
SAHID Ep Application

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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link:  Lasahidou3

Roleplay Name: 501st PVT SAHID

Teamspeak Name: SAHID

Playtime on the Server:2W and 1day

SteamID (

Any experience in staffing: Negative

Current Age:17

Warns/Bans: 7 warn 

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes it’s working good 

Event Plan:

1- Battalion would call for a briefing where he will inform the clones that they have been called to maintain the safety of the dark and mysterious underworld of coruscant but it is calmer than usual so they can relax a bit 

2- Cartel members dressed as civilian would then open fire on some of the clones , the shootout location will be chosen by the EP

3- The regiments will then have to show that they are capable of regrouping thanks to team work and coordination and they will have to push in the cartel hq that will be found thanks to the clone that are following the flying cartel members

4- The regiments will then push into the cartel hq and try to kill the leader of the organization or try to negotiate an arrest 

Map: Coruscant Underworld 

Enemies, HP, Amount: Cartel members , around 1200 hp and about 10-15 cartel members 

Passive, HP, Amount: Clone of the grand army of the republic , the hp that they already have , the people of the servers for the amount 

Republic's Execution:
All the troops will be stationed all around the map when some are attacked by some cartel of the underworld of courscant , regiments will have to rally up and like coordination and team work would be tested out

Event Character Execution:
The cartel members will be dressed as normal civilians of the underworld and they will at a precise moment fire at some stationed troop doing some checkpoints or other rp actions.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:


What was your event and was it successfully executed?:

Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, the responsibility are to plan events for the people to enjoy and to maintain order during the event 

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: yes i do 

Anything else?:Nothing 

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+1 give him a trial week


Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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2 minutes ago, lasahidou3 said:

Please beg my pardon I forgot to put my steam I’d and profile link

here they are : steam I’d 76561198189383687

steam profile link

Your SteamID is this Sahid:  STEAM_0:1:114558979


Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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Low rank

Low playtime

Application lacks detail

Try and rank up and stay in one regiment for awhile.

Good luck.

    Current Ranks                            Past Ranks
          SCP-RP Manager                                                IRP Manager
                                                                              IRP Event Manager

                                                                         CWRP Senior Event Planner

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- It lacks detail and it feels like it´s been done before

- You recently resigned from the server but came back which shows you might not have the dedication you need to have as an EP. You were also recently blacklisted from 74th due to the fact that you joined for 5 minutes and then left which can also strengthen this point. 

- You currently have a low playtime and a low rank. Try to stay on the server for a longer time and get a higher playtime and rank. 

Current Ranks


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Sahid im sorry but you dont take the server seriously and you jump between reg's quite alot if you stuck in one reg for a while i would have a different opinion i reckon

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I don't think your app is quite ready for EP , However I do see aspects of the of this app having good potential. I can see the idea of your event, I just think with some more explaining and more detail into the app I think this could honestly be a good event idea.

I know people say Sahid doesn't take the server seriously but I honestly think in this EP app I think he means it and has tried to take it seriously. Sadly -1 but I can see and like the intention of the idea.

Edited by Solaire



dance yoda.gif

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Your a great guy & lots of people love you

I believe if your application was more detailed and spend a little more time on it you could make it into EP in the future.

Clone Rank
 DU CPL Lannister | GC SGT Lannister

Jedi Rank
Jedi Guardian Lannister | Jedi Blade Warrior Lannister

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Everyone’s said everything already. 

Why tf is evilgejf still commenting on people’s apps

𝙍𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙
104th ET - 04/05/21 - ??/??/??
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 06/02/21 - ??/??/??



Previous Ranks:
35𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘖𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳
212𝘵𝘩/𝘚𝘛 𝘊𝘗𝘛
𝘑𝘦𝘥𝘪 𝘗𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 - 05/09/20 - 23/04/21

𝘋𝘜 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 - 26/07/20 - 03/05/21


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First of all, can a SMT member please mute Evilgeif and ban him from the discord.

Second , the applicant doesn’t take this type of things serious which is shown within the battalion applications but also in general forum usage and discord usage.

You are a great person and liked within the community but you can’t just expect to apply for everything as a joke.







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Unfortunately you have not been picked for Event Planner this time round. Feel free to reapply net time apps are open.

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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