 

The file also contains instances that states that this Instance of "Nobody" has been linked to other Occurrences  one in particular Details 17 Hostage situation caused by Chaos Insurgency raiding threatening to execute all the hostages one by one if he didn't get 7 million dollars and a safe passage out. The camera footage from this shows the 'man' appearing and shooting the CI in the head killing the man and then disappearing. 


For any Inquiries about this case please contact FSDNOBODYP@IIIIIIIIII.II


-----The END-----

Feel free to contact me on Discord with any questions



Edited by SB Rust
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When we die, what happens?

Who is there to guide us?


 A note found attached to the door handle of an apartment room:


Dear to whoever finds this,

Where am I?
What happened to that man on that day?

I don't know either but let me explain myself, please.

I've locked myself within this apartment complex for weeks after the incident that happened on the 22nd. Police units have been trying to get in touch with me ever since but I don't trust them and their lies.

All I can remember on that very day was me returning from a long day at work after feeling very ill and I sat down to have a rest on the sidewalk. There was a man sitting beside me which I didn't really mind. I look over to the man dressed in black and I ask for their name in hopes of starting a conversation. It took a couple taps on the shoulder to get their attention but when they looked over to me, their face was completely missing but their was a noticeable but unrecognisable symbol in the middle of their face. As I recoiled back, a blinding light came over me and when i opened my eyes, it was if I was transported into a 1950s television show. Everything was black and white with a faint black mist. Everything was the same besides the fact everyone was black and white, had no colour to them and I could see my unconscious body on the sidewalk with the strange man still sitting on the sidewalk, yet to respond to my unconscious body. All the fancy business men walking down the street beside the once colourful children's toy shop, now has lost all its colours and is shrouded by the black mist. My heart began to race as I began to think that I have died and this is what it's like in the after life. I slowly approached the man dressed in black, I reached out and placed my hand on the shoulder of the strange man. As I did this the strange man was filled with colour and then I could see their body fall to the ground unconscious next my body. As I looked up, I saw the strange man appear right in front of my eyes but the black mist covered their face. This strange man looked like death himself, they dressed in black and had abnormally long limbs. I began to freak out. I screamed out to him, asking where I was and what they wanted but all I got was a blank stare from the strange man. He then turned his body away from me and then pointed to my unconscious body with their abnormally long arm. I can remember the faint sounds of whispering as they lowered their arm back down and looked back at me. I began to panic even more as I uttered the words "Who are you?". I don't remember much after that point but all I can remember was me waking up in a large amount of pain as if I had just died. I stand up and look up to see the same strange man dressed in black standing on the road. This time, they were staring at me with a grin on their face, I screamed out to him to watch out and as i said this, a delivery truck struck the strange man.

I don't understand what happened that day but ever since, the Police have been searching for me to ask me "questions" and I've been experiencing intense feelings of deja vu that I've never felt before. I'm afraid of going to sleep as when i do, I am brought to the place I call the Black Mist, the same place I was brought to when I encountered the man dressed in black for the first time. Whoever is currently reading this note, you may not believe me but I can scream out to those next to me but it's as if I never existed. Even those who came to clean my room on a daily basis would not even acknowledge my unconscious corpse laying in the middle of the floor. While in the Black Mist, I can willingly bring to people in with me just by placing my hand on their shoulder but for some reason, I am suddenly bombarded with the knowledge of the person's past lives experiences upon glancing at the person. I don't know why but I just have the urge to tell them all about their past lives and just who they were in the past. The majority of those I speak to are visually distraught upon entering the Black Mist but are quite intrigued after knowing what kind of person they were in the past. I've gone to the Black Mist so often, it's come to my realisation that whenever I say anything relating to a farewell, the person will suddenly vanish and return to their body and I will vanish and wake up shortly after. It has also come to my attention that those I bring into the Black Mist temporary pass out and cease to exist as no one around reacts to the sudden passing of someone next to them. I truly don't understand why I have been blessed with these capabilities from that man dressed in black but I don't know if this was a blessing or a curse.

I just want to ask one simple thing for those reading this note, please do not follow me in hopes of finding me. I've left this cursed town in hopes of finding a new "home" so I can find my life's purpose.


