John Killvel I Sammy

Sammy's Staff Application

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Name: Sammy

What country are you from?: United Kingdome

How well do you speak and understand English?: Its my native language

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60231685

In-Game name(s): I normally go J Killvel but I will change the name depending on what role I am currently playing as

Age: 21 at the time of writing this

Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 5w 6d at the time of righting this

Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Not at the moment but I am planning on buying Platinum VIP

Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do have a microphone

Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yes, recently installed for Nu7 roleplay

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): I believe you should pick me as I have got past experience as a staff member on a multitude of servers, I also was staff back in V1/V2 of the server and at that time I had 5w 5d from what I remember

You should pick me over other applicants because I have learnt to keep a level head whist dealing with staff situations and will keep a calm and professional manner in all cases, I also will not let any personal relations get in the way of dealing with any punishments or sits I will end up encountering.

I know this section may be short but I honestly believe with the past experience I have running and staffing servers alike that i will be a great staff member for SCP-RP and will do my very best to deal with situations that come my way no matter how annoying or complicated it will turn out to be at the time. During my time online I have ran Minecraft server, staffed on Team Fortress 2 and Garry's mod servers, during this time I have banned/kicked and warned people that I called fiends, I lost people over it but others understand that i was doing my job as a staff member for the servers

I may seem like an argent individual at times but i always lessen to both sides of the situation before pulling a trigger, no matter if I have a personal issue with them before the sit that will be put aside to deal with the situation and deal the appropriate punishment's that needs go to the offending party.

I know this application might be short but I am dyslexic so have to use some spell check apps to help me and it is also hard for me to think of things to wright down when having to do paragraphs, I hope you will look past this and look at the experience and the amount I am willing to do as a staff member for SCP-RP

If any proof needed then I will be more than willing to send screenshots, this will only be able to be done for time or warns as I no longer have screenshots from that time

How long will you be able to play per day?: This will depend on my collage/work time tables and will very week to week

Any past experience as staff?: I have got past experience as staff on Team Fortress 2 servers, Minecraft and Garry's mod servers, this will be running and being an actual staff member.

As I mentioned in a previous answer I was a staff member back in in V1/V2 of the server, during that time i went by the name Claymore and tbh this was not my favorite time as the name I had out of roleplay was getting bombarded with scammers trying to get me to sell items from my inventory or they were trying to get me to give them accesses to my account.

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): Thankfully I have got 0 warning on the server.

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Yes i know the basic ULX commands but I will need to get use to using them again

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): SCP-RP is about a SCP site in a small city, they contain a multitude of SCPs but sadly they do break containment, this is where the SCPs have some time to kill people outside their containment chamber, the foundation based in this city also have to deal with raids from group of interest and at times there will be a containment breach can acore during the raids mentioned.

The entities that are contained at the site can cause an XK class and of the world scenario, such as SCP-008 or SCP-173 if its camber is not cleaned on a biweekly bases as the substents that is leaked from the know SCP could possibly be the source of its duplication abilities.

You are able to play as any of the groups and individuals on the server, granted some are whitelist or donator but you are always able to apply to gain the ability to play it or donate to the server

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: Yes I have read the rules of SCP-RP and understand them to their fullest extent. I will do my best to enforce them if you pick me as a staff member

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7 hours ago, Matthew Wickers said:

-1 App itself is not good, I haven't really seen you that much, Maybe take some 1-2 months and make some reputation around the server and fix your app and you might have a chance.

If this application gets denied I will wait about 3 month and do what you said and hair the reputation

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32 minutes ago, Sammy said:

Indigo_ I don't know what you mean, there's nothing wrong with being from the UK is there?


I think he means the way you spelled UK.

Usually do not tend to +1/-1 on staff applications or unban requests, therefore I am NEUTRAL

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Just now, Kabasch said:

I think he means the way you spelled UK.

Usually do not tend to +1/-1 on staff applications or unban requests, therefore I am NEUTRAL

oh my mistake, I am dyslexic and I might of miss spelt about 80% of the words in this application but I will try better with the spelling next time

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Well for what is worth I will say that the application itself is pretty solid despite the grammatical errors. It's a good application and tbh I don't mind that you might make mistakes here and there as long as the message is understood.
On the other hand though, I've only seen you like a couple of times and I can't say that I know you. I will stay Neutral for this, but if you manage to get a bit more of a reputation I think you could make it.
Sadly not everyone is from V1 or V2 as you have stated so yeah... you need to stand out a bit :).

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21 minutes ago, Mile Kevas said:

Well for what is worth I will say that the application itself is pretty solid despite the grammatical errors. It's a good application and tbh I don't mind that you might make mistakes here and there as long as the message is understood.
On the other hand though, I've only seen you like a couple of times and I can't say that I know you. I will stay Neutral for this, but if you manage to get a bit more of a reputation I think you could make it.
Sadly not everyone is from V1 or V2 as you have stated so yeah... you need to stand out a bit :).

Ye everyone beside from one or 2 people from that time have left the community so my reputation would of left at that time with them

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yikes -1

Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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SMT feels like you should reintegrate yourself into the community more & get a little bit more active, before applying. Build up a name.

🇺🇸 Riley Windrunner 🇺🇸

SCP-RP Staff Manager


Lead of A-1

O5-6 "The American"

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