
Little John's 2nd Unban request

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My In-Game name:
Little John


Steam Name:

What is the reason for your ban:
Using third-party software to gain an advantage in game

How long were you banned for:

Name of the staff member who banned you:

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:
I believe that if you give me a second chance, that I promise I wont throw away, ill be able to behave in accordance to the rules as I have done before; I have been apart of the community for 2-3 years without a single warn that entire time, until I made the stupid mistake of using an aimbot. I know I cant go back in time and change what I did, but I am hoping that if you give me another chance I can show that I can play seriously again and been apart of the community once more. I have no intention of minging on your server, and just really want to come back.

In my previous unban someone mentioned that because I was Dm'ing apolgies to people that would favour my unban request, and while i can see your reasoning, that was never my intention. I wanted to apologise to people as i know that i could of ruined there chances of getting into ARC and for lying to them, carrying that without at least apologising was a burden on my shoulders that I wanted to get off. Additionally, i attempted to join the server not long back to see who banned me, i had no clue about the server moving ip (how would I?) and it wasnt an attempt to try sneak on the server.


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Considering you has applied twice now, I think you really do want to play on the server. I can't say people won't look at you differently because of what you did but that is fair enough considering what you did. Just don't do anything stupid if you do happen to get unbanned.

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Shepard said it all he is very good boy 🙂

Also deserves a well enough chance as he is able to admit something i don't think many people would do his age as most people wouldnt be able to go up to someone and say he hacked. (I know he didnt do it immeadtly but over time he realised his mistakes and said sorry about it and realised how childish he was so i think a chance for him is imporant.)

Even if it ruined some people chances at getting ARC at the time they would still get it in the future if they did deserve it so it doesent really matter if he did cheat in the ARC eval as the people who did not get past thanks of him shouldve been able to make it in the future

Edited by Evilgejf


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1 minute ago, Evilgejf said:


Shepard said it all he is very good boy 🙂

I don't see how you are in the position to rate anybody. You literally got perm banned yesterday.

But anyway, I would say +1. It has been a long time, and you already have admit your mistakes. You are showing regret, and I think you deserve a second chance, even though I doubt that you will get anywhere on the server as you are a living meme on the server still. 

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- the fact you made 2 unban requests meaning you want to play the server.

- Now that you made an apology I am willing to +1 and how you have realised how it impacted others in the evals.

-It has been some time since you last appealed.

This is adding on what Ravolta said as he has got some valid points.


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+1 I feel like it’s probably been enough time for him to come back also shows dedication of getting unbanned as it’s his 2nd time and is also admitting and saying what you did. 

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Definitely more than 2 of these 

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First of all this is your 3rd unban request just to make this clear.

The first half of your apology is fine in my eyes, but second is not.

2 hours ago, Melon said:

i know that i could of ruined there chances of getting into ARC

Excuse me? You definitly don't want type this sentence in such a way. You did ruin it for everyone in that ARC evaluation including you own team, by using third party softwares. You didn't just "Could have ruin it for them".

2 hours ago, Melon said:

i attempted to join the server not long back to see who banned me, i had no clue about the server moving ip (how would I?) and it wasnt an attempt to try sneak on the server.

Now I highly doubt that you joined back the server right after the IP change by accident, since I didn't find anything about you being banned from the discord, you had an easy way of knowing when the IP changes. In the end I am gonna repeat the same thing as in your last request by someone, why? Why would you try to go on the server you are perma banned from, to find out who banned you? You could have just checked your first unban request, where you stated that it was Puggo who banned you.

Next time make sure to stay consistent with what you have typed in your previous unban requests and over overall the information in the request itself.


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Lied initally. Hacked on GMOD. Has the brain age of a child. 

Politely fuck off 



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In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you admit to using it now. You lied to the face of the Server Manager, Staff Manager and Deputy Staff Manager at the time and all of RC. You then continued to lie to your 'friends' months after by carrying on the lie of you simply using your arrow keys.. If you actually gave a shit about the server and the people you talked to on there then you wouldn't have hacked in the first place. With all due respect, the people +1ing weren't there on the day the incident happened and didn't experience how he acted after he was called out. You ruined multiple peoples enjoyment on the server and no one knows how long for. You could've been unfairly shitting on ECs for months and we only realised because you used it in the one situation that you are actually watched in.