Benjamin Harris 

OOC Info: 


In-Game Name: Jeremy Sanders

??? Character Name: A Cursed One

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:92004515

Steam Name: Snoo

Discord ID: Snoo#9543

Warns: 0

RP type: Passive


Required Equipment 
 - Oneiroi SWEP 

- Boberg or M1911 (optional)

Note: I'm not worried about having weaponry as my character is heavily passiveRP based


To clarify what my character is going to be doing:

My character will occasionally enter the past life or "The Black Mist" through the use of the oneiroi swep and will use the swep on those I desire and thus bringing them into the past life with me to engage in RP with them through my character's unique trait of knowing other's past lives. My character wouldn’t randomly use the oneiroi swep to begin talking to people about their past lives as I’ll only use it for IC reasons (For example, passing out during a stressful scenario or going to sleep when it turns to night) and I would try not to use it as a form of disappearing after unwillingly gaining the attention of someone or members of a GOI or if I’m actively being chased down. For when I’m telling stories of a person’s past lives, this will not interfere with NLR as I'd be telling stories relating to their ancient past lives or modern past lives, not past lives as in-game lives (Like dying during a raid). To add to my character's capabilities, they'd only be bombarded with the info relating to a person's past lives when both my character and the person of my choosing gets transported into the after life. However, when I’m not in the after life, I’m practically a regular civilian with intense deja vu who would actively engage in RP. When using the oneiroi swep, I’d mostly target those who are not currently participating in very important activities and those I believe will bring great RP with my character but I'd obviously avoid those who are visibly afk as to avoid awkward scenarios.

My Character would be a great addition to the game as it would be interesting to come up with people’s past lives thus allowing for a large variety of RP scenarios relating a person's character. Although my character’s main trait is the ability to temporarily bring himself and other’s into the after life and then acquire the knowledge of their past lives, I wouldn't be solely relying on my swep to bring RP as I’d still roam the surface and interact with other players and GOIs to engage in RP. Due to the character's intense deja vu, they'd constantly have the feeling that everything they are experiencing at the given time is like they'd lived through it before and thus he'd be a bit scared of what comes next and thus can cause more RP scenarios. Through my character's will to find their purpose, interacting by either having discussions with those on the surface or those brought into the after life can open up for possibly interesting RP situations as my character can possibly work along side with a GOI or a trusted individual to help him find his purpose.

Feel free to DM me on Discord with your inquiries 

Edited by Jeremy Sanders


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Internal Security Department


“A Foundation within the Foundation”


ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks. The department is strictly hierarchical, adhering to stringently defined multi-stage investigative protocol. Potential ISD agents must have a perfect service record and a length of Foundation service of more than a year. Usually, every ISD agent keeps his "official" position in order to provide his command a first-hand account of everything happening in a given department. The very existence of ISD is usually presented as a myth. The "official" responsibility of ISD is investigation and interrogation of captured GOI agents, although that part of ISD officially belongs to the Security Department for the purpose of secrecy.




Tactical Restraint - Police Handcuffs - Elastic Restraints - MP9 - Various Pistols - CSI Swep - Face Scanner - Weapon Checker - Disguise Vendor



-OOC Section -

This character will work closely with the
Central Security Bureau - Foundation
Administration - O5 Council - E-11 Senior Commanders.

Filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks, mainly assisting the CSB as the undercover force of the Security Department, while also helping Foundation Administration and E-11 in their objectives in ensuring the Site's Security and Personnel's Safety.

This will also serve the O5 Council in tasks only the ISD would be able to perform eg. Intelligence and Covert Operations.


Steam Name: Qas

RP Name: Yahya Qasem [Rick Lee]

SteamID: STEAM_0:1240356511

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 5W - 7D

- IC Section -



Edited by Qas
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16 minutes ago, Qas said:

- IC Section -

My guy really just made an ISD app like the old days  :' ) 

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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SPC Logo Design by BABBAL from the Chinese Branch : SCP

