Mr Denny

Mr Denny MC&D Salesman Application

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Common Roleplay Name: Mr Denny

Steam Name: Denny

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71510807

Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): 4 Weeks 5 Days

Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.):

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I wish to join MC&D because of its neutrality to most threats and wars and trying to profit from any and all situations that arise, I wish to join MC&D for the passiveness of everything only ever seeking profits and expension of its business to make all wars over ovis city last as long as possible to increase the sales of weapons, drugs and influence over the city.

What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum): MC&D otherwise know as the club owns club all over London, New York and other well know citiess accross the world, the groups goal is to make profit above all else even at the promise of forsaking other GOI's for it, all of MCND's members secrecy is also a top priority.

Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?: Neutrality towards all wars and conflicts going on around them only seeking richs beyond measure, also there unmeasureable amount of resources at their disposal whenver it is required.

Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: I would try to covor for the organization and sacrifice my own life if I must in order to keep the organisations secracy safe if such measures are needed I would find the person and detain them and bring them in to make the work with me to undo their claims that I am part of MC&D and if that does not work I would be forced to kill them and work on undoing their claims.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes I have and understand them completely

Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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