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As mentioned above

You lied to SMT, darkerblue and jock? in that eval aswell as disrespected all of them when you were told you would get banned

I was there in the eval, pain came in shouting at whoever was hacking in which you replied in looc with "lol imagine hacking on gmod" or something along the line. Pain cuffs you, drag you away from the mando and therr they start asking you if you hacked or not, in which you, again lied and lied all over. At the end, after knowing that they caught you, you decided to disrespect all of them and especially jock who was trying with the rest of SMT to tell you not to lie as it will make it worse for you if i recall

But to be fair. It has been quite sometime now and i think you learnt yohr lesson, so a second chance could be fair netural for now.

Edited by Victor

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2 hours ago, Evilgejf said:


Shepard said it all he is very good boy 🙂

You can't talk in communitys you been permabanned from


He literally hacking in a gmod server to pass arc trials. then lied, multiple times infront of RC and still expects to get unbanned. lol







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In my own opinion I think -1. I think that there's a lot of different factors when considering this unban request. I also want to clarify and mention that I was in his team when this accident happened but that won´t mean I´ll be biased but instead I might bring a different point of view on this conversation. 


Firstly when you did the actual ARC sim you were taunting and writing different insults to the other team we were playing against at the same time which shows that you weren't mature at the time even though you were cheating which has led me to believe you can't act mature and be friendly towards other players. 


To continue on that point right before your ARC eval you did try to blackmail someone in your regiment which shows what kind of person you were at the time. The fact that you would be willing or consider blackmailing someone in your regiment shows more of your characteristics. Someone can always change which I'm willing to believe you might have done but it's still always a risk of it happening again. 


The fact that you don't know that it's your third unban request and that this one was posted relatively close to the other one (3 months). I lalso don't think you put in that much effort into it. You did apologise but you also lied to SMT, your friends and everyone for months after it happened because you cheated in an ARC evaluation. You had the chance to tell them or your friends the truth but you didn't.


With the comments that you ruined our chances of getting ARC, I would disagree. Instead you ruined our experience because we never got the chance to actually play and try our best and for the other team as well. They were so confused throughout the entire game on why you could see them behind trees or buildinga as some of them PM:ed me in game. I had multiple people ask me during the ARC evaluation if I was cheating by turning off the trees or anything similiar in game because they felt like someone was cheating due to the unfair circumstances (I wasn´t just to point that out as I barely got any kills during that game and it´s just absurd to want to cheat on GMOD). I barely got the chance to see the enemies before they were killed off by you and even though we won, at least in my point of view I wasn´t having fun which a game should be about. Not cheating because you want a rank inside the game.

Edited by Nesta

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Pepe PNG Images, Free Transparent Pepe Download , Page 5 - KindPNG
be me 
Downloads gmod 

Plays on SWRP
Learns about ARC eval
Thinks that he can get into ARC 
Doesnt get in
Thinks his life choices and thinks it is unfair for him
Downloads Aimbot
someone learns about the aimbot and threathen him with blackmail

the Second Arc Eval Happens 
Aimbot works 😄
Slaps the enemy team down
gets cocky and insults the enemy team
gets into ARC 
cheer and insult the enemy team in OOC

proceeds to lie to SMT 

admins learn
the pull me and they say Im going to get banned

baby fit time

disrespects staff 

gets perma banned

makes 1st unban request 


2nd time 

denies that he is using hacks and causes massive backclash

ı jUsT uSeD aRrOw kEyS

3rd time is the charm

still gets -1's 
doesnt realise he ruined multiple peoples chance of getting into ARC


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There's a lot of controversy surrounding this topic, people wouldn't mind you getting unbanned and others want you to stay banned.

The reason I am +1'ing this unban request is that you do seem apologetic and you didn't have any previous warns before this specific incident happened, it was a ridiculous thing to do but you have apologized to people for possibly ruining their chances at getting ARC and taking the fun out of it. Maybe after all this time you have properly realized the mistakes you have made and wish to return the community for a good reason.

If you do get unbanned there would have to be a close eye kept on you for a while to make sure that you are actually going to take it seriously and not use hacks or clients to put yourself in a position higher than anyone else unfairly and follow the server rules and if you didn't comply to the rules the the ban would be reinstated.

Best of luck.

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Hopefully going through puberty has made you more mature.
I'd say yes you have learned and changed but its not up to me.
Good luck!

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Are you that fucking retarded? Imagine using Exploits in the literal most serious part of the SWRP Roleplay - an ARC Eval, and then thinking you will get unbanned...?

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+1 you might of hacked and lied, but i reckon if youre kept on a leash for a while, but as a former minecraft hacker, i reckon after a first ban he wouldnt even get a warn and 

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