Date: 04/01/████

As I sat in a room amongst others chatting about what they do and what their names are, a man walked into the room. He looked about 40ish, almost bald, and wore a suit and a lab coat top of it, looked weird but I wasn't gonna judge his style of fashion.
He took his place on top of a stage overlooking everyone and then proceeded to say in a stern voice,
Welcome to the Shark Punching Center new recruits. Before you can progress further you must go through Orientation. Only then will you understand how vital our work is and why you must punch every shark you see!".
We were all very excited to begin working at the Shark Punching Center some of us began talking to each other. "Shut your pie holes and sit the hell down back there! I've got places to go and people more important than you to see, because I happen to be a scientist and we scientists have a tendency to be very busy and important people. If you're out there in the folding chairs, that means you're the new guys. Bottom of the totem pole. But, it also means that you passed the entrance exams. Welcome to the SPC. From this moment onward, your job is very, very simple: you are going to punch sharks...In the face.
You will punch sharks. When not punching sharks, you will be planning on punching sharks. You will be developing new ways to punch sharks. You will read about punching sharks. You will write about punching sharks. You will study punching sharks. You will dream about punching sharks. You will jump the shark. You will collect and contain 
paranormal objects, and then use them to beat up sharks.
Punching sharks is your life. 
Now, you may be asking yourself "How am I to punch these sharks?" well it's quite simple, use your fists. And you may ask yourself "What if I am bitten by a shark? I'm unsure of what to do." Go see an alchemist. And you may say to yourself "My teeth have become shark-like, in the sense that they have all turned into sharks." Good, now start punching them. 
It's an important job, mark my words. There are people out there, many people who just don't understand why. They don't realize how important our job is. You will be challenged, mocked, insulted, but you cannot lose sight of the goal: your fist .in a shark's face.
Several years ago, a former employee asked me "Why do we punch sharks?" You know what I said to him? 
"Sir, do you hate science? Are you a science-hating shark-hugger? Do you approve of the non-science shark agenda?" He said no, he wasn't... I punched him in the face anyway, because he was clearly a closet shark. Because that's what we fucking do at the SPC.
When you came here, there was a copy of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of Punching Sharks' on your chair. You are all to have read that by the time you report in tomorrow morning. Now get out of here. Those sharks aren't going to punch themselves...because they don't have hands."

As he finished his speech, we all stood up, picked up our book, and left the room. We proceeded to our dorms and while others were chatting, laughing, and eating. I was already halfway done with my book. As soon as I finished it, I walked outside and went to the beach to practice, I lured one of those coastal sharks close and then began punching the face. Why? because that's what we do, we punch sharks. I have to admit though, he did come close a few times to getting a good bite on my hand.. gotta think of a way so that even if they decide to bite me, it won't do anything.

Date:  25/09/████

17 years went by, and I had come up with numerous ways to punch those goddamn sharks right in their face and got promoted a bunch of times along the way. However, I had noticed that I was getting some attention from the higher ups due to my shark punch count but I just thought nothing of it at the time and went on about my day, thinking of new ways to punch those sharks straight to hell. Eventually, I was approached by the same man that gave the orientation speech when I was a fresh new recruit and asked me if I was willing to have a chat with him and some others, I agreed and he led me to a room and a screen with a video call of a room filled with 12 individuals, sitting at a somewhat long oval table, however, their faces and such were static so I couldn't really tell who they were. There were guards stationed outside, as well as inside the room I was in and also in theirs, however they didn't look like the normal everyday guards that I usually see.
The man at one end of the table began to speak,
 "I'm sure you have a lot of questions of why you are here and such, however, we'll get straight to the point, we have called you here due to your impressive record and well, your cloak and dagger sort of personality. We are preparing for war. No no no, do not say a word, you heard me correctly, a war. And you sir, are the type of person we are looking for. I see from your records that you have an impressive shark punching history and have also submitted a couple new ways to punch sharks, very well done. Now, getting back on track Mr. Finley. we require you to to prepare yourself and study those books on the table beside you, your dorm will be moved to another location where you will not have contact with anyone. Be sure to study those books and know them by heart. You'll know what to do when the time comes. That is all for now."
As I collected the books and followed the guards to my new dorm, thoughts rushed into my head about what the man said, about the war, how I need to prepare, and most importantly, how I'll know what to do when the time comes. I kept thinking about that last one for a long, long while. Eventually, I reached my room, it was desolate, away from everyone, only people that would walk by were those guards, and even then they didn't interact with me other than to check up if I was reading those books and bringing me my food.
The books were strange, they were in a language I didn't understand, so I had to learn another language to read all these other ones. 

Date: 17/12/████

After a little more than 3 year has passed, I'm now fluent in the language and have learnt all the books, thank god I have photographic memory, this shit wouldn't be easy if I wasn't. Anyways, I've finished reading all the books are about special spells and magic and shit, I fail to see how some of these will help me punch those selachian entities, but eh, I see how they can be used for my safety and such. Still waiting for the war and whatever to begin.

Date: 17/05/2021

A voice can be heard over the speakers:  ALERT! ALERT!
Everyone must proceed to the nearest evacuation point and await further instructions. This is not a drill. ALERT! ALERT! Everyone must proceed to the nearest evacuation point and await further instructions. This is not a drill.

The speakers just kept going on and on yet, I had no idea what what going on. 4 of those guards told me to follow them to a secure location I instantly got out of my dorm and started following them, but I left the books behind at my dorm. Thankfully I have memorized all the book had to offer. While being escorted, the guards started opening fire on these guys in weird guns and armor.

I made a sketch of a few of them after the whole ordeal was over. 



Anyways, the guards started to open fire on them and I was in the back behind cover, 2 of the 4 died trying to take down only 1 of them. We were going down this long hallway but we got boxed in from both ends by 2 more of those guys. It was just me and 1 more guard left. I suggested we find a room and wait it out, yet he was adamant on going forward to the secure location. We entered into a big open room with a bunch of bodies on the floor, there were scientists, guards, even those hostiles attacking us, there was a literal pool of blood on the whole floor. 
We had finally reached the secure location, I was told to stay put in there while he left to investigate some sounds coming from outside he told me to lock the door behind him and to not open for anyone no matter what. A few minutes went by, I heard a lot of screams and gunshots. I was infuriated, I couldn't do anything to help them, all I had were my fists but they had guns. If only I could close the gap to them, then maybe I'd be able to take a few of them down.
Suddenly there was banging on the door, I remembered what the guard said and didn't open the door for anyone, no matter what. They then started to bang on the door harder and harder, thankfully it was a steel door so it wasn't that easy for them to get in, however there were little cracks forming on the door, and when I looked through it, I saw a bunch of those guys standing outside smashing on the door, trying to get in. I tried to think of what I could do, there was no other exit. I could try blocking the door with things in the room, that would be pointless, nothing was heavy enough. I kept thinking and remembered one of the spells I learnt. I quickly started to recite it in my head. The hostiles outside managed to break down the door and when they walked in, I was almost done with my spell but I recited the wrong words at the end because I got scared and got teleported to another location. I thought nothing of the wrong recital at the time, just how I managed to get away from those guys.
I took a look outside the room I was teleported to and everything looked the same, yet felt different. I wasn't sure where I was at all so I decided to ask someone walking by on the street. He looked confused, yet answered my question, he said I was Oregon, in a city named Ovis City. I never heard of it before so I decided to look around.

Date: 16/06/2021

Currently, I reside in a small apartment that I rented in Ovis City. I've not decided what to do yet, but I must get back to the SPC, that's for sure. I have to think up a plan, I can't seem to be able to contact anyone at the SPC, hopefully they're safe and from whoever those guys attacking us were.


This ??? is from an alternate dimension in which instead of SCP Foundation, it's the SPC. Currently, he has no idea and thinks he just teleported to another state and wants to get back to the SPC and see if everyone survived the assault. Completely unaware that Ovis City is under siege by the Combines too.
He will eventually make contact with the SCP Foundation and offer to help them in exchange for receiving help for himself to get back to his home. He won't be a completely combat ??? as he will try to reason with others to find solutions to his problems and try to offer his knowledge to help those he can. He might turn to others instead of the Foundation to help him get back if the Foundation refuse to help him.

??? Name: Mike Finley
Discord name & tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

- No-collision/Nobody SWEP
- Cuffs
- Fists that deal more dmg than the regular one (Due to his long years spent punching sharks)
- SMG/Pistol (Optional)

Trench coat

- Foundation: Neutral/Friendly (After making contact will try to shift relations from neutral to friendly)
- GOIs: Neutral
- CI: Hostile (Due to some CI members being ex-Foundation, they are aware of the SPC and consider it to be the SCP Foundation of another reality)

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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The Following transcript was produced by Agent REDACTED, who was conducting an undercover mission in OvisCity.

The following conversation was determined to be the interaction between 2 adult males, estimated to be in their late 30'ies.

Individual 1, hereafter referred to I1, appeared to lead the conversion, asif it was an interrogation.
Individual 2, hereafter referred to a I2, has been identified, through intel provided through the conversation, as OvisCity Civilian REDACTED, and has been taken into the Foundation's custody for further questioning.


I1: "Greetings, you may refer to as Mr. Fraser, may I know your name?"

I2: "What?! Where am I?!"

I1: "Please calm down sir, your cooperation is highly desired."

Heavy and irregular breathing can be heard.

I1: "Alright, you calmed down?"

I2: "I think so..."

I1: "If you could tell me your name, that would be delightful."

I2: "REDACTED... That's my name"

I1: "Alright, REDACTED. Do you know why I brought you here?"

I2: "No sir."

I1: "I believe this phenomenon you are currently experiencing isn't your first."

I2: "I guess you could say that."

I1: "So, I believe it's safe to assume, backed by your previous behavior ofcourse, that you are aware of your anomalous abilities?"

I2: "Yes sir."

I1: "Have you started to understand why you are here?"

I2: "Yes sir."

I1: "Great, that eases my work. I need you to cooperate with me here, you see-"

I2: "No I don't understand! What is wrong, I didn't ask for these abilities, why must this happen to me?!"

I1: "Calm down, I mean you no harm, if you just cooperate with me, you can return to your normal, day-to-day life, from before you recieved these powers."

I1: "You see, you're not the only of your kind, there are, sadly, many others with anomalous abilities. I've set out to supress this. No I am not after you life, I simply need you to forget about your abilities, and live as if nothing happened. Are you willing to work with me here?"

I2: "Yes sir."

I1: "Alright, now keep in mind, you are lucky that I was the first to get to you. Don't mess this up."

I2: "Wait! What's that supp-"

The conversion was abruptly ended, followed by a warping noise.


Individual 1, identified as OvisCity resident REDACTED, was interrogated following the incident, but insistently claimed to not be in possession of anomalous abilities, nor having any relations or interactions with the individual "Mr. Fraser". REDACTED, was shortly after Terminated, and Individual 2, "Mr. Fraser", has been declared a Person of Interest.



Character Description:
My Character's playermodel would be the generic suit.
My Character is a Dimension Hopper, who has seen multiple dimensions be reduced to nothing due to anomalous intervention, therefore the character has the goal of allowing the world to play out it's "story", which is currently plagued by anomalies interfering with it. Unlike the Foundation, my character does not wish to contain sentient anomalies, due to the belief that all individuals play a role in the world's "story", and would instead convince them to not use their abilities.

A lot of this is only vaguely, if at all, mentioned in the I.C. part, in hopes that it would be discovered through Roleplay. Information such as the background of the Character is also not included in the I.C. section for the same reason.

How would my Character improve RP:
Currently, SurfaceRP regarding anomalies can take 3 routes, ending with 2 different results.
1. The Foundation secures the Anomaly and all affected individuals, matter is settled.
2. The Foundation doesn't secure the Anomaly, and the entirety of the surface is now aware and normalized with anomalies.
3. MC&D gets hold of the Anomaly, and it mostly ends up like with the 2nd example.

My Character would actively assist the Foundation/UIU in achieving the 1st example, although if not possible, it would result in another "Route" being created, that being, Anomalies hiding their abilities, which would take away MC&Ds monopoly on anomalies, and give the Foundation a more "detective" like Roleplay experience, as they have to be more cautious and observant, encouraging passive RP instead of what we usually see on the surface.

M1911 - For self defense
Anomaly Detector - To discover and identify Anomalies
Oneiroi - To talk to / interact with Anomalies (If a random man in a suit tells an anomaly to hide their powers, chances are they won't, if they believe the individual poses a threat, i. e. has stronger anomalous powers, they are more likely to listen)
Draggable Cuffs (i. e. Elastic Cuffs or Capture Cuffs - Optional) - In case of an uncooperative Anomaly, they would be used to temporarily detain them, possibly handing them over to the UIU or Foundation.

Foundation - The Character would be Neutral, slightly tilting towards the Friendly side, due to them having similar goals, but slight disagreements when it comes to approach.

Chaos Insurgency - Neutral.

MC&D - The Character would dislike MC&D due to the nature of their business directly interfering with their goals, although would not seek a fight with them. If given the chance, would assist the Foundation against MC&D.

UIU - Friendly, due to their similar goals, not neutral unlike the Foundation, due to the fact that UIU doesn't deal with as many anomalies as the Foundation, thus having a smaller effect on the "World story".

Sarkic Cultists - Neutral, due to the fact that they independently hide their anomalous abilities, and try to keep out of the public's view.

I. G. Name: Rito Munro Fraser
Playtime: 2 Weeks, 1 Day & 14 Hours
Discord Tag: Creamy Biscuit#4635
Steam Name: Enjov
Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:45160495
Warns: 1

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If there's any major issues I will try to fix them!

Edited by Rito Munro Fraser
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Red: My character talking
Blue: His friend talking
Green: Date and Time
White: Actions
Yellow: SCP Foundation

It was 1944.
And my unit was deployed to Normandy, and we were on the retreat through Falaise.

I Was an Obersturmfuhrer back then and i was deployed with the 1st SS Leibstandarte, My unit. Our objective was to push the allied line to link up with our escape from the pocket, If we didnt, my company was subject to surrender.

14th of August, 1944, Falaise Forest

Obersturmfuhrer Wolf: Hmmm. Where is the Untersturmfuhrer? Bah, no matter. I'll talk to him later
(The Obersturmfuhrer walked throughout his camp, Looking for his subordinate, eventually, after minutes of searching the entirety of the camp, he came to the conclusion that he was away, with a few scouts to recon the area ahead before his company moved out.
He walked over to the edge of his camp and looked outwards with his binoculars, trying to spot anything, or atleast find a way that his unit can move through without getting harassed by Aerial Attacks.)

Oberscharfuhrer Max: Obersturmfuhrer! Obersturmfuhrer Wolf!

(He turned around and saw the Oberscharfuhrer of his company going over to him. The oberscharfuhrer was a dear friend of his.)

Wolf: Yes? What is it Oberscharfuhrer Max? I Thought i told you not to interrupt me while i scout out with my binoculars, i need to focus and listen, you know that.

Max: Oh i'm sorry for interrupting your birdwatching, Mr always looking through binoculars! What are you looking for anyway?

(The obersturmfuhrer chuckled and let go of his binoculars and pointed to the sky and to the way behind him with an open palm, like if he was pointing.)

Wolf: Keeping an eye out for any enemy planes, so none harass us as we march, and a clear way for us all to go through without getting spotted by those planes. Now what is it that you want?
Max: Nothing really, i just wanted to come and tell you that, we'll make it out of this trap that those scum have imposed on us, And when we do escape this trap, We'll push them right back to the beaches!
(The obersturmfuhrer knew it was too late for the german army to push the allies back to the sea. but he nodded and accepted it that it could happen.)

Wolf: Yes, yes we shall. You know, we havent taken a friendship photo ever since. what. 1938? What do you say to another friendship picture?
Max: Sounds good!, Hey! Sturmmann Kraus! Come here with your camera, we need your photography skills for a friendship photo!
(A Sturmmann came to the two adjusting his camera. he then looked at both with camera ready to take the picture, Both men posed in their own ways and looked at the camera)


(The Sturmmann showed them the photo, both of them liked it, the Obersturmfuhrer put it in his pocket as a memory, and had the sturmmann take another picture so that his friend can have a picture of their friendship aswell, after it was all said and done,

the oberscharfuhrer patted his friend on the back, and went back to his own squad to get them ready to move out. Now the obersturmfuhrer was alone, he turned around and emitted a short burst of electricity and fire from his hands without anyone noticing. He chuckled and returned to the camp aswell)

15th of August, 1944, Falaise

(The obersturmfuhrer's company was on the frontline, fighting with unrelenting fury, the Obersturmfuhrer was on the frontlines leading his men and setting an example. He fired his luger pistol at the americans infront of him, Bang, bang, two down, Bang, Another one down, he encouraged his men on and they ran forward. their escape was 1 mile out, but then. they stopped and looked up. Sounds of american planes were screeching over ahead)

(He screamed at the top of his lungs to warn his unit, then his men rushed to cover and dived into dugouts that the americans had pre-planned and pre-built prior to his unit's arrival, he dived into one aswell, but he was all alone, and he heard it, the whistling sound of a falling bomb. BOOM!.

it struck right on target. but he was still breathing. so he opened his eyes and looked around. He was still in the forest. but it was night-time, when he and his unit were there, it was Day-time. he stood up. and yelled out for his men)

(He was all alone. just him and only him. he looked around, he lost his pistol, but thankfully, his abilities remained. he made a makeshift torch thanks to his pyro.

he held his torch up high but moved carefully and slowly, he was unsure of what happened, he thought to himself that his unit may have forgotten about him in the heat of the battle and moved on. but that meant he was encircled by the allies. that thought sent a shiver down his spine. He knew what the allies would do to a man of his reputation and unit.)

Wolf: God damnit, god damnit, please tell me i'm dreaming, Please god, let me be dreaming all this. Where is everyone?.. 

Dark Forest 4K Wallpaper, Woods, Night time, Dark, Shadow, Tall Trees,  Haunted, Mystery, 5K, Nature, #2508

(He then saw lights in the distance, they were there for a bit, then they turned off. he went to the direction of the lights. but he remained careful, this could be an allied convoy passing by.. He then reached the source of the lights. it was a large, heavily fortified and well made structure. it was enclosed with a fence, gates, and guard posts. and then the lights suddenly came back on at him)


(Multiple voices shouted at him at the same time all those words. they kept going, he didnt see them, the lights were in his eyes. he threw his hands up in surrender, he had no choice. The men shouted at him in english, thankfully for him, he could speak it like an american.)

(The voices stopped, two men exitted from the gates weapons pointed at him. their weapons were nothing like standard issue for the allies. they looked similar to the STG-44 that his unit had.)

(The two men shouted at him, he complied, turned around, knelt, and put his hands on his crusher cap and let them take him, there was no point in fighting or running away. Their footsteps got closer. and he blacked out, he got knocked out and brought in. time has passed, he was unsure how much, but it was alot.

He woke up in a strange room, his hands were shackled to the table, his legs to the floor. his pistol holster was gone, but his uniform stayed the same. he looked around, saw two men in white and black. they had masks on, helmets, strange weaponry and symbols, then the door opened. a man in a white lab coat walked in and sat down with dossiers, and documents, some of which he had on his person)

Wolf: Where am i?, Who are you?, What year is it?, Where is my unit?
(The man sat down, shuffled his papers. put them on the table, and leaned forward with his hands clenched together on the table)

???: Hello there, Obersturmfuhrer...
(He checked his papers.)
Wolf?, Obersturmfuhrer Wolf. You're in our custody. Who we are does not matter, and your unit has.. been defeated ever since 1945. It's the year 2021 currently if you're wondering.
(The obersturmfuhrer recoiled in shock, his eyes widened, and looked around)

Wolf: What do you mean defeated?.. I Was just out there with them, we were fighting americans. they were all there behind me and with me, Tanks and all. It cant be... 2021? That's a thousand years in the future!, is the third reich still intact? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!
(He fumbled trying to escape, but his shackles kept him in place, he calmed down and looked at the man infront of him)
???: Well, i guess i can tell you, We are the SCP Foundation. Apparently, you traveled forward in time somehow someway. judging from, all this mess. Now we looked into your background, and apparently, You were part of the. ''SS Paranormal and Supernatural Division'' and you gained the ability of Pyrokinesis, and Electrokinesis. is that true?

(He sighed.)
Well look, We'll let you work for us, if you agree on letting us know about more, about your division and such around your time. Letting us research you and make you our human weapon and if you agree you dedicate your code of honor that the SS Once had to us. you know, ''My honor is called loyalty'' or something around those lines. In exchange, you'll be greatly rewarded with an immense salary. you get to live, and you get to be part of history, as you always wished to be, Deal?
(He looked down, took some time to think, looked at the man again, Took a deep breath. and nodded)
Okay, Fine. I Will.

=End of IC Section=

=OOC Section!=

Name for Character: Julius Wolf

Character Job Name: The Loyal One

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164211367

Discord Name and Tag: Sethy#9755

In-game Time: 3w 2d


Purpose of ???: To act as a big chance for researchers wanting to do extensive and detailed awesome ResearchRP, to act as Administration Guard due to his nature as a ''Honour And Fuhrer Guard'' in the past.

Loadout and Model of ???:

Male 09 Suited



1911 Pistol

Clearance 4 Keycard

Foundation and Administration Communications

Relations: Friendly to Foundation, Hostile to every other GOI except UIU.

Willing to listen to feedback and questions, Thank you!

Edited by Krueger
Clarified Stuff

Animated GIF

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